I don't imagine you will find a credible scientist...even a materialistic one that will assert any definitive statement that the mind is purely physical.
Where I stand is that it seems like we have some amount of free will, but
I don't think the explanation for this is the god of the talking snake and cursed fruit. I don't see what physical law directly dictates a simple choice; also, even if we had a supercomputer that could predict our future behavior, having access to the results of the printout would give us some amount of power to change what happens (unless the supercomputer included that, too, which seems far-fetched).
As for WHY physical beings can be conscious/aware and make some level of choices...I guess I assume there are some mechanics behind it that we don't yet understand that allow for that. I don't think it's fair to be on lockdown with a theory like determinism quite yet; how do
we know some degree of free will can't exist without god? The universe is full of strange and wondrous things...just because there is a strict equation for gravity and the speed of light
doesn't necessarily mean there is a strict equation for human thinking and behavior.
That's just my two cents on it. Like Christians, I bring "personal life experience" into my argument for my beliefs (why I think we have some free will). The difference between my label of personal experience and a believer's, however, is mine is based on the observation of reality and lessons learned, whereas a god person's personal experience is usually based on spooky, superstitious coincidences. Whether this "personal life experience" is ultimately a delusion or not, though, has yet to be proven.

They say God exists outside of the natural therefore he cannot exist.
And theists have to believe in some kind of dualism for god to be true. This being that the supernatural can co-exist with the natural, a state which also seems like it would break the laws of physics - just like your free will vs. determinism argument. What do you think?
they develop this idea of a multi verse and some kind of mother universe which churns out other universes?? Where did the original universe come from? If something had a beginning and therefore had to have a cause....you are eventually going to get to SOMETHING that is eternal and therefore NOT NATURAL by definition. You are going into serious rank speculation here with the multi universe idea. This is NOT scientific fact and it contradicts the very idea that God's eternal nature is so unbelievable. And it's very convenient to make such a theory that is completely unprovable.
I can be at peace with not having all of the answers for ultimate origins and whatnot. I think it's unrealistic to expect that these sort of discoveries won't take a great deal of time, if we ever find the final answer at all. Multi-universes are just speculation, not theory or fact. Speculation is all scientists can go off of right now pre-Big Bang.
As for the universe being eternal or not eternal, whatever the ultimate reality is,
it doesn't necessarily mean a god had anything to do with it. We have to look at
where the evidence points and never just "settle" on this magical concept of an Ultimate Intelligence. God's intelligence would have to be
infinitely more complex than the universe, and yet you're okay without having a solid explanation for
Yes, but maybe your genes made you say it so I would shut up! 
I agree, it seems ridiculous to just say, "My genes made me do it!" for everything. Got in a fight with your spouse? Sorry, it was pre-destined!