If you mean how do you actually get paid when it is time to cash out, you have to wait until you have a total of $25. $15 of that needs to be earnings for offers you did yourself, not your referrals or any bonuses. When you have reached that point, you should be able to click on the link on the main page that says cash out. You will not get paid until the 20th of the following month however, so I always wait to cash out until the end of each month. That way I earn as much as I can and only have to wait about 20 days for my payment.
It sounds as though you may be saying you were not credited for your surveys. By surveys do you mean actual surveys or do you mean offers? On the surveys many people think they have completed a survey but in fact you completed only enough questions for the survey company to determine that you do not meet the criteria for their survey, so even though it seems like you spent time and answered questions, you will not get credited unless you were accepted and completed the entire survey to the end. Usually takes 20-30 minutes to complete one.
Myself, I hate surveys. I had not done one in over three months because I get so frustrated with them, but the other night I saw one for $1.00 and thought I would try it. I worked on it for over 20 minutes. It got to the part where is said these final questions are for classification purposes only. This usually means the survey is almost completed. After I answered all of those questions the screen said. "Thanks but you have already completed this survey." and it have never gotten credit. That is why I can't do the surveys. If they show that I had previously completed it, why did it take over 20 minutes of me doing the survey for them to let me know that. I just don't have patience for stupid things like that and my blood pressure can't take it. So I guess I am back to not doing surveys again.