"keeping silent in church" - Women are more verbal than men, and when they get together, they tend to move from subject to subject. In the synagogues, the women were segregated from the men. If they had any questions on the worship or the teachings, they would have had to shout them over to the men, or discuss them among themselves, which would have resulted in an inability to maintain order. In addition, Paul emphasizes that his rules for church are given so that everything would be "done in a fitting and orderly way." (1 Corinthians 14:40)39 Disorderly communication, such as uninterrupted speaking in tongues, was also prohibited.40
"not being permitted to teach" - Some interpret this passage to mean that women should never teach in the assembled church. However, commentators point out that Paul did not forbid women from ever teaching. Paul's commended co-worker, Priscilla, taught Apollos, the great preacher (Acts 18:24-26).41 In addition, Paul frequently mentioned other women who held positions of authority in the church. Phoebe worked in the church (Romans 16:1).8 Mary, Tryphena, and Tryphosa were the Lord's workers (Romans 16:6, 12).8 Paul was very likely prohibiting the Ephesian women, not all women, from teaching. To understand these verses (Ephesians 2:9-15), we must understand the situation in which Paul and Timothy worked. In first-century Jewish culture, women were not allowed to study. When Paul said that women should learn in quietness and full submission, he was offering them an amazing new opportunity. Paul did not want the Ephesian women to teach because they didn't yet have enough knowledge or experience. The Ephesian church had a particular problem with false teachers. Evidently, the women were especially susceptible to the false teachings (2 Timothy 3:1-9), because they did not yet have enough Biblical knowledge to discern the truth. In addition, some women were apparently flaunting their new-found Christian freedom by wearing inappropriate clothing (1 Timothy 2:9). Paul was telling Timothy not to put anyone (in this case, women) into a position of leadership who was not yet mature in the faith (1 Timothy 3:6). The same principle applies to churches today.
It is distressing that natural disasters are often termed “acts of God” while no “credit” is given to God for years, decades, or even centuries of peaceful weather. God created the whole universe and the laws of nature (Genesis 1:1). Most natural disasters are a result of these laws at work. Hurricanes, typhoons, and tornados are the results of divergent weather patterns colliding. Earthquakes are the result of the earth’s plate structure shifting. A tsunami is caused by an underwater earthquake.
In much the same way that God allows evil people to commit evil acts, God allows the earth to reflect the consequences sin has had on creation.We can understand why natural disasters occur. What we do not understand is why God allows them to occur
God is good! Many amazing miracles occurred during the course of natural disasters that prevented even greater loss of life. Natural disasters cause millions of people to reevaluate their priorities in life. Hundreds of millions of dollars in aid is sent to help the people who are suffering. Christian ministries have the opportunity to help, minister, counsel, pray, and lead people to saving faith in Christ! God can, and does, bring great good out of terrible tragedies (Romans 8:28)
Why is it not a sin when god murders...er, "kills" innocent children? The true tragedy is those 5 kids were each deprived of their one and only life.
So you think it better that the children survive, parent less, homeless, without food, and without a way to care for themselves? I prefer God's mercy in taking these children to heaven where there is no more suffering and pain.
What can an atheist say to someone who believes god was justified in killing millions of people because he apparently "gave them a chance to repent"? I think you're misled, and I don't see how your god is any different than Allah or any other wrath-filled deity that primitive man has come up with to explain the world.
So you think the people that God destroyed should have been left without judgment while burning their sons and daughters in sacrifices to other Gods?
("You shall not behave thus toward the LORD your God, for every abominable act which the LORD hates they have done for their gods; for they even burn their sons and daughters in the fire to their gods. (Deuteronomy 12:31))Or maybe you think homosexual gang rape and greed should go unpunished. Ezekiel 16:49 calls Sodom arrogant, overfed and unconcerned;they did not help the poor and needy.
Genesis 19:5 They called to Lot "Where are the men who came to you tonight? Bring them out to us so that we can have sex with them"The whole town saw the coming of strangers as a chance for homosexual gang rape. And Abraham asked God from a 50 count to a 10 count....if he found 10 righteous people in Sodom would God destroy it and God said no. No such 10 people existed. The few who were innocent were warned in time to flee so they would not suffer the judgment.
Also your list of scriptures that you try to portray as God being a merciless killer of innocents and children, you haven't studied the scriptures and biblical history.
one example you gave in 2Kings 2:23-24. The correct translation of the word "children" is originally used in a form of Hebrew that would indicate rather that they were young adults...they
Mocked him — With great petulance and vehemency, as the word signifies; deriding both his person and ministry, and that from a profane contempt of the true religion, and a passionate love to that idolatry which they knew he opposed.
Go up — Go up into heaven, whither thou pretendest Elijah is gone. Why didst not thou accompany thy friend and master to heaven? Bald-head - So they mock his natural infirmity, which is a great sin. The repetition shews their heartiness and earnestness, that it was no sudden slip of their tongue, but a scoff proceeding from a rooted impiety and hatred of God and his prophets.
What about what the woman wants in all of this? It is still a FORCED MARRIAGE. What if she didn't want anything to do with the ugly thug? This is one of the many reasons Yahweh gets labeled as sexist.
Firstly ALL marriages were arranged in cultures represented in the bible. The women of God's chosen people had more rights and consideration than the surrounding nations that worshiped idols. If you study the people of biblical times you will find this to be true. But I'm guessing you think the women should have been left alone to flee to another nation where she would be put into servitude and more probably prostitution, rather than have the conquering people offer her a home and marriage where she would be taken care of?? You're trying to take the society of today and supplant it into the cultures of people who lived in a completely different society. Thus God's instructions to his people on how women should be treated. His people were set apart to live holy lives and were set with strict instructions to make them different then the other nations of the world at the time. But if you are looking for God to be evil in these scriptures then you haven't opened yourself to even the possibility that God is a loving God.
The book of Proverbs (which records the wisdom of Solomon) describes the ideal wife in its last chapter.14 She is, by no means, a weak woman who grovels at the feet of her husband. Instead, she takes charge over the care and needs of her family, and, in addition, the needs of the poor. She also manages her servants. In addition, she maintains her own business and from her own earnings buys land and plants vineyards. She is described as being wise, strong, and dignified, yet able to laugh. She is praised by her husband and children, who appreciate her hard work and commitment.
There are many strong women of the bible that God used...Deborah, Esther, Ruth. Jesus showed no domination over women but shocked his own disciples by even speaking to a woman (john 4:9)
In the book of Ephesians, this love is to be "just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." Such a love is not one that dominates and subjugates another person, but a self-sacrificing love that will give up its own life for another's.
Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her..Ephesians 5:25There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free man, there is neither male nor female; for you are all one in Christ Jesus. (Galatians 3:28)37