Evolution defined by me = devoloping through either a short (mircoevolution) or VERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRYYYYYYYYYYYYY LONG (macroevolution) period of time.
What does it say about the age of the Earth?
The earth is very very old through any area of scientific study and the evidence found in the field.
Does it explain where life comes from?
Comes from (birth)? Check. Came from (history)? Check. New stuff is being discovered which helps us get a better grasp on this question.
Does it explain how a monkey can grow a soul one day?
That depends on your religious affiliations. One can argue that all animals have souls. But
evolution does not say we came from monkeys. This is probably one of the most common mistakes people make that don't know anything on the subject.
Does it contradict Noah's flood?
It's hard to contradict something that never happened. There's tangible proof of evolution.
Using evolution could a dog grow wings one day?
If the environment got
very strange by our current standards and through millions and millions of years passing-- if dogs have struggled and succeeded to exist to take on this strange quality to survive its environment, sure. The probem is that dogs (and humans for that matter) don't have the correct bone and muscle structure as birds do, so I don't see this realistically happening. A possibility? Sure. Probability? Pretty far our there.
Strange stuff like this happens with bugs all the time through microevolution. New traits and physical qualities appear. I know it sounds weird, but welcome to nature.
Edit: I think a better question would be "what type of environment would have to exist for dogs to evolve with wings?"
What does it teach about good and evil?
Nothing too large I think. Just that the brain developed in modern humans enough to where we can define things with these 2 natures. But from there, these are different branches of study-- psychology, philosophy, sociology, etc.
What does it teach about God?
Nothing unless you throw religion into the mix. Remember--
evolution is not a religion.
I think this thread could be an interesting.
It could be.