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Topic: Serious questions for believers  (Read 19248 times)


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #15 on: June 06, 2010, 01:16:44 pm »
That is such a bad sin...very bad sin! Sin, Sin, Sin! Trying to get people to not believe in God by using all these big words like you are so smart  :thumbsup: bad sin, very bad! You don't believe in God but you are the only ones hurting believers...I'm psycho, well you are without a soul!! Yes, I am trolling  ::) shut up already  :P

What is Falconer, a dog?  Because that's how you're talking to him.  And he is so smart - no big words required.

Yes, Falconer is without a soul  :'(...but so are you, marieelissa, because there are no souls.

It just shows you are not as intelligent as I because I have to go back and explain everything I type.

You can't be explained because you are a chaotic mess.

I never said I feel God is a delusion and what I meant is if anything God is a delusion but that doesn't make the people that believe in him unintelligent because a delusion is just a belief. It has nothing to do with intelligence (delusions)

It DOES have something to do with intelligence.  You're not very intelligent if you willfully believe in the creation story, Noah's Ark myth, virgin birth, and so on in today's world.  If you are a sloth when it comes to analyzing important issues, I don't care what your job or status is, you are not all there intellectually.

A lot of really intelligent people are nuts. There has been studies on it and most of your nuts have very high IQs

You're speaking for yourself here, I suppose.  ;)
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #16 on: June 06, 2010, 03:25:40 pm »
Quite frankly if that was the case I would be living my life completley different and those on death row would probably have nothing on me with the desperate acts of selfishness I would pursue. 
The Godlessness of man knows no bounds and no one, not even myself, would behave any differently.
It would be about survival...I would live only for myself, not for others.

I live for others because God commands it of me as he lived and died for me.  I can never repay that debt...but his Son will speak for me.....
If you posted you would be good and nothing would chnag for you...I would call you naive at best and a liar at worse who has not truly examined the depravity of who they are in the eyes of God without Jesus Christ as their savior.


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #17 on: June 06, 2010, 03:47:34 pm »
those on death row would probably have nothing on me with the desperate acts of selfishness I would pursue.

Wow, that's scary if you are being serious.
It would be about survival...I would live only for myself, not for others.

We're not living in caveman times anymore.  Most people (in the developed countries, at least) are not in danger of dying of due to poor life circumstances, so I think you are being dramatic by using the term "survival".  In fact, if you wished to pursue the kind of lifestyle you have now without god - with all of the medicine and technology at your disposal - you would NEED others to ensure a quality life like that.  We used to live in small tribes, but not we live in big, connected communities that depend on each other.  The world would not suddenly stop working, with everyone running around bat-*bleep* loco, if we came to the conclusion one day that there are no gods.  I mean maybe it would, but look at horrible occurrences like the Haiti earthquake and how people reach out to HELP others in a crisis like that.

If you posted you would be good and nothing would chnag for you...I would call you naive at best and a liar at worse

You really need to get out and meet more atheists.  We're not the ones killing gays, blowing up abortion clinics, and raping hordes of little boys.  I can directly respond to this sentence because I am living as if there is no god: there are countless people who are "better" than me in terms of being a good person, but to my credit, I am not doing things to blatantly harm others like you claim you would without god.  As for being changed, the only major thing that changed was my critical thinking abilities and outlook on life.  I live pretty much the same life in terms of my daily activities, it's just now I'm not being held back in what I do and believe based on ancient fables.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 03:50:32 pm by queenofnines »
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #18 on: June 06, 2010, 04:09:30 pm »
 :cat:  No matter what any of us actually believe, the bottom line is when we die, we'll then know what goes on after death on earth.  There are too many experiences in my life that have proven God is there for me, including reading His Word.  Personally,  I know I'll be in Heaven with God and my passed loved ones who believed in God.  According to God's Word, the other place to go is the everlasting place of punishment.  Some people say Heaven on earth and others say Heaven for eternity,after death.  I, for one, do not wish to be in a place of punishment forever.  As far as God and Creation are concerned, do some deep thinking on:  how the earth got here; how we have seasons; why are we here;  how animals have basic instincts to be able to survive in their lives, etc.  Those things didn't just happen. Someone perfect happened and created it.  Overall, I have faith in God that He is there and without that faith I wouldn't be able to spend eternity with Him.  I do not push my views on people, but I do talk about it when the opportunity arises.  I don't tell atheists they are wrong, but am willing to talk both views with them.  I, however, do pray for them.  Oh, and btw, I do not include myself as agreeing with those who blow up abortion clinics, etc.  I have to wonder what really motivates those kinds of people.  That's way over the line for any of us.


