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Topic: The Bible as Truth?  (Read 46784 times)


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #150 on: December 06, 2010, 04:16:42 am »
Personally, I can't believe g-d is all powerful. 

Otherwise, if g-d is running the shots, then why is the world in such disarray?  Don't try to say it is the devil's doing, because I don't believe in the devil, and besides that, the devil is a moot point if g-d is all powerful.  G-d created the devil. 

And g-d is faaaaar from perfect.

We are supposed to be created in g-d's image.  I honestly can't fathom that if I was created in g-d's image that g-d could be even remotely perfect... since I know that I am far from it.  Also, g-d has so many faults, like pride, envy, and greed (having no other g-d's before g-d), wrath (hellfire and the flood to name two), sloth (free will, anyone?  G-d doesn't want to control us except through fear), and lust (impregnating a, I'm reaching here.).  A little more time and I can think of one to fit gluttony as well...

I agree with you, queen.  Honestly, I do.  I just can't help but wonder these things.  I can't understand why, when given the capacity to think, people don't use this "g-d given gift" and actually think about these things.  There is so much that doesn't make sense.  And I couldn't explain intelligently why I have faith other than the fact that it feels right to me.  I won't get offended, though, when presented with an intelligent argument contrary to my beliefs.  Like I've said before...I could be wrong.  All I can do is live my life to the best of my ability and have faith that the g-d I believe in has taken notice of that.

It's called limited minds and watch what you say about God.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #151 on: December 06, 2010, 04:21:56 am »
We are supposed to be created in g-d's image.  I honestly can't fathom that if I was created in g-d's image that g-d could be even remotely perfect... since I know that I am far from it. 
What I get out of the People were created in his image...was the way we look and that's it. We have hair, fingers, toes, arms, legs, a head, and so on. Since we were created in his image but not his image then that leaves me to think that God doesn't have to poop or get pimples and many of the other things that happens to the body.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #152 on: December 06, 2010, 04:27:34 am »
Perhaps I haven't been clear.

My belief is that g-d is not active in this world.    

God is active in the world but First you have to be a believer of him...One of the Christian religions is what you need to follow and believe in Jesus and that he died for your sins. So now that we filtered out some people...they have to have never blasphemized.

When you are done filtering out all the people that are God's enemy, then you have the people that God is active in this world with. If you don't believe in God or want God or worship another, then guess what, he don't know you or will help you. That's what I think.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #153 on: December 06, 2010, 04:30:14 am »
Also, we're freaking MAMMALS.  And mammals are animals!

Were human and humans are not animals.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #154 on: December 06, 2010, 04:35:28 am »
.  And we all know exactly what it's going to be like: it's going to be just like before we were born.

It will be like having no brain, since I have no idea what it was like before I was born

Which brings up another very good point: if you didn't exist billions of years before your birth, what makes you think you'll exist after?!

Uh, cause God hadn't created me yet and whose to say I didn't exist before I was born, I could of been chilling in heaven and came to earth to live a life to get an appreciation for heaven.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #155 on: December 06, 2010, 04:41:50 am »
Something I'm having a hard time understanding here...

Why is it that many who believe the Bible isn't 100% the truth call those who don't atheists?  I am not an atheist, and I don't believe that everything in the Bible is the cold hard truth.

From what I can understand, the Bible is open to interpretation.  My Bible is written in a language that historically didn't use vowels, and therefore can be interpreted thousands of ways.  There are stories that are left out of the Bible (i.e. Lilith, the story of Hanukkah, etc.) yet those legends and holidays remain (what do you think a lullaby is?). 

...and there are many that have some major things wrong.  Example...Jehovah is not g-d's name.  The name of g-d is signified by four Hebrew consonants and to aid readers, the vowels from the word "Adonai" meaning "my lord" were transposed on to those four consonants; thus, the pronunciation became "Yehovah." Does that make everything the Jehovah's Witnesses believe incorrect?

I believe firmly that the Bible is a book of lessons that can be learned, but each individual person must read it themselves to determine what those lessons are.  Do I believe Moses parted the Red Sea?  Hell, no.  But I do believe it is important to step forward with conviction before you enter into dangerous territory. 

And, most importantly, I believe it is not up to me to "fix" anyone or "save" anyone.  I believe g-d does not wish for us to be blindly following a faith because we were scared into it, but to research, read, and make a rational choice as to how to live our lives.   I believe wholeheartedly in the golden rule.  I wish more people who claim to be following in the footsteps of Jesus (in whom I personally do not believe as a personal savior, but to each their own) would actually live their lives by the example they claim him to have left.

Now this is a subject that not many people will talk about but oh well here it goes.
I cant believe that one person started the whole world just think if adam and eve had one kid then the other then we are all related menaing alot of nasty people are doing it with their family member, Is that relly what this world is made of? I dont know how we all came about but would hate to thing I am having sex with my own brother and that is just sick. There is some thing some one isnt telling us. The bible is just the words of a man/women. Who knows all I know is I am in this hell world and I live everyday to the best of my ability.
That is just my observation of a messed up world.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #156 on: December 06, 2010, 06:46:30 am »
One mans trash is another mans treasure  :D

Speaking of your man here?  lol
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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #157 on: December 06, 2010, 06:55:53 am »
Quote from: marieelissa
This really pissed me off, how dare you speak to someone like are a real can't say the word. I bet you get punched alot, is all I can say.

