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Topic: Why do Christians hate atheists?  (Read 66492 times)


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #255 on: August 29, 2010, 04:18:42 pm »
OK Daddy Mack, I live totally off grid and my batteries are about dead......come on back tomorrow if you like.

BTW, I'm a girl. So the smartalec remark was a bit ignorant in this case. I'll be sure to reply tomorrow or the next day, don't you worry.

What I find a bit ignorant is a female christion referring to them self with a masculine screen name, considering the pervasiveness of homophobic and patriarchal ideologies in your chosen form of spirituality.

Also, disagreeing with homosexuality is far different from being a homophobe...being prejudiced against a lifestyle is not the same as simply disagreeing with it.


I'll be going to the Philippines soon.  They're still working out the details.  It always comes down to funding.....doesn't everything?  I'm going to try and still log on with a laptop.  Gotta find out if that's possible.  Some on here say it we'll see.  There can only be one IP per person.  May have to buy a special adapter or something.  My system isn't Windows based (got a Mac), so it may be a bit different.  I'll contact Apple and garner some info.  They should know better than anybody.  See ya around.......

 :cat:Annella, I hope you have a wonderful and productive time while gone.  Hope you are able to stay in touch.  Be safe!!!  :wave:


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #256 on: August 29, 2010, 04:33:00 pm »
nothing shall by any means hurt us.

Have you purchased your magic prayer cloth to rub on your credit card to get you out of debt, too?

There's a difference between an unbeliever and someone who is just full of hate for God

Can't be full of hate over somebody that doesn't exist, honey.  I do very much DISLIKE how religion robs people of their right minds, though.
You have been taking offense at things being said on here and even called Annella and Sherna judgers.  What do you think you are doing right above this sentence?  How offensive (your word, as well) that you tell me God does not exist.  That's YOUR choice.  God does exist for me, so knock it off with the judging.  I'm not judging you for your choice, so quit judging Christians that choose to believe/know God is real and accepts Him.  I am also in my RIGHT mind - that's another thing I do NOT say to you for your choice in this situation.  :angry7: :- >:( :)


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #257 on: August 29, 2010, 05:12:32 pm »
Well, no Christian has a right to get offended....the spirit of offense is what causes unforgiveness and you can't stand before God asking for forgiveness if you have aught against anyone. However, Christians don't have to sit back and just accept whatever people say. You can defend yourself without being offended. You can stand up for what is right, you can stand up for your faith, you can stand up for truth, without being offended by the liar. You can even have righteous anger! We are supposed to hate sin, we are not supposed to coddle it, but we don't have to get offended by the sinner.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #258 on: August 29, 2010, 05:53:11 pm »
Hahahahhahaha thanks so much for that, and you say Christians are judgemental??

I would have to say that's a little different...that would be like a *bleep* putting up a wall with a swastikka(sp.?) on it in a Jewish community...people are STILL hurting from the tragedies of 9/11. But to me that's not even the main issue.

Where is the funding coming from?
Does Imam agree with his wife that in America there is nothing but hate for muslims?
And what are his intentions for the mosque...especially after making controversial remarks such as "we tend to forget, in the west, that the United States has more muslim blood on its hands than Al Qaeda has on its hand on innocent non-muslims"
I have trouble supporting him, not because he's muslim, but because he thinks the U.S. has done more damage among muslims that Al Qaeda (an organization CENTERED on terrorism who aims attacks at the U.S.) has done to Americans.

THAT STATEMENT is disrespectful to victims of 9/11. Simple as that.
The US has more blood on it's hands from right here on this continent then any other foreigners do.

Why is it that whenever I made a valid point regarding the Mosque that YOU brought into the argument, you change the subject. Let's make this debate worthwhile, go ahead and answer some of my questions and Imam Rauf, his beliefs, his funding...prove that Christians vote against it out of hate and not common sense.
The be honest I am not familiar with the conduct of Imam Rauf. Let me ask you since you insinuate you are familiar with him, has he been convicted of any crimes, or are you just assuming he is guilty without a trial? Certainly a fine patriot such as your self wouldn't concieve of bending your constitution would you.

Now, lets suppose he were guilty of all charges, would you support any other muslim or muslim organization building a "community Center" at he location in question?

