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Topic: Why do Christians hate atheists?  (Read 66494 times)


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #270 on: August 29, 2010, 06:53:18 pm »
Oh and you also make fun of christians beliefs.

OK...I'll bite.

I'm not a Christian, and I don't make fun of Christians' beliefs...yet I haven't been attacked.

Its not all black and white here.  

Christianity and Jesus Christ are more offensive to people than any other religion or belief.

Except for Islam, apparently.   ::)

Read my above posts.  Don't own something that's not yours.  I distinctly made the difference between various people on here.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #271 on: August 29, 2010, 06:55:25 pm »
There is a difference between self righteous anger and righteous anger.

For example, a recent thread I started posting a video where an old lady threw a live cat in a trash can. I have every right to be angry at such actions. Her actions were cruel and there is no justification. If I am angry enough to search her out and send hate mail...that is not okay. The bible says, be angry and sin not.

The reason some Christians are coming out and saying they won't be doormats is because, (I think) there is been too much Christian bashing going on. Threads get started with the sole purpose of saying how horrible and stupid Christians are. Queen started a post about (Logical reasons against God or something like that) a thread meant to bash the Christian God and the delusional people who believe in Him. She also has a thread (shameful Christian behavior) (if I were a Christian I would claim this as proof of God's existence) some older ones that were current when I first signed up...recently we have (Hell an unattended stove) where at the end of the post it says we make God look like a maniac and ourselves look like thoughtless dolts. Or how about (evidence for design...moronic design).

Where are the threads saying Atheists are delusional.....rid the world of atheism before it destroys the nation....this is a one way Christian bashing street and I think people are getting tired of it. Everyone keeps saying, "hey Christians, stop trying to convert people, let people believe what they want and leave them alone" and then they go and start threads about why people shouldn't believe in God. Is this being hypocritical or isn't it?

The definition of doormat is someone who offers little resistance to being mistreated. There has been a lot of mistreatment of Christians in this forum and with no provocation.

Not saying you did this to anyone or to me jordan but I was prejudged in this forum simply by posts making it obvious I was a Christian. It wasn't until later I proved I wasn't a thoughtless dolt that any non Christian person was willing to give me the time of day or consider anything I had to say important.

Ugly, but true.
I see what you are getting at but I think there is something more to this then what you are seeing or perhaps what you are willing to admit.
I have mentioned this before, but seriously think about it, everyone one of the regulars here know that I am not a agnostic/atheist, however, so far I have never received one hateful or negetive post from them.......why?
I have a suspicion but very well could be totally off base, so, why don't we ask them just for academic purposes.

Falconer.....Queen......what gives here?
Why do some believers receive your wrath while others like myself have not?

I think this will be very revealing in perspectives we initiate.

You have been very outspoken WITH qon, and falconer02 about Christians.  You have made it clear that your on their boat.  I have addressed you one on one about your people, even trying to find out if what your alleging is true, but it wasn't long until you blasted me on another thread.  Made a sexual innuendo about me and another Christian woman on this forum, provided me with a "laughing Jackass" Trophy for forgetting to insert 2 words into a post to make my meaning clearer.

This kind of behavior has been going on to us Christians day in and day out.  You view us as weak and able to take all you dish out, even though we have done NOTHING to deserve it.  Tell me, do we not have the right to defend our belief?  You certainly defend yours Walksalone.

The minute one of us decides to take a stand, then we're attacked as not being loving or mild mannered.  In my position, I love everyone, you can believe it or not, I forgive everyone, believe it or not, BUT, I will not stand by and see you tromp on my family, when they have done NOTHING!!!
On there boat? lmao give me a break, I don't jump on others boats, but if I did, I get the sense that they are very fun loving and laid back people, I doubt we would be disrupting our party barge by obsessing on anyones Religion.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #272 on: August 29, 2010, 06:55:48 pm »
Oh and you also make fun of christians beliefs.

OK...I'll bite.

I'm not a Christian, and I don't make fun of Christians' beliefs...yet I haven't been attacked.

Its not all black and white here.  

Christianity and Jesus Christ are more offensive to people than any other religion or belief.