Quit being so damn rude, mean and hateful to people that have beliefs that are not your own.

Geez, your life must be infused with violence, as you are constantly bringing it up.  They have help lines and shelters for that, you know.

As for being rude, yes it was a little mean, but you have to understand that I am tired of seeing people say stupid things.  They need to get called on it, or they will never learn.

hose to say I didn't exist before I was born, I could of been chilling in heaven and came to earth to live a life to get an appreciation for heaven.

How many times do we have to go over this; that is a MORMON belief, are you Mormon??  Even if it was a regular old Christian belief, it's still ridiculous.  So god loves us so much that he decided to gamble everyone's salvation away by sending us to to Earth?!  *Think* before you type!
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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #158 on: December 08, 2010, 08:05:41 pm »
I just read the last two pages of posts and it sure sounds like a lot of bitter folks out there.  It was just a question to get your opinion.  You guys need to be a little nicer.  The Bible is what your perception of it is.  If I perceive it to be junk, then to me that's what it is.  If someone else perceives it to be the all in all, then that's what it is for them.  Personally, I use discernment when reading it.  If it feels right I can deal with it. 


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #159 on: December 09, 2010, 08:52:50 pm »
I just read the last two pages of posts and it sure sounds like a lot of bitter folks out there.  It was just a question to get your opinion.  You guys need to be a little nicer.  

 :thumbsup:  :thumbsup:


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #160 on: December 10, 2010, 08:09:37 am »
Something I'm having a hard time understanding here...

Why is it that many who believe the Bible isn't 100% the truth call those who don't atheists?  I am not an atheist, and I don't believe that everything in the Bible is the cold hard truth.

From what I can understand, the Bible is open to interpretation.  My Bible is written in a language that historically didn't use vowels, and therefore can be interpreted thousands of ways.  There are stories that are left out of the Bible (i.e. Lilith, the story of Hanukkah, etc.) yet those legends and holidays remain (what do you think a lullaby is?). 

...and there are many that have some major things wrong.  Example...Jehovah is not g-d's name.  The name of g-d is signified by four Hebrew consonants and to aid readers, the vowels from the word "Adonai" meaning "my lord" were transposed on to those four consonants; thus, the pronunciation became "Yehovah." Does that make everything the Jehovah's Witnesses believe incorrect?

I believe firmly that the Bible is a book of lessons that can be learned, but each individual person must read it themselves to determine what those lessons are.  Do I believe Moses parted the Red Sea?  Hell, no.  But I do believe it is important to step forward with conviction before you enter into dangerous territory. 

And, most importantly, I believe it is not up to me to "fix" anyone or "save" anyone.  I believe g-d does not wish for us to be blindly following a faith because we were scared into it, but to research, read, and make a rational choice as to how to live our lives.   I believe wholeheartedly in the golden rule.  I wish more people who claim to be following in the footsteps of Jesus (in whom I personally do not believe as a personal savior, but to each their own) would actually live their lives by the example they claim him to have left.

First off, I have to say I'm sorry I missed this original discussion, it would have been a good one to participate in.

Secondly, kudos on posting something like this, it took a lot of guts considering how people react to discussions like this (which I've never understood; as if the faith of others can somehow threaten your own personal faith).

And finally, the meat and potatoes.  It seems to me that the faith of those who have problems with the faith of others not matching theirs in any way don't have a very strong faith at all.  Were their faith actually strong and based on real understanding, they wouldn't feel threatened by dissenting opinions.  Again, even those who know the history of the Bible and the different languages involved and how it all came together and feel that somehow the version we ended up with is the absolute Word of God and that those who don't somehow aren't in have what I can only call a very flimsy, weak faith.  To answer the original question, I would guess that their logic is this: There is only one god, their understanding of that god is correct and perfect, so if you don't believe in that version of god with all that they believe, then whatever god you do believe in doesn't exist; thus, you are categorized as an atheist.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #161 on: December 12, 2010, 07:12:27 pm »
Extremely well said sedecaro.  With all the interpretations of the Bible, and the changes made to accommodate ones own language, somewhere along the way the original meaning could have very possibly been lost.  However, if you believe in a higher power, you believe based on how you feel, or how you were taught to feel.  Understanding this, I took the opportunity to seek the truth from where ever I was led.  I found that learning from the people who actually kept the Torah would be the best source.  I have found that their teachings feel right to me.  Maybe if people would learn about the faith of others, you might get some enlightenment and possibly understand more about your own religion or belief.  I'm just sayin'. :dontknow:


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #162 on: December 13, 2010, 10:52:53 am »
The Bible is 100% true.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #163 on: December 13, 2010, 12:00:32 pm »
The bible is truth.


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Re: The Bible as Truth?
« Reply #164 on: December 13, 2010, 12:45:26 pm »
[The Bible is 100% true.
The bible is truth.

So is every other holy text out there in the world, so...

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