I was homeschooled from Kindergarten thru 6th grade. I loved it, and I intend to homeschool my son.
Public schools here in Oregon are a joke. If you want your child to be bilingual then yeah, but even then, your child wont have as much attention to their schoolwork as the Hispanic students. Dont get me wrong, I have no problem with ANYONE, I just feel that students should get an equal amount of attention in public schools. Afterall, those who pay taxes pay into the schools.
Homeschooling is a good idea for those who are okay with teaching. Some parents should not teach their children, as they dont have a clue to what they are doing. However, there are curriculums that take parents step by step through teaching, and most people can teach them just fine.
If you intend to homeschool, check your states laws, as most states require testing. Ususally testing accurs in 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7-12th.
Also I think its ok for parents to want to homeschool, but hire a private teacher to do the lessons.