There are men and women out there who are cheaters, and there are men and women out there who are nieve, gulleable, and silly. If you are with someone that cheats on you, think about this, was that person Really that in to you to begin with, and if they were that in to you, were they in love with you, or were they in love with "the idea" of you?
? During the relationship, how many times did both of you actually come together to be genuinely excited about the same subject, idea, or situation in your lives? Did you only think of yourself and your priorities in life when they cheated on you?
Men and women become uninterested, unfortunatelly that's just how humans work. Being with someone for the long term requires that you look way down into that little heart of yours and confirm that both of you plan to be together, and that you not only love eachother, you have
empathy for eachother as well. You can't just say that you love someone, and assume that you will be together forever and that's it. You both have to want to make things interesting and keep things going. You both have to know that each one is important in the relationship and one cannot exist without the other. If one or more of you give up the empathy factor ie-understanding and caring about what needs to happen to be together, then what is the point?
You can sit around, and pout all you want when someone breaks up with you or cheats on you. The bottom line is, there are signs when a relationship is not working, and some people just flat out refuse to see it or take action to save the relationship. Subcontiously, one might ignore the signs, because deep down, they know that person has moved on, but on the surface, its always business as usual-untill the break up comes. Then the world comes to an end. So you really cant point fingers untill you look at your "perfect" self first!!