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Topic: FLOREZITTA'S CHAT ROOM  (Read 146066 times)


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« Reply #225 on: July 27, 2010, 07:16:35 pm »
Not bad Surveydad, 150 posts is awesome. I just noticed I have 270 and will be 271 after this post. Boy does time fly. It seems like it was only yesterday when I found FC and signed up, and I was learning how to navigate the site. I feel like I'm a pro now, lol. I have met so many wonderful people here and I am very grateful for all the help people have given me along the way. I really do enjoy coming into this forum and reading the interesting things that you guys have to say. In a way I feel like we are friends not just forum buddies. We share parts of our lives with each other and offer help when it is needed. Thank you all for being there.


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« Reply #226 on: July 29, 2010, 01:38:14 pm »
HI Irishlady,  :wave:

 I agree time does fly on here, and everyone is so nice and helpful, I really enjoy comming on the fourm and checking thing out and talk to everyone, it is very friendly on here it's just great.


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« Reply #227 on: July 29, 2010, 08:26:47 pm »
I agree with you again Surveydad. It's a great way for me to unwind and check out what others have to say too. I love reading the forum topics, some are very interesting, where others are so ridiculous and make no sense to me. I like to respond to topics that are meaningful. I miss seeing Flor and the others in here. They must be enjoying the great summer we are having or maybe they are on vacation. I will keep popping in here every day to see if anyone else writes.
I hope all is well with you Surveydad and your family. Be safe and stay cool.


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« Reply #228 on: July 30, 2010, 11:09:14 am »
@ Surveydad & Irishlady~
Hey! I'm back! Been here on FC everyday, just can't find enough time throughout the day for "me" time. My son is soooo attached to me, it drives me crazy sometimes, but God knows I love him sooooo much! I have been getting bonuses here lately, with the Surprise Promotion and Payment Bonus, so that has been really cool! I hope to cashout again, next month. I save the money I earn here, and its starting to add up. People around here, I tell them about FC, and they can't believe that someone would click for only 17 cents daily, but then I show them how much I have made so far, and they're like, "WOW!" Today is Friday and I just finished watching the news and all next week it is going to be like 100 degrees here.... :sad1: I can't wait for Fall again! I hope you guys are doing well and that you stay cool where you are. I do miss Flor and the others too, they must be really busy. I have been to California, there is so much to do there, I don't blame them. Anyways, have a good day and God Bless!  :peace: :wave:


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« Reply #229 on: July 30, 2010, 11:48:54 pm »
Hey everyone I am still here :) just trying to find some time to log in I will be here tomorrow god willing I will run through all the posts I have missed. Miss all of you hope to catch up with everyone soon :)  :wave:
Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could only do a little.NEED Help? Check out my Beginners Guide pinned in the Support forum :) 


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« Reply #230 on: July 31, 2010, 12:47:48 am »
Hi florezitta10.....nice to meet you, I'm jnjmolly  from MI, I have been a member of fusion for a few years and I enjoy this site very much.  :wave:


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« Reply #231 on: August 01, 2010, 03:42:24 pm »
Hi everyone. I am doing great as always. Out on my deck enjoying the beautiful sunshine and cool breeze. I can't believe it's August already, where has the summer gone. I know there are some of you like Workmama dealing with some very hot tempertures and are probably counting down the days for cooler fall weather. I myself love the fall too, I just hate winter. If I could hibernate for the winter I would, thats how much I hate it. I have no news to tell you, my life is pretty boring and nothing exciting ever happens. Oh well, thats life. Catch you all later. Stay safe and cool.  :thumbsup:


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« Reply #232 on: August 02, 2010, 06:10:38 pm »
The topics in the forum have been awful lately, nothing decent to comment on. It's like torture reading them. Look at me complaining like a little baby, lol. I would post a new topic but I can't think of anything exciting enough to grab anyone's attention let alone mine. So I come here to whine in the hopes that someone feels the same way I do, or at least agree with me. Well, enough of the complaining, how is everybody? Are you all having a great summer? I know I am, and wish it never ends. I love sitting on my deck reading and knitting and enjoy listening to the sounds of summer. I'm out of here for now, but I will be back again very soon, and I promise I won't whine.


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« Reply #233 on: August 03, 2010, 11:00:56 am »
I agree about the topics, It has been hard to find good ones. thats why I am glad for this one. and your right fall on the east coast is the best I am still a winter guy, I probable would feel different if we got winter like maine gets winter but I love the cold so fall and winter are the best for me, now if you ask my wife she hates winter and any cold weather.

