my question was HOW.
I thought my "generalization" answered the how, but you think it only answered the WHY?
I don't think what I said very much answered the why at all, actually. This is because the universe cannot give the average person a "why" that will satisfy them.
It is asking the wrong question to ask why.
The universe has no goal or purpose; there is no "why" when we get down to the base-level of things. That's just how they are. You think this way about your god, so is what I'm explaining here really that much of a leap?
How does evolution theory explain the appearance of consciousness in human beings.
"Consciousness can be viewed from the standpoints of evolutionary psychology or evolutionary biology approach as an adaptation
because it is a trait that increases fitness...
The proximate causes for consciousness, i.e. how consciousness evolved in animals, is a subject considered by Sir John C. Eccles in his paper 'Evolution of consciousness.' He argues that
special anatomical and physical properties of the mammalian cerebral cortex gave rise to consciousness. Budiansky, by contrast, limits consciousness to humans, proposing that human consciousness may have
evolved as an adaptation to anticipate and counter social strategems of other humans, predators, and prey. Alternatively, it has been argued that the recursive circuitry underwriting consciousness is much more primitive,
having evolved initially in premammalian species because it improves the capacity for interaction with both social and natural environments by providing an energy-saving 'neutral' gear in an otherwise energy-expensive motor output machine." ~ you say...........Matter had the potential to create the "mind".....
You are now no longer treating matter as atheists and naturalists treat matter, you are attributing spooky, soulish, or mental potentials to matter.
What I meant was, when we think about things that seem improbable, it's kind of silly to get THAT hung up on how unlikely something may seem, if it is indeed the reality we are witnessing. You and I being alive (in our current states), for example. It's highly improbable that one particular sperm fused with one particular egg at one particular time under one particular set of circumstances.
You are saying that the world began not just with matter, but with stuff that's mental and physical at the same time.
The mind IS physical.
There was a girl who lost 53% of her brain...was she 47% of a person? No, we know she's a unified self, because we know her consciousness and soul are separate entities from her brain.
Consciousness most certainly isn't! How could a doctor ever put a person under, then, if consciousness is separate from the brain? They also do brain scans that show lighted areas as a person thinks different things.
As for the half-brain girl, as long as she didn't lose the parts of her brain where memory and personality are stored, sure, she's a full "person" in the colloquial sense. You know the brain is divided into separate regions for different things, right?
Now you are locked in determinism.....the idea that every prior action affects human actions and choices. This means that human behavior is ultimately controlled by genes that control personality, by brain neurochemistry, and interactions with the environment. In its most ardent form, determinism completely denies the existence of human free will.
Wow, I'm surprised you would bring this one up (unless you just got it off your website). Most people have no clue what determinism is.
For the record, my husband is a hard determinist - exactly what you state. And I can see how determinism might be true, given that everything is physical. I'm on the fence about this one, because there really seems like there is something "more" than our whole futures - down to our very thoughts - being already determined. This isn't proof for god, it's proof for either 1) I am just naive and don't want to accept determinism or 2) some amount of choice exists within the confines of the physical (not TOTAL choice, of course, because I do believe genes/environment play a large role).