WHEN did I claim he was guilty of a crime. Please quote that for me.
So there are questions to his character, you can't start punishing someone before they are found guilty, as far as his claims as to US narm toward Muslims, I am not a scholar of Muslim events, but using the precedence that the US has set in regards to many other peoples here and abroad, I wouldn't dismiss his claims.

I never said go ahead and punish him. I'm simply saying that as Americans we deserve to be informed, and I don't mean I want CNN to give me a liberalized version of who Rauf is.

We should get to know WHERE is the funding coming from? Our tax dollars?
Who is this guy? Where did he grow up? Where does he stand on the issues with Iraq, Afghanistan, Al Qaeda?
How does he feel about Americans actions toward Muslims?
Does he feel extremely mistreated as a muslim, does this make him angry, does he have a history of supporting violent acts or the practice of violence among islamic extremists?
If the mosque is so important to him, why does he reject the idea of building it in a different location?
How does he feel about his wife saying Americans hate muslims (not in those exact words)?

What we DO know is he believes Americans have more muslim blood on their hands than muslims do us.

We should get to know how he feels about this! To me going around saying that we have done more damage to them than Al Qaeda and other muslim terrorists have done to us is SCARY to American people...and DISRESPECTFUL to 9/11 victims.

I simply think that as an American, I should get to know all the facts and base my choice on them.

Also, I find it unfair that because he's muslim and it's a mosque us acting any questions about it is deemed hateful, intolerant, and prejudice...we STILL deserve to know.

If 9/11 were attacked by Christians, and the main target had been muslims do you think they'd glorify us building a Christian church in the same vicinity. I highly doubt it.
No you do not have anything even remotely resembling a right.

You have an unjustified want, and this moronic sense of entitlement that most christians exhibit,

Are you a relative of a victim?
Do you sit on the city planning board?
Are you even a citizen of NY?

Show me any thing in the constitution, the bill of rights, federal or local statute, or hell even a biblical commandment that mandates that a private citizen must supply you with proof of good moral character,or ask your blessing to build any thing he desires to on his privately held property.

Further-more, the plan is not for a mosque, it is for a community center that just so happens to include a space for muslim users to practice their long held tradition of multiple, daily, prayer sessions. Which their religious customs mandate at set times, regardless, of where they maybe or what they are doing.
That is simply media generated, inflammatory propaganda, designed to heighten weak minded individuals sense of intolerance, that you have so predictably embraced.

You are simply yet another bleed heart christian, squawking a bunch of self righteous demands dictating that everyone must conform to your self perceived illusions of moral superiority.

You say that these aledged "moral inadequacies" are your reason for attempting to infringe upon the man's rights, however, you and I both know that that is a lie.

Your true motivation is your intolerance of his race,religion, which is completely at odds to your constitution, as well as your illusions of racial, religious, and moral superiority, of which I certainly beg to differ with you.

Actually my opinions on this have little to do with my religious beliefs and everything to do with my political beliefs.
-- The government has gotten to a point where it's not much about the people or what they want anymore. They blow taxpayers money on things we have no say in. If I'm paying for the mosque, I should have a say in it.
--Are you going to answer any of the questions I put forth about the background of Rauf and his intentions for this mosque or are you going to simply blow it off and blame my religion for my political beliefs?
--America is about the people. I fully understand that Muslism have just as much of a right to be here and worship here an anyone else, I don't have a problem with that. I just think it's a little ignorant to think that after 9/11 security shouldn't be tighter-- and that an islamic extremist who has made anti-american remarks who is trying to build a mosque near a sight where muslim extremists attacked american people won't catch heat for it.

I have answered your questions,in fact I have answered them twice so far and will behappy to elaborate furture,but, first I'd like to ask you to answer the questions I asked you. Certainly I can expect a reciprocal courtesy in that respect, can I not?

If in fact the man is guilty of some crimes that would prevent him from developing the site would you support another Muslim or Muslim organization in developing there?
If the issue is the 2 block proximity, what would be acceptable 20 blocks? 20 miles?

What are your thoughts on christion churches in close proximity to Indigenous massacre locations for instance the church that is within 20 feet of the cemetery at the Wounded Knee memorialsite where the murder victims remains lay?