Except for Islam, apparently.   ::)

Read my above posts.  Don't own something that's not yours.  I distinctly made the difference between various people on here.

Oh, I was replying to Marie.  I was just commenting that I haven't been attacked, either, but I'm not anti-Christian.  I wasn't owning anything, or at least I thought I wasn't... lol


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #273 on: August 29, 2010, 06:57:05 pm »
I'm sure not picking at jcribb here, just pointing out some things about the points mentioned in the post.   I think non-Believers have every right to take offense to things Believers say to them especially if that Believer knows what they stand for and still keep on & on antagonizing them.  Non-Believers don't have to follow the Bible, Bible-believers Do...or they're supposed to.  It might be offensive when an atheist says they don't believe in God, my best friend (atheist) told me once "I HATE your God", that was extremely offensive & hurtful--- yet I later realized I'm just as offensive to them when I talk about "God-things" after they've made it clear they have NO interest.  Non-Believers don't force Believers to read or respond to their posts.  Christians are supposed to be strong. Many preachers believe we are living in the end times and it won't be long before Christians that have been saying "I believe, I believe" will have to prove it facing persecution.  If a few atheists can get Christians so offended all the time on just a forum, if Christians can't take a few insults...a "joke" "offense"...a questioning of their "mental state"'s those Christians going to fare when having to face REAL persecution?   :dontknow:   
and vice versa, sheryl


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #274 on: August 29, 2010, 06:58:49 pm »
Isn't there something about 'turning the other cheek'? I realize fully that religion will always be a hot topic, but it seems lately there is an awful lot of self righteous anger coming out of a few christian people on here. I have not totally bashed anyone's beliefs, show me where if you think I have, but I have seen some very salty replies from a certain few on here and it makes no sense to me. (I am not referring to any discourse between myself and one person - let's leave that out of it, I know what I have said to her and it has been based on her own words.) What I am getting at is the steam that seems to be building up as a result of placing someone on a pedestal as if they can say or do no wrong. That just doesn't seem right if you are coming from that place of 'love and light', is it? Recently I have seen the "we are not doormats" quite a few times. That's right, no one is a doormat, christian, atheist, or whatever. But to say things like "don't tell me there is no god, how offensive to say god doesn't exist", etc. - not right.

I think Sheryl said it very well in her post. If I told you right now that I believed Donald Trump was god, pointed out all the things in books he has written and also all things written about him, told you all it was belief in him that was going to save me, what would happen? I'm fairly certain I would get some very fervent backlash on that one! But if I honestly felt that way, in every cell and fiber of my being, than any and all of you could disgree with me and I wouldn't care. Why? Because I would be just as strong as anyone else in what they do or don't believe.

There are more christians than agnostic or atheists who post on here in D&D and the numbers seem to be growing lately with a few new posters. It is almost as if there's a 'force' building here and it is starting to get downright mean. Almost as if a 'believer' can say whatever they want without reprimand from anyone on here because they have 'god on their side'. sherna mentioned the anger and I would tend to agree with that because just about every person alive experiences that feeling at some time. What I am seeing more and more of though is that 'self righteous anger', as I said above, and that doesn't fly, sorry.
but yet you think it's right for them to tell me there is no god.  double standards.........


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #275 on: August 29, 2010, 06:59:20 pm »

I owe you an apology because I thought it was you posting in the cooking thread.  It was Tanttrica.  Sometimes I transpose letters.  It's something I've done all my life.  I sincerely apologize if I offended you.  I'll double check next time.

I can't tell you how many times I've transposed something and gotten myself in hot water......again.....I apologize.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #276 on: August 29, 2010, 07:04:48 pm »
Oh and you also make fun of christians beliefs.

OK...I'll bite.

I'm not a Christian, and I don't make fun of Christians' beliefs...yet I haven't been attacked.

Its not all black and white here.  

Christianity and Jesus Christ are more offensive to people than any other religion or belief.

Except for Islam, apparently.   ::)

Read my above posts.  Don't own something that's not yours.  I distinctly made the difference between various people on here.

