More gets passed back and forth than just bodily fluids. The making of one flesh is a spiritual fusion of just not the flesh. It's a complex happening of bodies, spirits, maybe parts of the Psyc?
When it's done properly (after marriage) under the blessings of God, it can be the most beautiful, positive experience, and only gets better with time between 2 people. In the Song of Songs in the Bible (Song of Solomon). God uses the marriage relationship between man and woman to explain His love for His Church. The greatest love imagined is God's love. God says that the marriage bed is undefiled. In other words, it's clean and sanctified in the eyes of God, under marriage.
I agree. When it comes to what I do with my husband, it is more than just bodily fluids. But, again, how do you define marriage? Is it the ceremony that is important, or is it something else? My husband and I were together for years before we ever had the ceremony, and even our ceremony was short and sweet and very very private (only we, the rabbi, our daughter, our two sisters, and our nephew were in attendance), but spiritually we were married for quite some time before we ever had the ceremony.
Sodom and Gomorrah were so wicked in their sexual perversion, that God destroyed them. Perversion to the point of sexual sickness and demoralizing perversion to themselves and everybody around them.
I tend to not agree with you on Sodom and Gomorrah. I don't think rape is a sexual perversion; rather a means of control and humiliation. I will most likely continue to disagree with you on this, but its disagreement with a
They have found that someone sexually forced, whether it be child or adult, something happens to their emotional makeup/Psyc. It gets "fragmented", and when it comes back to a somewhat stable function, it's not the same as before. Sometimes, exhibiting in promiscuous behavior that wasn't there before, but is now a part of their Psyc. Almost like the person that abused them, passed something over, or cracked a delicate balance.
This I can agree with. I'm a survivor of rape, and I am not the same person I was.
Sodom and Gomorrah were not just guilty of rape. If this was the case, then when Lot offered them his 2 virgin daughters, they would have went for it (Genesis 19: 1-11), but they wanted the men (angels) that had come to warn Lot and his household the destruction that was to come.
They were perverted in more ways than one, and the main abomination was homosexuality and involved even their children. They were an abasement to self/man. They had priests that furthered the perversion through idol worship. A Sodomite was never tolerated, and was shunned by the Hebrew children, and told to never take any payment given to them for anything by a sodomite, and give it to the temple. It was counted as unclean, and was known as "a price of a dog". The account in the Bible is explanatory, but you have to study out some words (Old Hebrew, according to Strong's), and more of the picture becomes clear. The word sodomy actually got it's origin there. The title of being a "sodomite", was a title of sexual perversion in those times. During excavation, core samples, land plottings, etc., Sodom and Gomorrah are believed to lie at the south end of the dead sea, eroded by salt and sulphur. Scientists have proven that the "raining down" of the Biblical fire and brimstone makes sense as a cataclysmic event of monumental proportions of a violent explosion of salt and sulphur, literally creating a rain of fire and brimstone. Remember......Lot's wife turned to salt.
You can disagree with me with

, cause it's

back at ya sweetie! Actually, it gives me a chance to get all my favorite books out, and dig these explanations up. I'm using the Bible (of course), Strongs Concordance, Ungers Detailed Bible Dictionary, and Matthew Henry's Commentary (Vol I).
I've heard the argument countless times about marriage being "just a piece of paper", etc. etc. There's a difference, and it's spiritual in nature. No matter how private your ceremony was, you made vows before witnesses and before G-d. People who are just test driving the car, have made no commitment of any kind to buy it. Same goes with relationships, to themselves or others. The first covenant G-d established on earth was between Adam and Eve together as man and wife. People claim that Isaac and Rebekka didn't have a ceremony back in Bible times because it just says he took her to his departed mother's tent. Not True, Marriage Ceremony among the Hebrews was extremely important, and usually lasts for days. I can get into the whole courtship happenings with matchmakers etc., all the way to the "rituals" associated with marriage, but you probably know them better than I It's a verbal commitment between 2 people and G-d. The taking of vows is not taken lightly, and G-d blesses the union.
I knew a couple who lived together for years. Everybody thought they were married. They never saw their need to go there. After they came into the knowledge of G-d, they both began to feel convicted of not being married. No one said a word about it to them. I never let people in the church pass on their convictions on to new babies coming in the church. They must see the Truth themselves, not just what is being taught. Anyway, they secretly went and got married (no one knew). Afterward she said it was amazing the difference she felt afterward. She said she was even bashful on her wedding night, like it was something new and special. The explanation I gave her was: That because they were obedient to the Word of God, and his plan for the union of man and woman (marriage, not living together), G-d was blessing their union like it was brand new, and was confirming His acceptance of including Him and His approval. She said they fell in love with each other all over again........
To take up with any partner here and there, adds to confusion and chaos. Even after a one night stand, there's a feeling of remorse or regret, because your inner most being of who you are got exposed (not talking your nakedness here) to someone, who may or may not be worthy of it. The Bible says let every man have his own wife and the wife her own husband, to
avoid fornication. Anything outside of marriage is either fornication, Adultry, Whordom, etc.
I've talked with many that have been abused or raped and it's so demeaning and fragments them in ways we can't imagine. I'm so sorry you had to be one of them. What upsets me is those that never report it. They suffer in silence and humiliation.