I am glad you get to relax, with your reading and knitting that sounds great, beleve it or not my sister tried to teach me knitting but I could never get it, I always thought it would have been cool to know how to do that.

Nothing really going on right now with me, We have our three year old in soccer right now, and she is doing great. it's amazing to me how well she is picking it up, right now she is in a little clinic but in the fall we have both girls playing in town, but the little one is a lefty and being taught by people using there right foot I would think it might confuse her but she makes the adjustment in her head, can't wait to see her in the fall.

Well got to go back to work now, talk to you later  :wave:


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« Reply #234 on: August 04, 2010, 05:03:49 pm »

Congratulations surveydad and irishlady1970 on your posts. I noticed that mine are up in the 600's. What the hell have I been posting about?

Sorry I haven't been around much. I've had a couple of crazy days.
    It started with my husbands cell phone messing up. Thinking I could fix it by doing a full reset, I ended up locking it because it requires a data plan to activate it. So I freaked out a bit. Then I found a way online on how to hack into the phone to get it to let you get to settings to turn on the wifi. So I did it. Took me a few days of working on it. Only to have the phone still mess up. It wouldn't even turn on after a while. So I freaked out more. Thinking that it was my fault, that I sent it over the edge to it's death. So I found out that my husband's cell was still under warranty. But I was worried that since I sort of hacked it that T-mobile would notice and that it would void his warranty. Surprisingly the phone turned on for no reason and reset itself to what it was before. So I was happy about that. Then I went ahead and talked to T-mobile and got him a replacement which was better then the phone he had before. <-Happy around this time.

   Sad around this time-->So we get the new Cliq and we have to send the G1 back within 7 days of getting the new phone or T-mobile will charge us $365!!! So I made sure to send it out the following Monday after we got it on Friday. I took it to a local "mailbox store" that was run by a priest and dropped it off.  I went back to the same mailbox store the next day and it was GONE! All that was left was a contact number so I called it like a million times before someone actually answered. I asked if I could come get it because time was running out to get the phone back to T-mobile. The priest guy said "no, because it's in their system." So I'm super freaking. I don't know who this guy is or where he is. I don't even care if he's a priest, I'll freak! I kept calling him back day after day and checking the tracking number with nothing showing. He said he would send it out one day and still nothing. Then he'd send it on Monday. It was a whole week and a half before I just asked my husband to call him because even me fake crying over the phone didn't help. So my husband calls and the guy tells him to come to Opp and some other street near here. I automatically think they're going to make him go out there and just not show up. Luckily, after a week and a half of stressing they give us the phone back. They said they thought they had more time but the landlord where they had their store kicked them out early. So they had to pack everything quickly.  :'(

   So I'm happy we got it back. Then I had promised my husbands friend (the one that is the portable atm for the girl he likes, also part of the lemon brothers. I don't know what kind of mother would do that to them Irishlady, I just don't know.) that I would show him how to drive. Problem is he thinks he knows how to drive. Every time I say "I'll teach you how to drive." He tells me he doesn't need to learn how he just needs to practice. If that's true can someone tell me why I almost got killed when he decided to only look one way while trying to drive from one alley to another? He also likes to stop the car really hard and send me flying towards the dash board. I thank whoever made the seat belt every time he's in the car. Your work is very much appreciated. I told him they don't make him parallel park in the driving test yet that's all he wants to do. When I say go ahead and drive us home he goes "no that's okay I don't need it." Unless the streets and freeways of California are one big parallel park job then he needs to do it. But he won't all he wants to do is parallel park. He went before to take a driving test and failed it, as bad as he is now I don't see how he could have gone before this. The only thing I can think of is "that's very bold of him." If by some off chance he is able to get his license I pray for everyone in, on or around the streets he's driving, and I don't even pray.