Oh, I was replying to Marie.  I was just commenting that I haven't been attacked, either, but I'm not anti-Christian.  I wasn't owning anything, or at least I thought I wasn't... lol

And I was answering your post.  Since you posted on the forum for all to see, I was answering that I made a distinct difference between those passive, and those who want to attack Christians.  


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #277 on: August 29, 2010, 07:07:42 pm »
There is a difference between self righteous anger and righteous anger.

For example, a recent thread I started posting a video where an old lady threw a live cat in a trash can. I have every right to be angry at such actions. Her actions were cruel and there is no justification. If I am angry enough to search her out and send hate mail...that is not okay. The bible says, be angry and sin not.

The reason some Christians are coming out and saying they won't be doormats is because, (I think) there is been too much Christian bashing going on. Threads get started with the sole purpose of saying how horrible and stupid Christians are. Queen started a post about (Logical reasons against God or something like that) a thread meant to bash the Christian God and the delusional people who believe in Him. She also has a thread (shameful Christian behavior) (if I were a Christian I would claim this as proof of God's existence) some older ones that were current when I first signed up...recently we have (Hell an unattended stove) where at the end of the post it says we make God look like a maniac and ourselves look like thoughtless dolts. Or how about (evidence for design...moronic design).

Where are the threads saying Atheists are delusional.....rid the world of atheism before it destroys the nation....this is a one way Christian bashing street and I think people are getting tired of it. Everyone keeps saying, "hey Christians, stop trying to convert people, let people believe what they want and leave them alone" and then they go and start threads about why people shouldn't believe in God. Is this being hypocritical or isn't it?

The definition of doormat is someone who offers little resistance to being mistreated. There has been a lot of mistreatment of Christians in this forum and with no provocation.

Not saying you did this to anyone or to me jordan but I was prejudged in this forum simply by posts making it obvious I was a Christian. It wasn't until later I proved I wasn't a thoughtless dolt that any non Christian person was willing to give me the time of day or consider anything I had to say important.

Ugly, but true.

Oh, Sherna, you put it so much better than I ever could......little jewel :heart:


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #278 on: August 29, 2010, 07:09:58 pm »

I owe you an apology because I thought it was you posting in the cooking thread.  It was Tanttrica.  Sometimes I transpose letters.  It's something I've done all my life.  I sincerely apologize if I offended you.  I'll double check next time.

I can't tell you how many times I've transposed something and gotten myself in hot water......again.....I apologize.
It's okay, and an apology was really not necessary. We all make mistakes in life. I just found myself getting deeper and deeper in anger with a fellow fc member and her sayings. But it did mean allot that you acknowledged this. Thank you.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #279 on: August 29, 2010, 07:16:29 pm »

I owe you an apology because I thought it was you posting in the cooking thread.  It was Tanttrica.  Sometimes I transpose letters.  It's something I've done all my life.  I sincerely apologize if I offended you.  I'll double check next time.

I can't tell you how many times I've transposed something and gotten myself in hot water......again.....I apologize.
It's okay, and an apology was really not necessary. We all make mistakes in life. I just found myself getting deeper and deeper in anger with a fellow fc member and her sayings. But it did mean allot that you acknowledged this. Thank you.
Amy, I like your picture.. You have a nice family!


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #280 on: August 29, 2010, 07:17:34 pm »
Isn't there something about 'turning the other cheek'? I realize fully that religion will always be a hot topic, but it seems lately there is an awful lot of self righteous anger coming out of a few christian people on here. I have not totally bashed anyone's beliefs, show me where if you think I have, but I have seen some very salty replies from a certain few on here and it makes no sense to me. (I am not referring to any discourse between myself and one person - let's leave that out of it, I know what I have said to her and it has been based on her own words.) What I am getting at is the steam that seems to be building up as a result of placing someone on a pedestal as if they can say or do no wrong. That just doesn't seem right if you are coming from that place of 'love and light', is it? Recently I have seen the "we are not doormats" quite a few times. That's right, no one is a doormat, christian, atheist, or whatever. But to say things like "don't tell me there is no god, how offensive to say god doesn't exist", etc. - not right.

