RW: Mocking others before you present any facts is like advertizing for something you have never seen.
And like you're not guilty of this? I agree, it is not a nice feeling to made to be felt stupid; however, such a defensive instinct is oftentimes just a reaction to constructive criticism. People need to be pointed out where their arguments are weak and faulty, though, otherwise how can we ever expect humanity to learn and grow? One should try not to be TOO over-the-top about it (flat-out calling someone a name is rarely acceptable), but there's nothing wrong with a little spunky jesting. One may never see the err of their ways without it.
I do not have a problem with spunky jesting (although, when a believer does it on this forum, he is openly attacked by the "non-militant atheists). I am merely pointing out how you have not presented any facts for your case.
RW: I did not know that scientifically equipping was the criteria for survival? This sounds a bit contradictory at the least.
Incorrect use of the word contradictory here. You seriously think our survival/reproduction doesn't have limits?
The birth rate in most western countries is slowing down dramatically. These are the countries that possess the scientific knowledge to help people live longer. The countries that do not possess this knowledge are growing phenomenally. So, although we may live longer, these other countries will double their populations much faster than we - even with their death rates. So, the point I am making is that longevity may increase for societies that embrace the "scientific" know how, but that does not necessarily equate to population growth.
RW: Arbitrarily inserting the idea that large numbers were wiped out without any evidence is a mythical mindset. Not only have you not presented what "large numbers" really mean, but you also have not provided anything that is valid. This seems like a philosophical, faith based message, IMHO.
Sorry because I didn't go into grand detail you think my information was arbitrary or in any way false!
Yes, I do... I will respond to these examples. I appreciate you actually responding to my argument instead of more ad homs which I find with some of the other atheists on the forum.
"A dramatic population bottleneck [an evolutionary event in which a significant percentage of a population or species is killed or otherwise prevented from reproducing] is theorized for the period around 70,000 BCE (see Toba catastrophe [VOLCANO] theory). After this time and until the development of agriculture, it is estimated that the world population stabilized at about one million people whose subsistence entailed hunting and foraging, a lifestyle that by its nature ensured a low population density." ~ World Population Wiki
1. I would like you to notice the word "theorized" in the first sentence. I get it. We "dumb" people are expected to believe a myth based upon no evidence whatsoever. Wow!
2. What does the theory hold:
A. They theorize that billions of people died: Well, if man was here over 200,000 years ago, there must have been billions upon billions of people who died by 70,000. Just a side thought - where are all the fossil records that verify this amount of deaths. If my calculations are right, there would have to be one body every 10 feet of this planet. Shouldn't we find hundreds and thousands of these fossils at the very least to verify this craziness.
B. They theorize that billions of people were prevented from reproducing. LOL The theories that one must come up with in order to prove evolution - my goodness. So, I want to know what prevented people from reproducing?
C. They theorize that a volcano created all of this catastrophe.
D. After the catastrophe, only 1,000,000 people were left and this population was stabilized that way for who knows how long.
3. This is a perfect example of how atheists place their faith in those they believe have come to a true understanding of the world around them. Although there are other articles that bring up more research (having read some of them to respond to this quote), all of them are full of un-provable myths and circular reasoning. It takes a lot of faith to believe this stuff. They actually want people to believe what they say without a shred of evidence - not a shred. If this is the atheists definition of facts, I am convinced more than ever about the faith of atheists!
Then we have The Plague of Justinian, which caused Europe's population to drop by 50%; The Black Death, which wiped out 125 million people (and took 200 years to regain that number); 90% of the Native Americans were wiped out by smallpox, measles, and influenza...these are all historical FACTS.
Well, finally something with legitimate evidence is presented. Yes, there was the plague of Justinian. We have some records of how many died in many cities throughout the Eastern Roman Empire. There is no evidence that it was worldwide, however. Yes, we have evidence of the Black Death Plague. Again, we have no evidence that it was worldwide. We do have evidence that approximately 50% of the population died. Concerning the Native Americans, there isn't any evidence that 90% of them were wiped out. There is evidence that 90% of the Native Americans of the Massachusetts Bay were wiped out. We do have evidence that many Native Americans died from diseases between the 1600s and 1800s, but no numbers are recorded.
None the less, if you take time to read my numbers, I have included a 50% death rate every generation, plus a 25% attrition death rate. Even giving those astronomical odds in favor of the evolutionary theory, the population numbers do not fit whatsoever. The present population should be over 50 Billion people. It is interesting to note, however, based upon the death rate and birth rates that we have records for over the last 500 years, that the present population totally fits mathematically to about the time of Noah's family repopulating the earth. Talk about sound mathematical evidence! Real science will always agree with the truth of the Bible!!
I found it really weird how you questioned my statement that large numbers of people have been wiped out throughout history. And how you put a label of "philosophical, faith based message" on what was not my humble opinion, but universally-accepted FACTS.
The facts that you have presented have not in any way proven your contention. It merely proves that the death rate due to disease is profound at different points in history. However, my numbers accounted for the worst case scenarios taking place every single geneation. Yet, this simple math demonstrates that we should have a much greater population than we do, or at the least, we should have hundreds and thousands of fossilized bodies (or evidence of population) every square mile of the planet.
I give you kudos for sticking to the creationist story, though - I prefer believers who actually stand by what their holy book says. And yes, I do have ulterior motives for saying that.