Since I have done all kinds of telemarketing for about 20 years, I feel I am qualified to speak to this matter. The robot is a disk with names and numbers that is placed into a computer AND the computer does the dialing. Thank God for the computer, it saved my fingers, my eyes and my job. It greatly increases production. All I have to do is set here with my headset on and file my fingernails, until someone comes on the line. Now you must be interested, OTHERWISE you would have pressed the number to be removed, or just would have hung up, unless you just want to curse me out, then I just press a button to get you off my line and play some suduko while I wait for my next call. Perhaps it will be someone that I can connect with in some kind of way. Maybe I can say a funny and make them laugh, or say a prayer with them or for them, OR maybe I will even sell them something, IF NOT then I will just press the button, file my nails and wait for my next call.
I have learned to just ignore the rude, crazy people and take home with me the nice, or needy people that I could touch in some way today. I have been disabled for years due to several accidents and not physically able to do much but telemarketing. I had to support myself some kind of way, BECAUSE I did not get anything from the damn government. I never did, but many of those beside worked in wheelchairs.