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #19 on: June 06, 2010, 05:11:33 pm »
No matter what any of us actually believe, the bottom line is when we die, we'll then know what goes on after death on earth.

I disagree with that completely. By saying it doesn't matter "what any of us actually believe" you are implying that non-believers/atheists consider life "after death on earth". That is 100% a faith based way of thinking and I can only speak for myself, but there is nothing after death on earth.

I would love to think that all believers faced with proof of no God would go on living a life similar to the one they live now as far as those who have morals, a conscience, consider others in their actions, etc. Truthfully, I think it would be so devastating for most they would say the hell with it and become completely self centered and destructive. Look at all the situations with large groups who have followed self-declared messiahs in the past and then sudenly figure out in their own or are forced to be realistic due to pressures from people outside the group. The results have been everything from suicides, killing one's entire family, killing sprees outside the group, total psychosis, and much more. Now multiply that by millions of people suddenly having all they hold as true taken away and I shudder to think what it might be like. I also think there are countless people barely holding on right now and doing it only because they have their faith to get them through. Take that away and what have they got left?

(edited to add) I didn't want it to sound as if the whole world would go bonkers. I do believe there would still be many who would adjust and go on living a productive, content (as possible) life until their last day. I also believe it would definitely bridge the gap and start some fantastic dialogue with 'us'.  ;)
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 05:36:57 pm by jordandog »
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #20 on: June 06, 2010, 06:00:05 pm »
I know, it is like only people that believe in God are against abortion and hate gay people and molest little children, when in all truth there are plenty of atheists that are the same way...

Without a doubt there are atheists who are bad people who hate gays and whatnot...*but* people who don't follow a religion are in the minority (millions versus religion's BILLIONS).  And these types of bad atheists are a minority within the minority...they're the ones who probably didn't do much research and deep thought on the god issue and are just your average, selfish idiot.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #21 on: June 06, 2010, 06:11:09 pm »
I honestly think if one day it was fact that no God exists that a lot of people would become clinically depressed and be unable to function and almost turn into zombies kinda like a catatonic in a walking coma.

Yep, some would...and that's unfortunate, because nothing about their LIFE has changed, just their after-life.  If they can't realize that simple fact, they're screwed.

The others would fear nothing but cops and crime rate would go up...rapes, murder, revenge, theft

I don't think so.  The people who do bad things today do them because they are inherently bad people from poor backgrounds.  God has nothing to do with it, nor does a belief/disbelief in god stop them.

Some others would be greedy and selfish and think of only theirselves and their family

This already goes on today.

The ones that didn't believe in God and were already atheist, I feel would be upset because I do feel even though they don't believe in god there is always that small chance he could exist.

Not this atheist.

I only think a small, very small percent of people like 1 person in every city would be unaffected and live the way they always did.

I think we are completely capable as a species of continuing to live a good life.  However, there IS that potential for destruction, so reaching the no-god conclusion should probably not be done in haste so that we may have a higher success rate.

I do not think it would be a good thing for there to be no God and if there wasn't a God there would definitely be a need to create one.

That's why primitive man evolved such beliefs.  It makes me sad that in 2010, so many of you still need your delusions.
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #22 on: June 06, 2010, 07:56:47 pm »
Welcome to the discussion, Falconer!


