Sorry...I'm still hung up on the Sodom and Gomorrah thing...
In Genesis 19:5, the men when they came to Lot's door said to Lot to bring out the angels so that they may know them. If it wasn't rape that this bible story is about, then the angels would have had to be willing to have sex with the men...but Genesis 19:11 proves that they weren't willing, since they struck the Sodomites with blindness...
Just a thought.
Another thought I've was only the men at the doorway to Lot's house, yet G-d was going to destroy the entire city for their sins. When Abraham was talking to g-d about this, g-d said that the city would be spared if ten righteous people could be found there. However, the women are nowhere to be seen. So, if the sin of Sodom was homosexuality, then why was it burned to the ground since the women weren't there to know the men. However, if the sin of Sodom was being extremely inhospitable to strangers, then I can understand more why the women would go up in flames with it.
Ok...I'm done now, lol.
As far as quoting Genesis 19:5, I believe I started out with these same scriptures to explain this. Why your pulling this out for proof of your stance, is confusing.
Um, of course the angels were not willing to have sex with those men or anyone. What exactly are you saying here? Am I losing some other meaning your trying to get across. Just because the men wanted to "know" the angels, does not mean that the angels would have wanted to also, so that proves your point? That doesn't even make sense.
Your second paragraph makes no sense either. Since the sin was homosexuality, it would point to the men wanting the men angels. Women had to be living there (in Sodom), as the Bible clearly says young and old were in the city. They had to procreate in order to have young there. I believe I addressed this in a previous post. You are right in the fact that only men surrounded the house (both young and old). Why? They were the ones wanting to "know" the angels. The homosexuals of the city.
Amy, you don't want to believe that the sin of Sodom and Gomorrah was homosexuality. Okay, you have free will to believe whatever you want. However, your a Jew, get the old Hebrew texts and study it out. Actually, Rabbi's believe this interpretation also. I realize that you have gay friends. I have friends that are no longer gay because they have turned to the Lord. This is NOT gay bashing......not in the least. This is Bible. God hates the sin of homosexuality, that he called it an abomination. Study out the word abomination, and you can get a good idea why God hated it so.
God would not destroy 2 cities because they were inhospitable. These 2 cities (as stated before), were in some wicked stuff. Not just homosexuality, and involving their children in it, but Idol worship in offering human sacrifice and the sexual rituals that went along with it.
Do you realize that salt was used in the OT sacrifices to signify covenant between God and man? However, it was also used as a judgement. They would sow the land with salt destroying a city and it's land's as a token of it's irretrievable ruin. David would sow cities and lands with salt after conquering them as they were wicked in Idol worship (sexual rites performed during, human sacrifice, etc.) and it was a means of purifying the wickedness before God, and making sure they could not rebuild or plant there anymore. It was cursed ground because of the wickedness.
There's more than just God destroyed 2 cities. There is reasoning behind it, and the way He did it. The using of fire and brimstone is actually an explosion of salt and sulpher in upheaval in the air, and rains down as fire and brimstone. Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt because of her disobedience of looking back after being commanded not to. What happened (IMO), she stopped to look back, and the storm of fire and brimstone overtook her, as the others ran on.
In the Old Hebrew (which you like to quote), here is the definition of a "Sodomite" in the Strongs:
6945 qadeshe (kaw dashe) - A quasi (false) sacred person. i.e Tech, a male devotee by prostitution (to male) to licentious IDOLATRY. Sodomite, unclean.
There were many Idolatry temples. The Sodomites practiced the rite of sodomy in theirs. They were filled with male prostitutes to lend "practice" to homosexuality in their temple rites and observances.
In Ungers Bible Dictionary, it's definition as those who consecrate themselves in Idolatry in the unnatural act of sodomy and moral depravity. A religious rite performed in Idolatry rituals.
Then gives Bible scriptures, which are pretty self explanatory:
Romans 1: 22-27Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, and changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, creeping things (idols). Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonor their own bodies between themselves" Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature. And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompense of their error which was meet.
Jude 1:7Even as Sodom and Gomorrha , and the cities round about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example suffering the vengeance of external fire.
I don't understand why you made me go into great detail when you could have studied this out yourself. You noted before reading the Bible in Hebrew. Surely there is a Rabbi close or someone you look up to in your conversion that can shine some light on this subject. I know a lot of churches are accepting homosexual ministers and such. This is so contrary to the Word of God. Surely our time is short here. This is not "Gay Bashing". It's a study into why Sodom and Gomorrha was destroyed.
Now I'm done.