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  • Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro 2 2
Topic: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro  (Read 10804 times)


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #15 on: June 14, 2010, 09:22:56 pm »
Are you kidding me?  This is clearly racism.  The child's hair style was a cultural statement, not to be offensive towards anyone.  It's no different than other practices from other cultures.  The teacher was just being intolerable.

A statement? psh...
They need to do something with their hair because sometimes you can't see over it and see the board if you are sitting behind them...

If someone tried to remove my child from school because the teacher is allergic to his/her hair..I would love to get 5 minutes alone with that teacher, have her produce the medical diagnostic proof from her doctor about exactly what chemical(s) substance in this kid's hair is making her physicall ill, a written statement from the teachers doctor explaining exactly why she cannot be around this kid, or any one with that substance in their hair, because guess what?
Black people are not the only ones that use that substance in their hair, and therefore each kid white, or black would have to be tested for that same substance in their hair just incase of another potential teacher's future sickness for the same reasons!!!
Also, I would let that teacher know that if it is that serious that she had to send a child home, and she is truly allergic to this kids "afro" and it made her sick, she needs to quit teaching and go to the hospital and get treatment!!!!!  This teacher doesn't need to be teaching school.  That's a lame excuse to remove someone! How did she/he become a dang teacher anyway if she can't handle a little afro-sheen???

 She needs to rethink her career choice if a kid's afro is going to make her sick during class. Hope she never moves to Austin, because our children here dawn big, beautiful knarly dreadlocks in their hair, and no one gives a flying F@#$! Obviously, this teacher is nieve and doesn't know the half of the bad crap she could experience teaching kids!!!! This is just a lightweight issue!! And as far as "afros" getting in the way of other children, if your child can't see the board, move your spoiled rotton child's *bleep* to another seat!!!!!!!  That way, everyone has a solution to the problem, no racism, no "getting sick", no children getting sent home, no problem. And no pissing me off!!!!
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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #16 on: June 15, 2010, 04:52:05 am »
I agree with whoever said this was handled poorly-That's a REALLY good point.  They should have sent a note home with the student stating that the chemicals they were using were causing allergic reactions and politely request that they discontinue the useof whatever it was. As far as needing a DOCTOR's note, I can't disagree more!  Give me a break! Every time someone sneezes over a potent smell, do they need to go take a day off work, go to the doctor, then pay the doctor to tell them they have a simple allergy? Maybe it wasn't an ALLERGY-maybe it just made him SICK to SMELL it! Who cares? Next time you're stuck in a small room with someone wearing too much perfume EVERY day of work, let me know how you like it! PLUS, when the doctor says that the chemical is making this teacher feel ill, is the DOCTOR racist now???  We throw that term around way too loosely.  Bottom line: School is not the place to be wearing tons of cologne, perfume, hair scent, or other really smelly stuff, REGARDLESS of your color! If you want to wear that stuff, do it at home!


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #17 on: June 15, 2010, 04:09:23 pm »
I agree with whoever said this was handled poorly-That's a REALLY good point.  They should have sent a note home with the student stating that the chemicals they were using were causing allergic reactions and politely request that they discontinue the useof whatever it was. As far as needing a DOCTOR's note, I can't disagree more!  Give me a break! Every time someone sneezes over a potent smell, do they need to go take a day off work, go to the doctor, then pay the doctor to tell them they have a simple allergy? Maybe it wasn't an ALLERGY-maybe it just made him SICK to SMELL it! Who cares? Next time you're stuck in a small room with someone wearing too much perfume EVERY day of work, let me know how you like it! PLUS, when the doctor says that the chemical is making this teacher feel ill, is the DOCTOR racist now???  We throw that term around way too loosely.  Bottom line: School is not the place to be wearing tons of cologne, perfume, hair scent, or other really smelly stuff, REGARDLESS of your color! If you want to wear that stuff, do it at home!
or perhaps......if you dont want to be exposed to it, you  stay home!!!


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #18 on: June 15, 2010, 11:15:16 pm »
I have moved past the racial profiling stories. It doesn't matter if the kid was black or the teacher was whatever.

The kid had a hair product that was making the teacher have allergies, very possible as I have allergies to certain hair products and just being in the same room with some one makes me sneeze non-stop.

It could have been handled differently but there is no racial hate or descrimination going on except from the author of the story and those here crying about it.

If it would have happened to my kid I would have liked to have a conversation to find out all the details. And if my kids hair product was the problem I would do something about it.

Some of the responses are just silly....a doctors note from the teacher, or yeah lets have the teacher stay home! ::)


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #19 on: June 16, 2010, 04:22:54 am »
I agree with whoever said this was handled poorly-That's a REALLY good point.  They should have sent a note home with the student stating that the chemicals they were using were causing allergic reactions and politely request that they discontinue the useof whatever it was. As far as needing a DOCTOR's note, I can't disagree more!  Give me a break! Every time someone sneezes over a potent smell, do they need to go take a day off work, go to the doctor, then pay the doctor to tell them they have a simple allergy? Maybe it wasn't an ALLERGY-maybe it just made him SICK to SMELL it! Who cares? Next time you're stuck in a small room with someone wearing too much perfume EVERY day of work, let me know how you like it! PLUS, when the doctor says that the chemical is making this teacher feel ill, is the DOCTOR racist now???  We throw that term around way too loosely.  Bottom line: School is not the place to be wearing tons of cologne, perfume, hair scent, or other really smelly stuff, REGARDLESS of your color! If you want to wear that stuff, do it at home!
or perhaps......if you dont want to be exposed to it, you  stay home!!!