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #259 on: August 29, 2010, 05:59:18 pm »
Isn't there something about 'turning the other cheek'? I realize fully that religion will always be a hot topic, but it seems lately there is an awful lot of self righteous anger coming out of a few christian people on here. I have not totally bashed anyone's beliefs, show me where if you think I have, but I have seen some very salty replies from a certain few on here and it makes no sense to me. (I am not referring to any discourse between myself and one person - let's leave that out of it, I know what I have said to her and it has been based on her own words.) What I am getting at is the steam that seems to be building up as a result of placing someone on a pedestal as if they can say or do no wrong. That just doesn't seem right if you are coming from that place of 'love and light', is it? Recently I have seen the "we are not doormats" quite a few times. That's right, no one is a doormat, christian, atheist, or whatever. But to say things like "don't tell me there is no god, how offensive to say god doesn't exist", etc. - not right.

I think Sheryl said it very well in her post. If I told you right now that I believed Donald Trump was god, pointed out all the things in books he has written and also all things written about him, told you all it was belief in him that was going to save me, what would happen? I'm fairly certain I would get some very fervent backlash on that one! But if I honestly felt that way, in every cell and fiber of my being, than any and all of you could disgree with me and I wouldn't care. Why? Because I would be just as strong as anyone else in what they do or don't believe.

There are more christians than agnostic or atheists who post on here in D&D and the numbers seem to be growing lately with a few new posters. It is almost as if there's a 'force' building here and it is starting to get downright mean. Almost as if a 'believer' can say whatever they want without reprimand from anyone on here because they have 'god on their side'. sherna mentioned the anger and I would tend to agree with that because just about every person alive experiences that feeling at some time. What I am seeing more and more of though is that 'self righteous anger', as I said above, and that doesn't fly, sorry.
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #260 on: August 29, 2010, 06:09:00 pm »
Just got on, and see the conversation here.  Sundays can be a bit lengthy for me at times.  Just skimmed the last couple pages.  I'm not gone yet, looks like the funding is coming through, so probably get the OK this next week some time what date I'll be pulling out.  I did find out I can probably come visit via laptop overseas.  I'll just have to see once I get there.

QON, I never judged you, what I said was you had no manners calling Christians names and applying negative labels to my brothers and sisters.  That's not judgmental, that's fact!   I will stick up for my family.  All you atheists stick up for one what's your beef?


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #261 on: August 29, 2010, 06:13:56 pm »
Just got on, and see the conversation here.  Sundays can be a bit lengthy for me at times.  Just skimmed the last couple pages.  I'm not gone yet, looks like the funding is coming through, so probably get the OK this next week some time what date I'll be pulling out.  I did find out I can probably come visit via laptop overseas.  I'll just have to see once I get there.

QON, I never judged you, what I said was you had no manners calling Christians names and applying negative labels to my brothers and sisters.  That's not judgmental, that's fact!   I will stick up for my family.  All you atheists stick up for one what's your beef?

Annella...Amy (yes, the other one.  ;) ) looked back over the cooking topic, and in case you haven't seen all the posts, she's a bit upset to say the least.  She says she never posted in the topic and would never claim her husband was dead.  I figured once you learned this, that you would apologize for the mistake.   :heart:


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #262 on: August 29, 2010, 06:18:12 pm »
There is a difference between self righteous anger and righteous anger.

For example, a recent thread I started posting a video where an old lady threw a live cat in a trash can. I have every right to be angry at such actions. Her actions were cruel and there is no justification. If I am angry enough to search her out and send hate mail...that is not okay. The bible says, be angry and sin not.

The reason some Christians are coming out and saying they won't be doormats is because, (I think) there is been too much Christian bashing going on. Threads get started with the sole purpose of saying how horrible and stupid Christians are. Queen started a post about (Logical reasons against God or something like that) a thread meant to bash the Christian God and the delusional people who believe in Him. She also has a thread (shameful Christian behavior) (if I were a Christian I would claim this as proof of God's existence) some older ones that were current when I first signed up...recently we have (Hell an unattended stove) where at the end of the post it says we make God look like a maniac and ourselves look like thoughtless dolts. Or how about (evidence for design...moronic design).

