I agree with Amy here (whoa, brain rush on that one...lol, its like I'm totally agreeing with myself
). There is a certain age when it does become wrong for child nudity...but there are certain ages where it really isn't an issue...especially when photographing above the waist. My daughter's birth announcements were actually nudes.
I think the line here is that up to a certain age, we don't see children as sexual creatures, and therefore there really is not an issue with nudity.
As we are both parents we understand this!! I have tons of pics of my girls taking baths together when they were much littler, I actually have a video of my oldest when she was first starting to use the potty. Its milestones, as my kids get older I can look back on these possessions and remember how happy and proud of themselves they were. I also know that they will enjoy these when they themselves have children. To look back and see how close they were!
And where would we as parents have stuff to embarrass our kids with on first dates if it weren't for bare baby bottom pics!!!
Marie, my daughter is in the process of potty training and we give her naked time at home (in fact...she's had naked time since birth to help with bladder control and prevent diaper rash, and my child's never had diaper rash). If a friend comes over, I'm not going to change her routine. And, again, there is a difference between topless at two years old and topless at twelve years old.
A friend of mine brought her boyfriend over one night in the middle of winter, and when I was giving my daughter a bath, he went outside and refused to come back inside until she was fully clothed. This weirded me out a bit. Babies are innocent; if someone sees something perverse in a baby's nudity, they are the ones with the problem, IMO.