LOL!  Yeah, ok-that makes sense!!  Good answer! 


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #20 on: June 16, 2010, 05:37:37 am »
My husband has a bad reaction to most scents.  I can't wear perfume or body spray around him.  If I want to spray lysol, febreze, etc. I have to do it when he's not here.  He will have a migraine in a matter of minutes.  Not saying this teacher isn't racist or making up excuses, but there are people that have severe reactions to things like that. 


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #21 on: June 16, 2010, 06:39:47 am »
Maybe the teacher said he was allergic when the reality is he was just grossed out by the big mess of hair.
i really despise you.... are you white? I'm not racist but as I'm reading you're comments it seems as if you have a thing against black people [correction, Indian people]. Assuming that you aren't Indian you're jealous that you can,t wear your hair like that because of the volume and texture. It's  ashamed people hate on other people because they cant do what others can.


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #22 on: June 16, 2010, 06:46:50 am »
No it's more like move afro puff to the back of the classroom but that would be racism right? It's common sense you don't put a 6 ft tall person in front of a 5 ft wise.
"move afro puff "?! I don't believe you actually said that. You're a disgrace and have the freaking nerve to call yourself one of God's followers/children?! :angry7:
By the way, the photo with the article is not the child, so you don't even know what she looks like or her hair.
« Last Edit: June 16, 2010, 06:50:00 am by jordandog »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #23 on: June 16, 2010, 07:20:47 am »
Maybe the teacher said he was allergic when the reality is he was just grossed out by the big mess of hair.

WOW!!!   I hope your just trolling  If your not  you are messed up


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #24 on: June 16, 2010, 08:42:07 am »
I have moved past the racial profiling stories. It doesn't matter if the kid was black or the teacher was whatever.

The kid had a hair product that was making the teacher have allergies, very possible as I have allergies to certain hair products and just being in the same room with some one makes me sneeze non-stop.

It could have been handled differently but there is no racial hate or descrimination going on except from the author of the story and those here crying about it.

If it would have happened to my kid I would have liked to have a conversation to find out all the details. And if my kids hair product was the problem I would do something about it.

Some of the responses are just silly....a doctors note from the teacher, or yeah lets have the teacher stay home! ::)
The only prejudice I have is towards idiots, which has NO racial bounds.


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #25 on: June 16, 2010, 05:15:29 pm »
I have moved past the racial profiling stories. It doesn't matter if the kid was black or the teacher was whatever.

The kid had a hair product that was making the teacher have allergies, very possible as I have allergies to certain hair products and just being in the same room with some one makes me sneeze non-stop.

It could have been handled differently but there is no racial hate or descrimination going on except from the author of the story and those here crying about it.

If it would have happened to my kid I would have liked to have a conversation to find out all the details. And if my kids hair product was the problem I would do something about it.

Some of the responses are just silly....a doctors note from the teacher, or yeah lets have the teacher stay home! ::)
The only prejudice I have is towards idiots, which has NO racial bounds.

Hard to believe since almost all of your post contain some sort of racial wrong doing by others! Blowing it up and trying to sugar coat it is not helping your case either.
Yes we all know there is racism! It doesn't help when the ignorant try to make every story they hear or read out to be racism when they don't know the full story.


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #26 on: June 16, 2010, 06:01:16 pm »
Wow I would say this is really racist issue right there where someone is expelled from school because they are allergic to Afros that is just freakin ridiculous....that's what i think....that the teacher didn't like the student and well didn't have anyway of causing problems to the students until he thought up some way causing him to be expelled...I would say that the teacher is totally racist right there.


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #27 on: June 16, 2010, 07:38:16 pm »
Maybe the teacher said he was allergic when the reality is he was just grossed out by the big mess of hair.
very tired of dumb dirty scank bitches

...Have a nice day ;D


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #28 on: June 16, 2010, 07:47:18 pm »
Does it take any of you 5 days to wash your hair???

Yeah, ask the child to go home and wash their hair, but 5 days is punishment when no deliberate wrong had been has some serious issues, I would be very reluctant to allow my child to attend a school that allows much less encourages such behavior.


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Re: Black Child Removed From School, White Teacher Allergic to Afro
« Reply #29 on: June 17, 2010, 04:08:09 am »
Maybe the teacher said he was allergic when the reality is he was just grossed out by the big mess of hair.

WOW!!!   I hope your just trolling  If your not  you are messed up

Did I say I was grossed out? NOPE, NO I DIDN'T. I was just thinking of why the teacher did what he did and towards the black kid...READ AND UNDERSTAND ENGLISH...damn!!!!!!!!!!

I have heard a lot of RACIST people talk so that's why I wrote it...don't act surprised. I could of never came up with that.  :angel11:

The thing that suprises me marieelisa, is that you don't understand how to have an adult conversation without getting hurt. So, I will come down to your level, maybe you will see my words, like you should see yours.......You know, I've seen your hair and it looks like a big mess-why don't you post your pic on your profile again instead, because you obviously don't think before you speak, troll! Gripless!!!!!!!!!
« Last Edit: June 17, 2010, 04:11:24 am by tzs »
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