there is absolutely NO BENEFIT to being married unless you are planning a family...otherwise you will certainly find it costs more in taxes as well as living expenses.....what is the point of marriage or gays? Just think about it. You may be 'in love' now and crazy with sweat but that will pass and very quickly and even if it doesn't pass, how is being married going to change anything at all except create the need for divorce which you could easily avoid by not getting married in the first place.
Hmm. Yes there are benefits to being married; there are countless and crucial perks given to those who are wedded from the government. You may not think that is "fair", but it sure is nice when you're on the other side. Somehow I don't think that's what you meant though, right?
The main benefit is saying, "I love this person so much, I want to forsake all others and commit to sharing my life with them". Of course you can still do that without getting married, but our society and brains have it hyped up to be more romantic and "mean more" to make it official.
Saying raising a family is the only benefit is bunk, because we all know that kids oftentimes do not keep people together. As for living expenses being more, that is bunk unless you are having a sport's team worth of kids or are a freaking spendaholic in the first place. Living expenses are LESS when you're sharing rent, utilities, etc.
It's been observed that married people live longer; you'll have somebody to lean on during troubled times and somebody to learn from and help you grow. Yes, the lustful infatuation, excited love DOES fade after a few years, but that's evolution's fault, not your partner's. You're left with a best friend to
enhance all of your experiences and have a shared history with.
As for divorce...I really don't know why there's this negative stigma attached to it. Yes it sucks that it's no longer working out with someone you planned to share your whole life with, but it shouldn't be looked down upon and judged by society like it is. It's just like breaking up, but with slightly more history to it.