But do you think it becomes a obsession and unhealthy in some peoples hands??
I think religion can become an obsession. However, I believe there is a difference between dedicating your life to a religion and religion becoming an unhealthy obsession. Many religions (including Christianity) have love at the heart of them, and love is the most powerful thing a person can and should preach.
How are you sure it is not a obsession for you??
I can't be. I don't think it is, but that doesn't mean everyone else agrees. I try to live my life doing the best I can and being the best person I can be, but I falter. My morals come from my interpretation of the Tanakh, but I don't carry around a Hebrew to English version of the book and consult it when faced with an issue.
What if you found out tomorrow the ways you try to bring people to your religion were harmful to that person or harmful for your fight to have them convert??
I don't try to convert, so I guess this isn't an issue for me. But, I see people like Annella and Sherene who are in a religion that seeks out converts, and I don't see them actively trying to bring people to Christianity. They see someone who has a question, and they answer it, and they share their religious views. (My 2 cents,