   So this is why I haven't been around. I would begin to post then get frustrated with all this  :bs: then close it and forget to post. But I'm back. I hope everyone is doing well. Sorry for writing so much. This is the first day in the past three weeks that I haven't been worrying about anything, my husband even called out yesterday so I got to wake up on a weekday with him. So let's enjoy these good days because I get a feeling bad times are going to be raging back towards me.
« Last Edit: August 05, 2010, 10:59:34 am by GoGoKokiGo »


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« Reply #235 on: August 07, 2010, 08:20:44 am »
Hi Surveydad and GoGoKokiGo, nice to see you in here. Surveydad I bet your little one looks so cute out in the soccer field running after the ball. It's good to see little girls taking an interest in sports at an early age. My father is a knitter even if it's just the basics. He learned how to knit and sew when he was in the army and he started us off learning when we were very young. Then when we went to school we learned more methods and stitches and made some really cool stuff.
GoGoKokiGo, you sure have your hands full there teaching your hubby's friend how to drive. Men are hard to teach since most of them think they know it all (no offense Surveydad). Sometimes they just don't get it. I'm glad that I don't have to worry about seeing him on the streets of Maine. I feel so much safer. As for your phone dilemma, I feel your frustration. The cell phone companies sure don't make life easy do they? Sometimes I wonder if it's better off to own a simple no fuss cell phone than the smartphones they have out today. I do like a phone with all the bells and whistles though. I love new technology but not the complications that come with them. I have 6 months left on my AT&T contract but I am not sure if I want to renew it and find another cell phone company that is a little cheaper than my current one. I guess I will have to do some homework.
Well I am off to go working in my yard for a while. Catch you later. Stay safe everyone.


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« Reply #236 on: August 10, 2010, 06:42:59 pm »
Hi Every body, how are things going for you all? Work has been so busy for me lately with new training every week, and new Doctors to get used to working with. Some are really nice, but some are awful and plain old mean. So needless to say I had a very crazy day and one that I would not want to repeat any time soon. I also may have to have another surgery on my hips and that is really bumming me out. I am not looking forward to that one bit. I probably will have to give up my job as I don't have enough time on the books to cover the surgery being that I am a new employee. I am going to try and put it off for as long as I can without causing any more damage to my hips. We will have to wait and see.
Anyways I am staying positive and hope that all will work out for the better. I am grateful for what I have and know I have it better than some folks. It could be worse.


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« Reply #237 on: August 11, 2010, 12:36:08 am »
Hi all, just thought I'd pop on before I go to bed. A lot has happened the past week. I woke up a week ago to find my right foot swollen. I went to the emergency room and was told I had an infection and was put on antibiotics. I saw my doctor and was informed I have a fracture and must get more testing done and see a specialist. Right now my foot looks like it might explode. It hurts quite a bit. Luckily my doctor caught the mess-up the E.R. Doctor made so I am hopeful my foot heals. I also turn 31 on the 26th. My daughter turns 1 in october and I keep wondering how fast time has gone by. Alright, I'm starting to doze so I'm off to bed.


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« Reply #238 on: August 11, 2010, 01:42:31 am »

I'm a native Californian.  Born and raised in Modesto.  Left after college, and spent 16 years in Alaska working for the government on different military bases.  Had to move back to a warmer climate (California) as my Asthma is irritated by the cold weather.  Cried when leaving as I LOVE Alaska.  It's where I want to be buried.  I'm living in the mountains in the Gold Country now.  It's very nice here.  We get some snow.

Entered into the Ministry 10 years ago (Evangelist) and travel many places.  Love to travel, and the extra I make here, is going into future travel.  I have one grown son who's married to an Angel, and 3 grandsons.  My hobbies are sewing, cooking, knitting and crochet.  No pets as they make me allergic.  Would love to have a kitten though.

My life is a happy quiet one. :wave:

My passion is cooking and making dishes from scratch.


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« Reply #239 on: August 11, 2010, 12:13:57 pm »
Hello everyone!   :wave:    Welcome Annella! It's nice that someone new stopped by in Flor's Chatroom. I wonder where has Flor been..... :dontknow: I sure do miss her when she chatted everyday. I have been really busy with everything and such. Just started to make "real good money" online. I never knew that working on the Internet requires great skill and knowledge to succeed. Everyday I learn something new online.  How has everyone been? I would like to go to Alaska one day, especially since the weather here has been awful...I mean it is soooo HOT!!!  :sad1:  Can't even go outside for 5 minutes because sweat just runs down your back and face, its terrrible!   :BangHead:   I can't wait for Autumn!  I took my son to the park today, but the swings and slides were like 100 degrees, it was funny though when I tried to sit down in the swing and my butt felt like it was on fire... :D !!!  Anyways, my son is so fair skinned, because he gets so red outside, he looked like a bright red was sooo cute!  :binkybaby:  Not much else has been happening right now here, so I'm kinda bored. More things start in the Autumn and I will have more things to talk about. Hope everyone of you are okay...and stay cool! BYE! Have a great day!   :peace: :heart: :wave:

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