Where are the threads saying Atheists are delusional.....rid the world of atheism before it destroys the nation....this is a one way Christian bashing street and I think people are getting tired of it. Everyone keeps saying, "hey Christians, stop trying to convert people, let people believe what they want and leave them alone" and then they go and start threads about why people shouldn't believe in God. Is this being hypocritical or isn't it?

The definition of doormat is someone who offers little resistance to being mistreated. There has been a lot of mistreatment of Christians in this forum and with no provocation.

Not saying you did this to anyone or to me jordan but I was prejudged in this forum simply by posts making it obvious I was a Christian. It wasn't until later I proved I wasn't a thoughtless dolt that any non Christian person was willing to give me the time of day or consider anything I had to say important.

Ugly, but true.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #263 on: August 29, 2010, 06:30:07 pm »
Isn't there something about 'turning the other cheek'? I realize fully that religion will always be a hot topic, but it seems lately there is an awful lot of self righteous anger coming out of a few christian people on here. I have not totally bashed anyone's beliefs, show me where if you think I have, but I have seen some very salty replies from a certain few on here and it makes no sense to me. (I am not referring to any discourse between myself and one person - let's leave that out of it, I know what I have said to her and it has been based on her own words.) What I am getting at is the steam that seems to be building up as a result of placing someone on a pedestal as if they can say or do no wrong. That just doesn't seem right if you are coming from that place of 'love and light', is it? Recently I have seen the "we are not doormats" quite a few times. That's right, no one is a doormat, christian, atheist, or whatever. But to say things like "don't tell me there is no god, how offensive to say god doesn't exist", etc. - not right.

I think Sheryl said it very well in her post. If I told you right now that I believed Donald Trump was god, pointed out all the things in books he has written and also all things written about him, told you all it was belief in him that was going to save me, what would happen? I'm fairly certain I would get some very fervent backlash on that one! But if I honestly felt that way, in every cell and fiber of my being, than any and all of you could disgree with me and I wouldn't care. Why? Because I would be just as strong as anyone else in what they do or don't believe.

There are more christians than agnostic or atheists who post on here in D&D and the numbers seem to be growing lately with a few new posters. It is almost as if there's a 'force' building here and it is starting to get downright mean. Almost as if a 'believer' can say whatever they want without reprimand from anyone on here because they have 'god on their side'. sherna mentioned the anger and I would tend to agree with that because just about every person alive experiences that feeling at some time. What I am seeing more and more of though is that 'self righteous anger', as I said above, and that doesn't fly, sorry.

Okay, wait a minute.  I wouldn't call it self righteous anger at all.  As far a reprimanding anyone, we as Christians have been reprimanded right and left.  When I first came on this forum, I came with nothing but love in my fact, it's still there.  I do love everyone on here.  What I don't like, is the injustice of just what is written above.  If we Christians sit here and take all the all the blasphemy and negative "blasting" about our belief in God and His Word, and say nothing......I guess that's acceptable?

Jordandog your twisting words here to make it sound like I don't preach or practice love......not so!  Go back and read my posts!  What I am saying is that I will stand up for my brothers and sisters, if they are being "bashed" just because they are Christians.  All you have to do is go back and read some posts, if you want to know where anger is coming from.  It certainly has not been from us Christians.

If your just posting something, no harm.....nothing, and someone comes along to "bash" you for no reason at all, just because your a Christian. and they don't like Christians, then it's time to stand up and let them know that your not a doormat.  We don't do that as Christians.  Turning the other cheek has it's place, and I've done that in certain instances, but not where is down right attack for absolutely no reason at all........

I take it you don't like us sticking up for ourselves.  That's okay.  I never mentioned anything to anyone that they did not do.  I didn't "fabricate", or "slime around", as we have been accused of doing.  I gave facts and nothing but facts.  I guess if we sit back and eat all the dirt you serve on our plates, smile, and say "man this is good", that would be okay?

The minute we turn to defend our God, Faith, Spiritual Family, your offended?  I pray for everyone on this forum.  I got "blasted" big time for saying the words "We hate the sin but LOVE the sinner".  No matter what we say, it's taken apart and used against us.  I'm so sorry we are not the weak or weak minded people you think we are.

