RW: In fact, it is because of "feelings" more than facts that atheist exist at all. You see, it feels good to do all those things that those of faith say are wrong.
Don't include the word fact in front of something that is your opinion
Good point! I will give you that one.
Most atheists used to be believers, and most left after they woke up and started using their brains
I do not know if one can prove this as well. There are certainly a number of atheists that were believers, this is true. My personal experience is that those I have encountered chose not to believe, not based upon any empirical evidence (for most haven't delved into any Christian apologetics - that is what an intellectual honest person would have done before making that decision - they have merely concluded [some out of bitterness toward God - at least the ones I have met], and others because they desired to have the "freedom" to do what they felt restraint from doing before).
NOT because they wanted to run around and "sin".
I have yet to meet any atheist who actually looked empirically at the evidences for Christianity, and God, and the arguments against those evidences, and then made a decision based upon this research. In fact, I have found just the opposite. Atheists decide to be atheists then they go and research the arguments against God to justify their emotive decisions. I am not saying all atheists are like this... I am merely saying that the ones I have personally spoken to are like this!
The problem with your god's morals is that they label so many things as "bad" that are entirely victimless crimes
The problem with you judging His definitions is that it makes you the God. You obviously know better, and have created your own set of morals. How do you know what you have created is right or wrong? Do you toss a coin?
There's no rationale behind it, it's just wrong because your god says it's wrong.
Is this really a true statement, or is it a statement that demonstrates ignorance of the facts.
This is a problem when you consider something like homosexuality, which isn't a choice and there are no natural/logical arguments against it outside of god, and yet your group hates on and even murders these people just because there are some lines in some Bronze Age book that don't approve of it. How moral is THAT??
First of all it should be clearly noted that there isn't ANY evidence whatsoever that homosexuality is a choice. This is your personal opinion, but is not based upon solid research!
Second, there are a truckload of natural arguments against it outside of God. The diseases that are passed merely by the germ cesspools created through rectal sex, fecal ingestion, and golden showers places people at unnecessary medical risk. Not only does this unnatural act help to spread HIV, it also helps to spread hepatitis B, syphilis, and a host of other blood-borne diseases. 70% to 78% (depending upon which study you read) of gays reported having had a sexually transmitted disease. The proportion of intestinal parasites, such as worms, flukes, and nasty amebas, have been reported as high as 59% with homosexuals. This doesn't even include those who also contracted hepatitis A and B. Do you know that the median death for gays is 39 years of age. The median death of married men is 75. Since God created man, He knows what keeps them healthy. The homosexual lifestyle is actually a "death style!" Those who really care for people will do everything in their power to prevent these people from harming each other. Homosexuals are sexually troubled people engaging in dangerous activities. True love will encourage people to avoid this destructive way of life.
Third, there may be those who "hate" homosexuals who claim to be Christian, but I for one, love them like anyone else. I see their lifestyle as wrong as I would see someone wrong who commits adultery.
God's law against this activity is based upon His knowledge of His creation. He knew how destructive it is to each on who practices it. The death penalty under the Old Covenant was actually an act of mercy. The suffering and passing of misery that comes from the homosexual lifestyle hurts more people than the death of one individual.
RW: I remember asking one atheist in a debate this question: "I said if I could proof to you without a shadow of a doubt by empirical evidence that God exists, would you follow Him?" He told me "absolutely not!" That answer is so revealing as to the real motives of most atheists.
You asked the wrong question. Would we believe in him? YES. Would we worship him? Not if he's the evil character depicted in the Bible or Koran!!
All this really suggests is that you have defined your morals and actually believe that your definitions of morality are the correct ones. The natural result of this is placing your faith in your own reason - or self, to be more exact! Just because you disagree with what is written in the Bible does not make it a higher morality.
And there you have "our real motives" - a lot of us would rather burn in hell than kiss up to that murdering, unjust tyrant. Just like someone might rather commit suicide than spend their life as a slave. Have you read the whole Bible??
So, if I understand your motives, it boils down to creating your own morality, and rebelling against the morality of another. Why? Because "our" morality is the correct one! How do you know? Because "we" have defined it and declared it so. Therefore, you have placed your faith in your own reason, or self. In essence then, you have become your own God!
I can't help but notice how you have defined what the God of the Bible did as murder or injustice. Creating your own morality - this is what I am speaking of. Atheists are atheists in order to create their own morality. In this case, it is a more objective morality as opposed to a subjective morality. None the less, it is still one of the foundational reasons for atheism!
Yes, I have read the entire Bible many times.
RW: The only point I am making is that education, in and of itself, does not mean one is smart or educated!
And I agree! There are plenty of atheists who didn't go to college/finish college who are highly intelligent. This is because they're still capable of learning, researching, analyzing things on their own rather than being forced to do so at college. Certainly those who find themselves obtaining a broader knowledge of biology, physics, cosmology can have it go in one ear and out the other at is just one route to intelligence for those who may not have stumbled across certain key bits of information on their own.
I do not agree that college is a route to acquire intelligence, but one can certainly receive a lot of knowledge - even if some of it is not objective knowledge, but selective knowledge.
RW: Actually, I had a specific encounter with God. I did not begin to follow Him based upon a fear or knowledge.
Well, you didn't really answer the question...what specific needs does a god belief satisfy in your life?
I was asked point blank if I wanted to know God. So, my need was centered on a need for relationship. I was then challenged. If I really desired to enter into a vital relationship with God I needed to repent of my sins. When I did, bam - it was as if I entered into the throne room of God. From that point on He began to talk to me, direct me, give me visions, answer prayers, perform miracles, etc... I found that for the first time in my life I had an unquenchable desire to read the Bible.
What would it mean to you if you were wrong and it was really just all in your head?
To deny the existence of God now would be to deny my own existence. It would be like denying the experience the day the twin towers collapsed. You must understand - I am not a convert because of information, or fear, or escapism - I met God, and I still meet Him in profound ways. He still talks to me. He still performs miracles. The Bible is lived out in my life. I experience many of the things the Bible authors write about.
Have you ever dared to examine the other side (that religion is a man-made comfort for the masses?)
The fact of the matter is that most religions are man-made. From my perspective, there are only two religions in the world. One is man centered, and the other is God centered. One is made up by man (like atheism, Buddhism, Taoism, Animism, etc), the other is God centered - Christianity!