Hey Meco! Welcome to zeh forum.
Ok.... this is my opinion on the so called evolution theory... It is nothing more than an attempt by man to disprove the existence of our Heavenly Father.
No it's not really. It
could, but that's not the point of it. It's an attempt to understand the origins of life through realistic means- applying physical experiments instead of sitting back and saying a metaphysical being did it all. If anything, it just disproves old myths with exhaggerated realities.
Man has been influenced by evil for thousands and thousands of years, and today those who are so strongly guided by greed, lust, anger, gluttony, pride, vanity, and many other forms of sin have created more ways to try and say that Jahovah, Our Father in Heaven does not truly exist.
It's JEhovah fyi. Influenced by evil? Most of the things you listed can have good qualities-- it's not black and white. Anger is not always bad. It's healthy. Being proud of ones self once in a while isn't bad. It inspires motivation. And if you lust for a girl or guy, it does not mean you're evil.
It means you're human. I'm not evil for thinking this. I'm just aware of my humanity.
The term evolution is a derivative of an phrase from satanic cult thousands of years ago that they chanted... the phrase was "evil lives on".
I've never heard of this nor do I see any proof of this. Proof plz.
I myself have no use for the term in either form, I am a child of God and will speak his praises. I pray for all those who deny Him now, for one day you will know the truth but it may be to late for your soul then.
So you're against cults from 1000's of years ago but here you're using tribal curses on us since we don't believe the same way you do. I'm confused...
It sounds like you should do more research on evolution before folding your arms on this one. Unless you can sport undeniable evidence of Jehovah? Bring him or one of his angels down here to talk? That sounds like it shouldn't be too hard to do if you're an omnipotent being.