My first question is how many of the health care plan critics in this thread have health insurance of any kind? How many of you are Going Bare (living without health insurance. The plan is to manage to cover 35 million more individuals without limiting services all the while trying to keep the inevitable tax increase at a minimum Nothing funny about that.
And while there maybe some humor in the Southern Farmer telling the Northern politician to shovel it in with both hands. The Real job of selling the Pie in the SKY Plan to the American Public not funny at all.
Any medical economists, medical office managers or even a mere nursing assistant from the ER or-Walk in clinic. can tell you: The extra burden, fiscally, ethically, and in needlessly wasted resources caused by uninsured people who have delayed getting A physician and let an illness progress past any simple measures' efficacy. The undue strain and inappropriate use of expensive emergency services in lieu of early, simple, inexpensive pre-Hospital treatment is a huge contributor to the out of control rise in healthcare costs. We have to rein in the rate of increase and maintaining the status quo in the insurance system with its company controlled subscription limits insures only profits, not people. There is nothing funny about persons dying for insurance company profiteering.
Careful, Presidential and insurance reform critics, your ignorance is showing. You are expressing politics instead of economics.
The health care law is unconstitutional plain and simple. Florida South Carolina, Nebraska, Texas, Louisiana, Alabama, Michigan, Colorado, Pennsylvania, Utah, Washington, Idaho and South Dakota have all filed suits against the health care bill.
"The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the STATES respectively, or TO THE PEOPLE."