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  • NEWS ALERT - How FOX News Manipulates the Revolution 4 2
Topic: NEWS ALERT - How FOX News Manipulates the Revolution  (Read 3032 times)


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NEWS ALERT - How FOX News Manipulates the Revolution
« on: May 06, 2010, 11:27:10 pm »
Gary Franchi presents a brief history of how FOX News has manipulated the Ron Paul Revolution using Freedom Watch
and Andrew Napolitano.


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Re: NEWS ALERT - How FOX News Manipulates the Revolution
« Reply #1 on: May 07, 2010, 02:09:53 am »
FOX News is the best news outlet (in my humble opinion.) They don't just report the news like some of the other stations, they research their info and aren't afraid to investigate and ask "WHY" people do things and challenge people to tell the truth. I love the Glen Beck program, Haggerty, Bill O'Reilly, Fox and Friends and all the rest. They did a pole a couple of weeks ago and found out that 3/4 of the American people are now turning to FOX news for their information and leaving some of the other outlets like NBC...CNBC..CBS etc. I still get a kick as to how these "mainstream" news outlets claimed that FOX NEWS was not a "REAL" news agency that was taken seriously! Yeah...that's why 3/4 of the American people are now watching FOX. I have to laugh!  :thumbsup:
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Re: NEWS ALERT - How FOX News Manipulates the Revolution
« Reply #2 on: May 07, 2010, 06:17:05 am »
I think that fox reports the news in a unique way.  They get to the source of the issue and tell it like it is without concern of how the network will feel for factual content.


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Re: NEWS ALERT - How FOX News Manipulates the Revolution
« Reply #3 on: May 07, 2010, 06:24:37 am »
I like fox news better than cnn of msnbc talking about manipulating news those staions go out of there way to make liberals look great and everyone else is wrong ordumb.


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Re: NEWS ALERT - How FOX News Manipulates the Revolution
« Reply #4 on: May 07, 2010, 04:08:12 pm »
FOX News is the best news outlet (in my humble opinion.) They don't just report the news like some of the other stations, they research their info and aren't afraid to investigate and ask "WHY" people do things and challenge people to tell the truth. I love the Glen Beck program, Haggerty, Bill O'Reilly, Fox and Friends and all the rest. They did a pole a couple of weeks ago and found out that 3/4 of the American people are now turning to FOX news for their information and leaving some of the other outlets like NBC...CNBC..CBS etc. I still get a kick as to how these "mainstream" news outlets claimed that FOX NEWS was not a "REAL" news agency that was taken seriously! Yeah...that's why 3/4 of the American people are now watching FOX. I have to laugh!  :thumbsup:

Using the fact that 3/4's of the people watching Fox new as a validation point for its usefulness is not very accurate. 3/4's of the population are idiotical, and 3/4's of the population probably also watches Oprah... So really not very useful in terms of statistics, just means Fox is more popular as a channel, no real shocker. As for Bill O Reilly etc. you really respect him? wow... that guy just yells over his guests and pushes the latest agenda. The only reason people like these people now is because they don't agree with Obama or current politics in general (who ever does?), so now everyone will watch Fox blast Obama or current politics and will say "I agree! with Bill O'reilly!" because he is blasting Obama for Being a  Liberal... when Bush was in Office O'Rreilly would spout off the same *bleep* in support of Bush (he was republican) and everyone hated him for it... and now he didn't change at all, and is against Obama only because he is a liberal... Basically the same agenda is pushed by Bush and Obama anyways... Bill Oreilly has a job to basically repeat everything the government wants us to believe, but do it in a way where he can attack the opposition, and just act emotionally like a child so people will agree with him. It's all about 'rooting' for your team anyways in politics... they are all corrupt so who cares..? just pick one and root for him! then when the news channels say what you want to hear, you watch. Its all about ratings.. .Fox is good at the ratings game. As for real television though, I wouldn't consider Fox news or Bill oreilly etc. any more accurate than Youtube or  "the real world" in terms of finding out whats REALLY taking place. Fox like any other outlet have moments of clarity, but for the most part they are pushing an agenda, the same people who bring you that news.. bring you myspace, and hundreds of others channels and magazines... Its easy to find references for your story when the references you use were created by the same company :) Rupertt Murdoch is big! So of course his news will check out the best, he owns the most news sources! so chances are whatever story you read is either from Ruperts company, or is based on articles that came from his company. It's all about 'owning the news'. Fox is just as trustworthy as any other news outlet, they just have better PR, specifically with the younger generations.

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