That kind of god is more probable than a personal god, but there still hasn't been any good evidence that's demonstrated the reality we observe had anything more than natural causes.
There is no good evidence to suggest that God isn't the cause. The only thing evolutionists can go on is the observation of evolution on a micro level. They jump from empirical science to philosophy when they begin to suggest that finch beak variation and insect pesticide immunity explains how finches and insects came to exist in the first place. If indeed the reality we are witnessing is that we exist, with an extraordinary capability to reason, and introspect, and science has no GOOD explanation for it....(in your words) isn't it silly to get so hung up on how unlikely it may seem and accept that a Creator was the cause? Furthermore, go back to the universes beginnings....once again, science can only know the universes history at the point of the big bang. They now admit, the universe had a beginning,
whatever begins to exist has a cause, the universe had a beginning, therefore the universe has a cause? What is that cause? Science cannot answer that. The God that seems so improbable can.
just because we don't fully understand how it all works YET does not make it non-physical.
Coming to understand the mind doesn't change the definition of physical. However, if you can find a credible scientist that says human consciousness is a physicality, and not just the result of the physical brain, I will concede to being wrong.
If your conscious mind is nothing but a result of the complexity of the brain, then it is completely bound by the laws of physics. Therefore, everything you do and everything you are was determined by your genetic makeup.
Yep, this is possible. And if it IS the case, at least we can "enjoy the ride".
I seem to recall you stating in another thread about "prejudice against fat people" that genetics plays only a small part if any in a persons weight. You basically said that they make a choice to be the way they are because they don't have to stay that way.
And by what you're stating, that you ARE your brain....then there is no "this is possible". It would be, this is the reality. So which is it? Are you a robot with no free will or not?
No, we would NOT get killed off by acting in a civilized manner.
Then the selfish gene doesn't exist and Dawkins is full of it. He claims we are robot machines programmed to preserve the selfish gene. The logic implies that it may be only natural for robot vehicles to murder, rob, rape or enslave other robots to satisfy their genetic masters. Darwin himself predicted in
The Descent of Man that the most highly developed humans would soon exterminate the other races because that is how natural selection works.
Dawkins tries to get around the moral implications (as I stated before) by saying "Let us try to teach generosity and altruism, because we are born selfish. Let us understand what our own selfish genes are up to, because we may then at least have the chance to upset their designs, something that no other species has ever aspired to."
This is both scientifically absurd and morally naive. How could natural selection favor the development of a capacity to
thwart the interests of the ruling genes?
And even more to the point.....the ability to thwart the ruling genes would imply free will, which determinism extinguishes! You either believe you have free will and therefore your mind is not controlled alone by the physical brain, or you believe that everything is subject to naturalistic explanations and subject completely to physical laws giving you NO FREE WILL. If you have NO FREE WILL, then any acts of societal immorality aren't your fault, and therefore permissible in a sense because you had NO CHOICE. Does this sound reasonable to you?
Just because you may have been raised a certain way does not automatically guarantee you HAVE to make certain choices.
Then determinism is FALSE. Determinism says your choices are not really choices at all but determined on your genes!
Remember, determinism is the idea that every prior action affects human actions and choices. This means that human behavior is ultimately controlled by genes that control personality, by brain neurochemistry, and interactions with the environment. By extension, all moral behaviors and choices are subservient to chemical reactions of the functioning brain.
I go by what reality appears to be (some amount of choice for the average individual) before I conclude it is all an illusion.
Hmmm sounds like intellectual dishonesty to me.
I still like you too
Edit: Information collected from The Wedge of Truth by Phillip E. Johnson, Case For A Creator by Lee Strobel, and