Something I'm having a hard time understanding here...
Why is it that many who believe the Bible isn't 100% the truth call those who don't atheists? I am not an atheist, and I don't believe that everything in the Bible is the cold hard truth.
From what I can understand, the Bible is open to interpretation. My Bible is written in a language that historically didn't use vowels, and therefore can be interpreted thousands of ways. There are stories that are left out of the Bible (i.e. Lilith, the story of Hanukkah, etc.) yet those legends and holidays remain (what do you think a lullaby is?).
...and there are many that have some major things wrong. Example...Jehovah is not g-d's name. The name of g-d is signified by four Hebrew consonants and to aid readers, the vowels from the word "Adonai" meaning "my lord" were transposed on to those four consonants; thus, the pronunciation became "Yehovah." Does that make everything the Jehovah's Witnesses believe incorrect?
I believe firmly that the Bible is a book of lessons that can be learned, but each individual person must read it themselves to determine what those lessons are. Do I believe Moses parted the Red Sea? Hell, no. But I do believe it is important to step forward with conviction before you enter into dangerous territory.
And, most importantly, I believe it is not up to me to "fix" anyone or "save" anyone. I believe g-d does not wish for us to be blindly following a faith because we were scared into it, but to research, read, and make a rational choice as to how to live our lives. I believe wholeheartedly in the golden rule. I wish more people who claim to be following in the footsteps of Jesus (in whom I personally do not believe as a personal savior, but to each their own) would actually live their lives by the example they claim him to have left.
First off, I have to say I'm sorry I missed this original discussion, it would have been a good one to participate in.
Secondly, kudos on posting something like this, it took a lot of guts considering how people react to discussions like this (which I've never understood; as if the faith of others can somehow threaten your own personal faith).
And finally, the meat and potatoes. It seems to me that the faith of those who have problems with the faith of others not matching theirs in any way don't have a very strong faith at all. Were their faith actually strong and based on real understanding, they wouldn't feel threatened by dissenting opinions. Again, even those who know the history of the Bible and the different languages involved and how it all came together and feel that somehow the version we ended up with is the absolute Word of God and that those who don't somehow aren't in have what I can only call a very flimsy, weak faith. To answer the original question, I would guess that their logic is this: There is only one god, their understanding of that god is correct and perfect, so if you don't believe in that version of god with all that they believe, then whatever god you do believe in doesn't exist; thus, you are categorized as an atheist.