I've been thinking more and more about this lately, especially after a short exchange I had with Marieelissa the other day (this is not an attack, just showing where the thought began), about babies and abortion. Right now I am sitting on my laptop and my 23 month old daughter is sitting next to me watching her favorite movie (In case you haven't seen it,
Up is worth your time
) and I keep thinking about this heated topic. And, I feel the need to make a statement.
First, before I begin, I want to say that
my religion does not see abortion as sinful. Fetuses are potential life until birth. Until birth, the ones who are already living, breathing, and getting around outside of the womb take precedence.
I just wanted to say that I believe babies are wonderful, amazing, and a blessing. I love my daughter more than I ever believed I could love anyone or anything. Everything I do is for her benefit (yes, including posting on these forums. Remember I get $3, but also, by staying up to date on my beliefs and debating skills, I can help her out as she grows. We hope to homeschool.). There isn't anything I wouldn't do for her...she is the center of my universe...screw science, I'm a mom, and that is how it works.
That being said...
People may believe babies are adorable, cute, amazing, blah blah...but...babies are hard work. Let me repeat:
HARD WORK. Anyone not willing to do that hard work does not need to have a baby. It is not for me to judge how they became pregnant...my daughter wasn't planned, either. The difference lies, though, in what I knew once I knew I was pregnant. I knew that my daughter (yes, I knew she was a girl from the start; call it mother's instinct) was mine and I knew I wanted her more than I ever wanted anything before. I had had a miscarriage four months prior to getting pregnant with my living child, and after surviving that, I wanted my child so badly that I was willing to go on bedrest (yes, it was threatened) and risk my life (ditto during delivery) to have her.
On the flip side of that coin...think about the women who become so ill when finding out they are pregnant that they are willing to risk their lives to NOT have that baby. The women whose lives become so filled with fear...and then those women, when walking into a clinic for a consultation, are bombarded with protesters telling her the right thing to do with her body. Where I live, there are a total of two clinics in the state. Those clinics are open two days during the week. The choice to end a pregnancy has become not only emotionally difficult (since women have been taught our entire lives that we should want to have babies, and we are led to believe that if we don't want them or can't have them, there is something wrong with us) but logistically difficult as well.
When I had my miscarriage, I was on Medicaid (judge me if you wish; I don't care). While I was pregnant with my daughter, I received a phone call from my doctor's office telling me that Medicaid didn't want to pay for my d&c because "they don't pay for abortions." I was livid. Needless to say, I got it worked out and Medicaid did pay for the procedure...but it took me several hours to get the situation straightened out. There was no good reason for me to have to deal with this.
Other than the oft-cited religious view that abortion is murder, what is the point of doing this to women who are already in turmoil? And, as for adoption...who takes care of those babies? Watch
The Cider House Rules and tell me that every pregnancy should be carried through until the end.
Come forth, dissenters...