Well, this is not about personal interpretation. I've studied it just like you say you did. I gave scriptural reference, but see none from you to prove YOUR point. Just your own interpretation. I would like to see the paper you prepared with your Rabbi's help in 2006, can you post it?
Religion is personal to me...that is where we differ. I'm sorry if you don't see individual interpretation as valid as what can be read in a book. And I recall saying that it was a presentation, not a paper. I prepared the information and led a discussion; not something I could post here. In fact, part of the discussion we've had (not all, interpretation is ever-evolving) was what was discussed. Do you need to see a written paper to believe this? I can't help but feel like I've been attacked here.
Okay, you made the statement that Conservative and Reform Rabbi's don't believe homosexuality is a sin, but the older Orthodox and Chasidic Rabbi's do. This explains a lot to me. I know there are a lot of religious movements that are embracing this way of life as normal. We aren't one of them......I think this is where the debate lies. Not actually what the Bible says or doesn't say. I mean the debate between you and I. I do know what the Bible says about this.
I gave you Hebrew interpretation of a Sodomite, plus scripture explaining homosexuality from the Bible. I see you left those out posting in your answer. I was under the impression that you believed the Bible. Maybe you use another book or something. If this is the case, that you don't believe the Bible, then I've wasted my time trying to use it as reference material and Hebrew translations of it.
You gave me one Hebrew interpretation. The Tanakh was written without vowels.
You know what your interpretation and the interpretation of those who agree with you say about this.
I've stated before that I believe the Bible is a book written by men that serves as a good moral compass; not as fact.
I know now I've wasted my time on this. I'm not upset, just confused about where you stood on the scriptures.
Now I know, that's all.
I'm sorry if you feel like you've wasted your time. I'm here for lively discussion that encourages me to dig deeper within my beliefs, not to convert or agree or to seek someone to tell me what I should believe. I don't feel any of this time has been wasted. I've learned more about what I believe. Education and study should never end because an expert has given their interpretation...rather, it should inspire me to read, learn, and interpret more. I believe this is where our disagreement lies.
Religion is personal to you? Okay, Bible Salvation is personal to me. That's where we differ. I assumed some things, and misunderstood what you relied on as Truth. I didn't know you didn't believe the Bible as fact. You may have posted that somewhere, but I missed it.
Now I do take offense implying I'm trying to convert, or make you agree, or tell you what to believe. Since I DO use the Bible as my main reference for Truth, I will naturally point to it as MY focus for MY faith. There's no way I'm going to shove it on you. I wouldn't do that to anyone. However, it's what I point to as my "Constant".
No, I don't need to see any paper, just thought it would be interesting to see what your Rabbi was using for references to make the point......just an interest from someone who likes to "study". Attacked? Never!
I only gave you one Hebrew interpretation for "Sodomite", because there was only one in the Strongs Concordance. I also gave you other definitions from Unger's Bible Dictionary, and Matthew Henry's Commentary (Vol I) which pointed me to scriptures in the Bible (which are moot to someone who doesn't take it as infallible Truth). That, I think is where we differ. Not on our own "personal" religion or beliefs.
I love ya