Mackenzie put it so well in one of her posts, that I guess because we are Christians, we have no intelligence.  I'm used to people attacking the Bible, God, Christians in general, and I usually know they do it out of ignorance.  On this forum some do it out of ignorance, but there are those that are just out to verbally destroy anything or anybody who stands on the Lord's side.

So now your crying foul, because I'm standing up for my brothers and sister, and myself?  Kind of ironic don't you think?


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #264 on: August 29, 2010, 06:33:17 pm »
There is a difference between self righteous anger and righteous anger.

For example, a recent thread I started posting a video where an old lady threw a live cat in a trash can. I have every right to be angry at such actions. Her actions were cruel and there is no justification. If I am angry enough to search her out and send hate mail...that is not okay. The bible says, be angry and sin not.

The reason some Christians are coming out and saying they won't be doormats is because, (I think) there is been too much Christian bashing going on. Threads get started with the sole purpose of saying how horrible and stupid Christians are. Queen started a post about (Logical reasons against God or something like that) a thread meant to bash the Christian God and the delusional people who believe in Him. She also has a thread (shameful Christian behavior) (if I were a Christian I would claim this as proof of God's existence) some older ones that were current when I first signed up...recently we have (Hell an unattended stove) where at the end of the post it says we make God look like a maniac and ourselves look like thoughtless dolts. Or how about (evidence for design...moronic design).

Where are the threads saying Atheists are delusional.....rid the world of atheism before it destroys the nation....this is a one way Christian bashing street and I think people are getting tired of it. Everyone keeps saying, "hey Christians, stop trying to convert people, let people believe what they want and leave them alone" and then they go and start threads about why people shouldn't believe in God. Is this being hypocritical or isn't it?

The definition of doormat is someone who offers little resistance to being mistreated. There has been a lot of mistreatment of Christians in this forum and with no provocation.

Not saying you did this to anyone or to me jordan but I was prejudged in this forum simply by posts making it obvious I was a Christian. It wasn't until later I proved I wasn't a thoughtless dolt that any non Christian person was willing to give me the time of day or consider anything I had to say important.

Ugly, but true.
I see what you are getting at but I think there is something more to this then what you are seeing or perhaps what you are willing to admit.
I have mentioned this before, but seriously think about it, everyone one of the regulars here know that I am not a agnostic/atheist, however, so far I have never received one hateful or negetive post from them.......why?
I have a suspicion but very well could be totally off base, so, why don't we ask them just for academic purposes.

Falconer.....Queen......what gives here?
Why do some believers receive your wrath while others like myself have not?

I think this will be very revealing in perspectives we initiate.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #265 on: August 29, 2010, 06:41:49 pm »
I have mentioned this before, but seriously think about it, everyone one of the regulars here know that I am not a agnostic/atheist, however, so far I have never received one hateful or negetive post from them.......why?

Christianity and Jesus Christ are more offensive to people than any other religion or belief. And you are on their side where Christianity hating is concerned. So they tolerate your beliefs because you don't believe in a God that comes to earth as a man and dies for our sins and is personally involved in His creation's every breath.

That's what I think.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #266 on: August 29, 2010, 06:44:12 pm »
Just got on, and see the conversation here.  Sundays can be a bit lengthy for me at times.  Just skimmed the last couple pages.  I'm not gone yet, looks like the funding is coming through, so probably get the OK this next week some time what date I'll be pulling out.  I did find out I can probably come visit via laptop overseas.  I'll just have to see once I get there.

QON, I never judged you, what I said was you had no manners calling Christians names and applying negative labels to my brothers and sisters.  That's not judgmental, that's fact!   I will stick up for my family.  All you atheists stick up for one what's your beef?

Annella...Amy (yes, the other one.  ;) ) looked back over the cooking topic, and in case you haven't seen all the posts, she's a bit upset to say the least.  She says she never posted in the topic and would never claim her husband was dead.  I figured once you learned this, that you would apologize for the mistake.   :heart:
Thank you for posting that but I do not want an apology. I will pretend as if nothing has happened though I will not take shi* from anyone so yes the ignored button was used today for Marie. I have NEVER attacked anyones family on here in any way shape or form, that is just disrespectful. I have enough respect for myself and others though some do not deserve it. I still would never choose a low blow like that.