I think Sheryl said it very well in her post. If I told you right now that I believed Donald Trump was god, pointed out all the things in books he has written and also all things written about him, told you all it was belief in him that was going to save me, what would happen? I'm fairly certain I would get some very fervent backlash on that one! But if I honestly felt that way, in every cell and fiber of my being, than any and all of you could disgree with me and I wouldn't care. Why? Because I would be just as strong as anyone else in what they do or don't believe.

There are more christians than agnostic or atheists who post on here in D&D and the numbers seem to be growing lately with a few new posters. It is almost as if there's a 'force' building here and it is starting to get downright mean. Almost as if a 'believer' can say whatever they want without reprimand from anyone on here because they have 'god on their side'. sherna mentioned the anger and I would tend to agree with that because just about every person alive experiences that feeling at some time. What I am seeing more and more of though is that 'self righteous anger', as I said above, and that doesn't fly, sorry.

No one is mean.  You words are meant to put us Christians in a bad light.  If there are more Christians on here posting, maybe they are finally getting a chance to post for their side.

Everybody that's been put on the spot, turns to the turn the other cheek adage.  There are other scriptures that tell us to also give an answer of the hope that is within us, Be angry and sin not, answer a fool in his folly.  Just to name a few.

I'm sorry you don't like what is happening.  Your taking words and using them against Christian, just like you've always done.  Now you don't like when we finally have enough, and we are finally saying something about the verbal abuse that has been prevalent, every since I've been on don't like it.

You used the words "there's a force building here".  Or maybe you liked the "force" that was on here before?  I guess you would rather see Christians "bashed", and have them say nothing.  That seems to be the consensus.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #281 on: August 29, 2010, 07:22:53 pm »

I owe you an apology because I thought it was you posting in the cooking thread.  It was Tanttrica.  Sometimes I transpose letters.  It's something I've done all my life.  I sincerely apologize if I offended you.  I'll double check next time.

I can't tell you how many times I've transposed something and gotten myself in hot water......again.....I apologize.
It's okay, and an apology was really not necessary. We all make mistakes in life. I just found myself getting deeper and deeper in anger with a fellow fc member and her sayings. But it did mean allot that you acknowledged this. Thank you.
Amy, I like your picture.. You have a nice family!
Thank you, my oldest daughter just noticed my new pic and got kind of upset so I will be changing it to have my husband and both our girls in the picture. LOL kids are so funny!


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #282 on: August 29, 2010, 07:23:46 pm »
I'm a little put out by the arguments about Christians vs. non Christians.

walksalone: If I ever said anything and I mean ANYTHING that implied that I think I'm better than you, that I hate you or that I think you're an idiot I sincerely apologize from the bottom of my heart. I am NOT better than you, I am a horribly flawed person!

queenofnines: I am VERY sorry that I offended you with my earlier post. I am confused as to why it offended you but I am still sorry. You are a very intelligent person and my heart goes out to you that you suffered through the things you spoke of. I have been remiss in showing you that I care about you as a person regardless of what you think of me or my God. I'm truly sorry.

Falconer: We haven't had much an exchange lately but if I was hateful to you....I'm sorry.

Amytrivitt: I was sarcastic to you, I apologize. I don't know you but when you posted this thread I was already feeling attacked for my beliefs and I took it out on you. I'm very sorry!

For anybody else, Christian or otherwise, I am an imperfect person who wakes up every morning and tries to live the way I think God has asked me to live, I have feelings of doubt about how good of a mother I am...or wife, I look in the mirror and try to see a good person looking back at me...sometimes I don't like what I see, sometimes I'm confidant.

I'm human. Yes I'm Christian but I'm human. Atheists, Wiccans, Mormons, Jews, Muslims, WHATEVER they are still PEOPLE. With red blood and beating hearts. They have feelings, they have a past, they have issues.

I can't speak for any other person here, but to whomever I have hurt with my words I am deeply deeply sorry.  :-[
« Last Edit: August 29, 2010, 07:25:49 pm by shernajwine »


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #283 on: August 29, 2010, 07:29:13 pm »
I think maybe with everything that has and is going on this one should be locked, how do I do that?


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #284 on: August 29, 2010, 07:31:01 pm »
You can delete it.....  I have no idea how they lock it.

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