Isn't there something about 'turning the other cheek'? I realize fully that religion will always be a hot topic, but it seems lately there is an awful lot of self righteous anger coming out of a few christian people on here. I have not totally bashed anyone's beliefs, show me where if you think I have, but I have seen some very salty replies from a certain few on here and it makes no sense to me. (I am not referring to any discourse between myself and one person - let's leave that out of it, I know what I have said to her and it has been based on her own words.) What I am getting at is the steam that seems to be building up as a result of placing someone on a pedestal as if they can say or do no wrong. That just doesn't seem right if you are coming from that place of 'love and light', is it? Recently I have seen the "we are not doormats" quite a few times. That's right, no one is a doormat, christian, atheist, or whatever. But to say things like "don't tell me there is no god, how offensive to say god doesn't exist", etc. - not right.
I think Sheryl said it very well in her post. If I told you right now that I believed Donald Trump was god, pointed out all the things in books he has written and also all things written about him, told you all it was belief in him that was going to save me, what would happen? I'm fairly certain I would get some very fervent backlash on that one! But if I honestly felt that way, in every cell and fiber of my being, than any and all of you could disgree with me and I wouldn't care. Why? Because I would be just as strong as anyone else in what they do or don't believe.
There are more christians than agnostic or atheists who post on here in D&D and the numbers seem to be growing lately with a few new posters. It is almost as if there's a 'force' building here and it is starting to get downright mean. Almost as if a 'believer' can say whatever they want without reprimand from anyone on here because they have 'god on their side'. sherna mentioned the anger and I would tend to agree with that because just about every person alive experiences that feeling at some time. What I am seeing more and more of though is that 'self righteous anger', as I said above, and that doesn't fly, sorry.
Okay, wait a minute. I wouldn't call it self righteous anger at all. As far a reprimanding anyone, we as Christians have been reprimanded right and left. When I first came on this forum, I came with nothing but love in my fact, it's still there. I do love everyone on here. What I don't like, is the injustice of just what is written above. If we Christians sit here and take all the all the blasphemy and negative "blasting" about our belief in God and His Word, and say nothing......I guess that's acceptable?
Jordandog your twisting words here to make it sound like I don't preach or practice love......not so! Go back and read my posts! What I am saying is that I will stand up for my brothers and sisters, if they are being "bashed" just because they are Christians. All you have to do is go back and read some posts, if you want to know where anger is coming from. It certainly has not been from us Christians.
If your just posting something, no harm.....nothing, and someone comes along to "bash" you for no reason at all, just because your a Christian. and they don't like Christians, then it's time to stand up and let them know that your not a doormat. We don't do that as Christians. Turning the other cheek has it's place, and I've done that in certain instances, but not where is down right attack for absolutely no reason at all........
I take it you don't like us sticking up for ourselves. That's okay. I never mentioned anything to anyone that they did not do. I didn't "fabricate", or "slime around", as we have been accused of doing. I gave facts and nothing but facts. I guess if we sit back and eat all the dirt you serve on our plates, smile, and say "man this is good", that would be okay?
The minute we turn to defend our God, Faith, Spiritual Family, your offended? I pray for everyone on this forum. I got "blasted" big time for saying the words "We hate the sin but LOVE the sinner". No matter what we say, it's taken apart and used against us. I'm so sorry we are not the weak or weak minded people you think we are.
Mackenzie put it so well in one of her posts, that I guess because we are Christians, we have no intelligence. I'm used to people attacking the Bible, God, Christians in general, and I usually know they do it out of ignorance. On this forum some do it out of ignorance, but there are those that are just out to verbally destroy anything or anybody who stands on the Lord's side.
So now your crying foul, because I'm standing up for my brothers and sister, and myself? Kind of ironic don't you think?