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #267 on: August 29, 2010, 06:44:56 pm »
Oh and you also make fun of christians beliefs.

OK...I'll bite.

I'm not a Christian, and I don't make fun of Christians' beliefs...yet I haven't been attacked.

Its not all black and white here.  

Christianity and Jesus Christ are more offensive to people than any other religion or belief.

Except for Islam, apparently.   ::)


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #268 on: August 29, 2010, 06:46:51 pm »
There is a difference between self righteous anger and righteous anger.

For example, a recent thread I started posting a video where an old lady threw a live cat in a trash can. I have every right to be angry at such actions. Her actions were cruel and there is no justification. If I am angry enough to search her out and send hate mail...that is not okay. The bible says, be angry and sin not.

The reason some Christians are coming out and saying they won't be doormats is because, (I think) there is been too much Christian bashing going on. Threads get started with the sole purpose of saying how horrible and stupid Christians are. Queen started a post about (Logical reasons against God or something like that) a thread meant to bash the Christian God and the delusional people who believe in Him. She also has a thread (shameful Christian behavior) (if I were a Christian I would claim this as proof of God's existence) some older ones that were current when I first signed up...recently we have (Hell an unattended stove) where at the end of the post it says we make God look like a maniac and ourselves look like thoughtless dolts. Or how about (evidence for design...moronic design).

Where are the threads saying Atheists are delusional.....rid the world of atheism before it destroys the nation....this is a one way Christian bashing street and I think people are getting tired of it. Everyone keeps saying, "hey Christians, stop trying to convert people, let people believe what they want and leave them alone" and then they go and start threads about why people shouldn't believe in God. Is this being hypocritical or isn't it?

The definition of doormat is someone who offers little resistance to being mistreated. There has been a lot of mistreatment of Christians in this forum and with no provocation.

Not saying you did this to anyone or to me jordan but I was prejudged in this forum simply by posts making it obvious I was a Christian. It wasn't until later I proved I wasn't a thoughtless dolt that any non Christian person was willing to give me the time of day or consider anything I had to say important.

Ugly, but true.
I see what you are getting at but I think there is something more to this then what you are seeing or perhaps what you are willing to admit.
I have mentioned this before, but seriously think about it, everyone one of the regulars here know that I am not a agnostic/atheist, however, so far I have never received one hateful or negetive post from them.......why?
I have a suspicion but very well could be totally off base, so, why don't we ask them just for academic purposes.

Falconer.....Queen......what gives here?
Why do some believers receive your wrath while others like myself have not?

I think this will be very revealing in perspectives we initiate.

You have been very outspoken WITH qon, and falconer02 about Christians.  You have made it clear that your on their boat.  I have addressed you one on one about your people, even trying to find out if what your alleging is true, but it wasn't long until you blasted me on another thread.  Made a sexual innuendo about me and another Christian woman on this forum, provided me with a "laughing Jackass" Trophy for forgetting to insert 2 words into a post to make my meaning clearer.

This kind of behavior has been going on to us Christians day in and day out.  You view us as weak and able to take all you dish out, even though we have done NOTHING to deserve it.  Tell me, do we not have the right to defend our belief?  You certainly defend yours Walksalone.

The minute one of us decides to take a stand, then we're attacked as not being loving or mild mannered.  In my position, I love everyone, you can believe it or not, I forgive everyone, believe it or not, BUT, I will not stand by and see you tromp on my family, when they have done NOTHING!!!


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Re: Why do Christians hate atheists?
« Reply #269 on: August 29, 2010, 06:48:39 pm »
I have mentioned this before, but seriously think about it, everyone one of the regulars here know that I am not a agnostic/atheist, however, so far I have never received one hateful or negetive post from them.......why?

Christianity and Jesus Christ are more offensive to people than any other religion or belief. And you are on their side where Christianity hating is concerned. So they tolerate your beliefs because you don't believe in a God that comes to earth as a man and dies for our sins and is personally involved in His creation's every breath.

That's what I think.
I see quite alot intolerance of Muslims here too coming mostly from.....uhhhh...whose doing that again?.....

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