From what I know and have learned and feel deeply about is that every person has the opportunity to either accept God or reject Him.
This is a common argument from the believer's side to which I say, why is god so insecure that he NEEDS people to believe in and worship him?
It would really be
a weird game we're all playing if the Christian god were true: so he created us 6,000 years ago, everything was perfect and well, but for some reason he saw fit to "test" us even though
he knew we would fail (if he's omniscient), so he put a fruit tree in this garden that Eve
COULDN'T have known the full consequences of until AFTER she ate from it (because how do you know something is right or wrong prior to the knowledge of it?), now every ancestor after has to carry the burden of this "mistake". But god manifested himself to be tortured and murdered for this "disobedience" of which he basically
put the dominoes in place to let it happen, so now we don't have to be burned and tortured forever for something Eve did out of innocence.
God created a world where all of the scientific evidence points to evolution and a Big Bang and dinosaurs being from millions of years ago, completely natural, which is why 93% of scientists don't believe in god.
But god loves the scientists and atheists, even if they don't love him! But
they're still going to burn if they simply can't buy into all of this.
I, myself, have a hard time understanding how a monstrous person in today's time can repent at the end and go to heaven. I just have to keep faith and know that God knows what He's doing. I feel horrible to think that someone I love that is the most sweetest, kindest person, could go to the other place, just by not choosing God.
You're allowed to question it! Think about it -- how is that we, as parents and mere humans, can know that
it would be wrong to lock our teenager in the basement and continually beat them for the rest of their life if they did not respect our authority (which teenagers often don't), didn't believe something we said, or chose to follow a life plan that we don't approve of. So why is god, the all-perfect, "all-loving" creator of the universe allowed to?? Simply because he's "god"? No,
this god contradicts any reasonable person's definition of all-loving. It is not all-loving to send his children to this hell place *he created*to be TORTURED.FOREVER. for ANY reason. That is needless suffering.
That is not justice because infinite punishment is not compatible with
finite crimes. Even Hitler does not deserve to go to hell, because he did not cause infinite suffering.
And again I go back to, why would you want to worship a god who favors people kissing up to him (including say, someone who killed your whole family but then found Jesus on death row) over a decent, kind person who would never hurt a fly who simply couldn't believe because the physical evidence is so insufficient? That is a very real question. Is it out of fear? I'm here to tell ya you don't have to be afraid because the fact that god is supposed to be "all-loving" and perfect but then allows something like this
points to a contradiction, that he is made-up by man to control people and take their money and is no different from the now dead, mythical gods of our ancestors.