All good advice above. They also say...
Curb Appetite With Hoodia
The hoodia plant is a leafless, spiny plant. It is a succulent in the milkweed family. Hoodia can be found growing in South Africa and Namibia. The plant thrives in very high temperatures, taking years to mature. Bushmen from the Kalahari Desert in southern Africa have used hoodia for centuries to help fight off hunger during long treks in the desert. This ancient band of nomadic hunter gatherers eats bite size chunks to stave off thirst and curb their appetites on long hunting trips in the wilderness.
In early 2004, the first supplements containing a hoodia compound were introduced in the United States. These supplements were intended to be an aid for obesity and weight loss. Hoodia contains an appetite suppressing component that is similar in molecular structure to glucose, only stronger. This component is known as P57. It is responsible for sensing a signal to the hypothalamus which tricks the body into thinking it is no longer hungry. The P57 compound seems to increase the amount of ATP in nerve cells of the hypothalamus, which is the brain’s control center for regulating thirst, hunger, and temperature. ATP is an energy producing molecule that is created from glucose. When ATP levels are increased in hypothalamic nerve cells, those nerve cells fire as if you had just eaten, even if you haven’t.
Some people claim that hoodia works immediately for them, within twenty to thirty minutes of taking the capsules. However, more often, people require up to two weeks of taking regular doses before they start noticing significant results. These results include a reduced interest in food, a prolonging of time after a meal before being hungry again, feeling full more quickly, and a general sense of well being.
Studies that have been done on the effects and safety of hoodia are continuing in the United States and abroad. The prospects for the future development of this herb look very promising.
Don’t make the mistake of believing that all you have to do is take a supplement of hoodia everyday and the fat will just disappear. While some claim that has been the case for them, the majority of dieters need more help than solely diet pills. It should be remembered that the only thing the hoodia does is suppress appetite. It does not improve a bad diet or address problems of overeating. It you have a terrible diet and ten to overeat even when you are not hungry, you will not receive any benefits from hoodia. If these things describe you, you first need to tackle those issues before considering hoodia. This herb will not build muscle or burn fat. Your muscles are fat burning machines and responsible for burning fat all day long, even when you are resting. The more you have the more fat you’ll burn. Your metabolism also plays a huge role in burning fat. The only way to build muscle and speed up your metabolism is to exercise.
The stem of the hoodia plant is used to provide anorectic, aphrodisiac, and mood enhancer properties. Primarily, this herb is extremely helpful in treating diabetes, obesity, and weight loss. For more information on the many beneficial effects of hoodia, please feel free to contact a representative from your local health food store.
Article From Holistic Health Articles