There is something I forgot to mention in the "Our Country" thread but didn't want to hi-jack that thread with all Native content, so decided to post a separate thread.
Just as with every other enterprise Native Nations have tried to establish, in order to regain some of our self sufficiency, casinos were hotly contested and attempts at legislation barring them was attempted. Luckily(or not, depending on your prospective) a sympothetic judge ruled in our favor in that as sovereign nations our casinos could not be dis-allowed. However, sovereign status is only enjoyed by federally recognized tribes. If you are not recognized by the Fed, you will not be having any casinos.
nother perk of having federal recognition is the "right" to religious freedom.....somewhat.
I'll explain, but wasn't until the 1980s with the Native American Religious Freedoms Act that the Indigenous of this continent were given the "right" to practice our spiritual traditions. However, if you are not an enrolled member of a recognized tribe there are some certain ceremonial practices you are barred from participating in, regardless of how much Indigenous blood you may have.
There are also some ceremonial items you would be barred from possesing, such as our most sacred Ceremonial Eagle Feathers. The oly people allowed to posses feathers are enrolled members of a recognized tribe and then only with proper documentation of the feather, such as where they came from etc.
Eagle feathers are very very sacred to us and one only comes by them in certain ways, which I will not elaborate on, but being gifted an Eagle feather is one of thehighest honors we can recieve.
Now, take for instance you have an Eagle feather that has been gifted down thru 27 generations. There were no regulations concerning documentation even 2 generations ago, much less 27 generations, therefor it would be an impossibility to have "proper, legal" documentation of said feathers.
The wildlife authorities in some states get thier jollies by crashing our ceremonies, disrupting the proceedings and confiscating any such feathers,and levying substantial fines, with no chance in hell of us ever regaining our possessions.
Sovereign???.....Religious freedom? decide.
Now I realize the supposed reason for such laws. So we don't go out killing and scalping Eagles, however, you have to understand that traditionally in most Nations ceremonial feathers had to come from live and un-harmed birds. Now they are only available through the federal raptor repository in Colorado, and most often come from road killed birds which is totally contrary to our tradition. Secondly, we consider all animals as relatives, would I kill my Brother in order to appropriate his sacred tobacco, sage or sweet grass? of course not.
If I were a member of the Native American Church (NAC) and not an enrolled member of a federally recognized tribe, I would not be legal in participating in thier ceremonial practices involving peyote.
And of course we all abide by federal statutes, just as you would if you were told you were not allowed to practice your Spirituality, although considering we are sovereign nations, in our case it would be more akin to Russian or Chinease authorities telling you that you could not practice.
Of course we all abide by the laws set down for us by foreign governments. Always.
Another interesting tid-bit is that again, if you are not enrolled in a recognized tribe you are forbidden by federal regulation from claiming your true race on any legal documents including birth certificates etc, even if you are full blood you must choose another race to list. Any other will do it just can not be Native American. Just another way of killing us off on paper and attempting to force us into assimilating
No, genocide is all in the past and we really should just get over it already.