God doesn't send anyone to Hell. You send yourself there.
Oh really? Dying and having my "soul" automatically displaced to someplace horrible
against my will sure doesn't sound like
I'm the one in control.
I would send myself cruising around the galaxy when I die, thanks.
What's that? God says that's not an option? Then it obviously isn't me sending myself to hell, NOW IS IT!!!
God has done everything He possibly can to keep you out of Hell and still leave you as a person with free will and not just a robot.

This is such a cop-out excuse. How can you people not see that it is BLACKMAIL when the choice is
worship me or BURN? And god gives sh*tty f**king evidence for his existence.
Does God allow disease in the world? Does God allow jails and prisons for some people? Does God allow the electric chair sometimes? Does God allow sin to break homes and hearts? Does God allow war?
Yes because these are the
same results we'd see IF GOD DOESN'T EXIST. Chew on that for awhile rather than distracting from the issue.
We have our catalog of sins. We have rape and incest and murder ; and we have them all cataloged and classified--but there isn't one of them (or even put them all together in one big hunk) that comes close to the sin of keeping Jesus Christ out of your life.
Really?! Think about that, folks. You can steal, rape, murder, and wreak havoc to your heart's content, but if you simply cannot find good evidence to believe in a god, THAT'S when you're a bad person!!
How completely insulting to the human race. Your god is such a petty, childish god!Fire burns. Gravity kills. Water drowns. And you can say, "God is love, God is love, God is love," until you're blue in the face. But water will still drown you, fire will burn you, and gravity will kill you, and sin will damn you no matter how much you say about a loving God.
Um, this is a crap analogy. Laws of the universe are completely different from rules that an omnipotent god makes up. Laws of the universe don't care about you, they just are. God supposedly cares about us, therefore, IT IS COMPLETELY IN HIS POWER TO NOT HAVE A HELL IN THE FIRST PLACE!!
Without a conviction of ultimate justice, people's sense of moral obligation dissolves, and social bonds are broke.

So why are the most atheistic countries in the world also the most
peaceful and happy?? This is FACT. Look it up.