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Topic: the truth about marijuana  (Read 12254 times)


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #45 on: September 02, 2010, 09:29:11 pm »
If you were prescribed xanax, fine. If you HAVE to have it to function you are dependent on it.
If you were prescribed marijuana fine. If you HAVE to have it function you are dependent on it.

What are you looking for me to say here?


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #47 on: September 02, 2010, 09:59:09 pm »
Addiction to marijuana depends on each individual persons tolerance and will power for it. Some people can use it every day then drop it and never pick it up again  others use it every day and believe they can not go with out it. The main reason for this is because for most people it takes there cares and worries away for a while.

Just as each person will react differently towards it. As I said before though you have to be careful people do lace it with other drugs and that can give you quite a bit of a different experience. Just as I found out I can not smoke it and drink alcohol at the same time I freak out but either by their selves I have no problem with. I enjoy the layed back feeling it gives me. I stay stressed out so much over finances and bills and worry about the ones I love I can not even relxax to sleep. Marijuana changes that for me. No I do not smoke it all the time to me it is some thing I feel like I have to earn or when my asthma gets to bad.

In fact last time I smoked marijuana was 2 years ago and found out it was laced with cocaine after the fact. I did not like the experience and feelings I went thru at the time. I had no control over my body and am glad there were only 2 others there and they did nothing to me.After that experience I only trust a select few.


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #48 on: September 02, 2010, 10:12:38 pm »
How is inhaling ANY kind of smoke into your lungs healthy?
And I said the EFFECTS of weed can be addictive. People get addicted to the rush of danger...and become danger junkies. Or addicted to sex, people can get addicted to all kinds of things that in and of themselves are not addictive. The substance itself isn't addictive....the effects on the person is addictive.

If you need to smoke something to make you normal....I would say you are addicted to the effects of it.
i agree. if people took time to understand somethin before doing it. the outcome would be 1000 times better. if one understands weed and the concept and nature of it. it can be used properly. Its not physically addictive


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #49 on: September 02, 2010, 10:57:32 pm »
pass the doritos


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #50 on: September 03, 2010, 03:36:56 am »
pass the doritos

frosted sugar cookies  :thumbsup:


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #51 on: September 03, 2010, 07:57:49 am »
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #52 on: September 03, 2010, 08:33:47 am »
According to the American Medical Association and the American Society of Addiction Medicine, drug addiction differs from drug dependence. Not all people with physical dependence to a drug will go on to develop addiction. It is believed that certain individuals are predisposed or vulnerable to addiction based on biological, psychological and social influences.

Addiction will usually make a person seek out a drug, go to different doctors to obtain a drug, in the case of prescriptions, and will usually alter a person's life in order for them to obtain the said drug. Many people are dependent on medications to get them through their daily lives, but they take them as prescribed/do not abuse them by taking more than prescribed. Dependence on certain drugs will definitely cause with withdrawal symptoms, but the difference lies in them no longer wanting the drug once they are done with it.

I am not speaking specifically on marijuana here, but wanted to say there IS a difference between  'dependence' and 'addiction'.

edited for typos
« Last Edit: September 03, 2010, 09:19:32 am by jordandog »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #53 on: September 03, 2010, 04:19:39 pm »
Hemp is a plant, not a drug. if it is a drug. then so is green tea. there is a dfference between natural cures and drugs. I believe god put a cure for every sickness we can get on this earth. even cocaine is a plant. god put it here for pain relief, however if you use it without feeling pain, you get high and become addicted. god made it like that to prevent abuse of the things he put here for us. cannabis is no exception. if you misuse it, there are concequences. marijuana has too many uses to list. but god put it here for us. it is not a narcotic


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #54 on: September 09, 2010, 09:24:06 am »

not exactly. most normal people don't force people to do things to get what they want. weed is not addictive and therefore had no impact on his rationality

You're right; he wasn't normal people, and obviously not rational.  However, it was his want of weed that caused the situation.  I stand by my statement.
yea.. but this guy probably would have acted no different over the want of cupcakes, does that make cupcakes wrong or the person wantng them..?


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #55 on: September 09, 2010, 09:32:48 am »
Here let me get deep and personal K..I have a alcoholic mother and a pot head father so lucky me LMAO..Any ways My mom was abusive ,she was two different people,she was not a parent I was a parent to her..And my dad was laid back and chill BUT was a parent his use of Pot only made him silly to me as a kid it chilled him out he was up-tight when not high..Now my mom went into a drunkin stupor and well lets say my dad left the state in fear of my wacked out mom..Now I am sorry but I would rather have a world of lazy potheads then screwed up alcoholics my mom still is a alcoholic and is still batty as all hell and health wise well she is not good..So hmm we legalize alcohol that causes more damage and harm but not pot..Seems dumb to me


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #56 on: September 09, 2010, 09:37:34 am »
Here let me get deep and personal K..I have a alcoholic mother and a pot head father so lucky me LMAO..Any ways My mom was abusive ,she was two different people,she was not a parent I was a parent to her..And my dad was laid back and chill BUT was a parent his use of Pot only made him silly to me as a kid it chilled him out he was up-tight when not high..Now my mom went into a drunkin stupor and well lets say my dad left the state in fear of my wacked out mom..Now I am sorry but I would rather have a world of lazy potheads then screwed up alcoholics my mom still is a alcoholic and is still batty as all hell and health wise well she is not good..So hmm we legalize alcohol that causes more damage and harm but not pot..Seems dumb to me
If weed were legal it would save us from the recession


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #57 on: September 09, 2010, 09:47:13 am »


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #58 on: September 09, 2010, 10:02:29 am »
Here let me get deep and personal K..I have a alcoholic mother and a pot head father so lucky me LMAO..Any ways My mom was abusive ,she was two different people,she was not a parent I was a parent to her..And my dad was laid back and chill BUT was a parent his use of Pot only made him silly to me as a kid it chilled him out he was up-tight when not high..Now my mom went into a drunkin stupor and well lets say my dad left the state in fear of my wacked out mom..Now I am sorry but I would rather have a world of lazy potheads then screwed up alcoholics my mom still is a alcoholic and is still batty as all hell and health wise well she is not good..So hmm we legalize alcohol that causes more damage and harm but not pot..Seems dumb to me

I completely agree with you!! Although I am sorry for the circumstances. But your right, legalizing alcohol but making pot illegal is just dumb.
That which can be asserted without evidence, can be dismissed without evidence.

You can't reason someone out of a position they didn't reason themselves into in the first place.


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Re: the truth about marijuana
« Reply #59 on: September 09, 2010, 10:07:28 am »
Here let me get deep and personal K..I have a alcoholic mother and a pot head father so lucky me LMAO..Any ways My mom was abusive ,she was two different people,she was not a parent I was a parent to her..And my dad was laid back and chill BUT was a parent his use of Pot only made him silly to me as a kid it chilled him out he was up-tight when not high..Now my mom went into a drunkin stupor and well lets say my dad left the state in fear of my wacked out mom..Now I am sorry but I would rather have a world of lazy potheads then screwed up alcoholics my mom still is a alcoholic and is still batty as all hell and health wise well she is not good..So hmm we legalize alcohol that causes more damage and harm but not pot..Seems dumb to me

I completely agree with you!! Although I am sorry for the circumstances. But your right, legalizing alcohol but making pot illegal is just dumb.

Thank you sflynt..Don't be sorry my circumstances made me who I am and I am happy and a AWESOME person for it LOL..I learned alot fast which helped me be a better rounded adult..

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