Yes, Falconer is without a soul

Correct. I am an android. My CPU is a neural-net processor; a learning computer.

I live for others because God commands it of me as he lived and died for me. I can never repay that debt

This sounds like an unrealistic burden you're putting on your shoulders if you have no supernatural proof that you can show us. What about people like me who get a free ride then? No guilt or unrealistic burdens with no good reasonings behind them VS. playing the 'born into debt you cannot repay" card? Realistically, what seems more appealing? I don't feel an ounce of guilt for whatever I do unless it does harm to another or horrible damage to myself. This is because I've felt many types of pain. I don't like these pains and neither do the majority.

...but his Son will speak for me.....If you posted you would be good and nothing would chnag for you...I would call you naive at best and a liar at worse who has not truly examined the depravity of who they are in the eyes of God without Jesus Christ as their savior

The problem here seems to be naivety-- you call others naive and liars but I feel you haven't stepped out of your Christian box to examine what it would be like all around. If the irrational and enslaving shields caused by religion disappear, people would be forced to deal with reality. No superstitions. No delusional burdens. No bending over for no reason.
« Last Edit: June 06, 2010, 08:04:08 pm by Falconer02 »


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #23 on: June 06, 2010, 08:32:58 pm »
The ones that didn't believe in God and were already atheist, I feel would be upset because I do feel even though they don't believe in god there is always that small chance he could exist.
:cat: You have to wonder why there are many people on their deathbeds who suddenly turn to God before they die. Perhaps deep down is the fear that if He really does exist, they want to accept Him. My father did that.


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #24 on: June 07, 2010, 03:12:14 am »
Thankfully, I don't follow a religion that sets rules on how I should live my life, and act as a person.
That would be slavery, and I'm just not for that ;D


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #25 on: June 07, 2010, 04:50:51 am »
I think most people are atheists because they don't know if God is there and cannot tell so therefore they just don't believe and move on.
If you can sit down and have an actual conversation with God-you are talking to yourself!!!! How about just believing in yourself and what you do on this earth, not some entity that may or may not exist.  The good things that you have accomplished on this planet are because of YOU. Try giving yourself a little bit of credit......
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #26 on: June 07, 2010, 06:27:08 am »
You have to wonder why there are many people on their deathbeds who suddenly turn to God before they die. Perhaps deep down is the fear that if He really does exist, they want to accept Him. My father did that.
I think people do that on their deathbeds to just be safe but I don't think it will work because God knows your thoughts and heart.

The second statement goes against all I learned and what is stated in the Bible ie God forgives all who repent their sins, regardless of when they do it. Or does he pick and choose now?
You are entitled to your own opinion, but you are not entitled to your own facts.


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #27 on: June 07, 2010, 10:01:07 am »
I think he will do more when you don't have skeptics waiting for something to happen!

So, Marie...what cereal does god like to eat for breakfast? Does he prefer dogs or cats? I highly suggest you take your pills. Reading your posts = really awkward. Wow.
« Last Edit: June 07, 2010, 10:06:30 am by Falconer02 »


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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #28 on: June 07, 2010, 02:19:02 pm »
I really think it helps people, well some, actually become more civilized and nicer towards one another...willing to help out in soup kitchens or help homeless...churches help people with their electricity bills, clothes, food and other things.

If it can prevent somebody from being a sh*tty person, then I'm for it.  But the better person is the one who does nice things out of pure kindness, no god strings attached.  And there ARE atheist/secular charities, hello.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
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Re: Serious questions for believers
« Reply #29 on: June 07, 2010, 02:23:12 pm »
You have to wonder why there are many people on their deathbeds who suddenly turn to God before they die. Perhaps deep down is the fear that if He really does exist, they want to accept Him.

It's a fearful instinct, kind of like how some people who are committing suicide try to stop it at the last minute, but it's too late.
"It is far better to grasp the universe as it really is than to persist in delusion, however satisfying and reassuring."
-- Carl Sagan

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