Firstly, I am not a Satanist. Some here know of my passion for theology; it was in the midst of my studies that it came to me that I could not claim myself an unbiased and open-minded pupil if don't make an attempt to study every faith.
There's many among you that believe Satanism is in direct opposition to Christianity, and in this you are partly correct. Satanism is all about indulging in our natural carnal desires, and not limiting yourself to the constraints of the pious. While the ideals of this faith may be in direct opposition to most religions, it is not in itself an opposing force. Despite what you've been led to believe, Satanists (the true ones) do not believe in God or Satan in the deity sense, but rather as symbolic representations of faith.
"ALL religions of a spiritual nature are inventions of man. He has created an entire system of gods with nothing more than his carnal brain. Just because he has an ego an can not accept it, her has to externalize it into some great spiritual device which he calls "God" it not more sensible to worship a god that he, himself, has created, in accordance with his own emotional needs-- one that best represents the very carnal and physical being that has the power to invent god in the first place?"*
Satanism is a self-fulfilling man's dream, as it awards for doing unto yourself before doing for other. By "rewards" I mean simply the rewards we ourselves receive as a result, not given to us by some higher being. At the same time though, it encourages you to make right choices in life, but only as you see fit. Show kindness to others, but only if kindness is returned. Never turn the other cheek-- if someone hits you, you have every right hit them back.
"Satanism represents kindness to those who deserve it instead of love wasted on ingrates!....If you love everyone and everything you lose your powers of selection...the Satanist believes you should love strongly and completely those who deserve your love, but never turn the other cheek to your enemy!"*
"Satanism encourages any form of sexual expression you may desire, so long as it hurts no one else."*
I've typed too much now and my buzz has worn off. If anybody's interested I can explain some more, but I'd highly recommend this book to anyone not constrained by societies misconceptions or religion. I'll leave you with one of my favorite quotes from any faith for now:
"When all religious faith in lies has waned, it is because man has become closer to himself and farther from the 'God'; closer to the 'Devil.' If this is what the devil represents, and a man lives his life in the devil's fane with the sinews of Satan moving his flesh, then he either escapes from the cacklings and carpings of the righteous, or stands proudly in his secret places of the earth and manipulates the folly-ridden masses through his own Satanic might, until that day when he may come forth in splendor proclaiming "I AM SATANIST! BOW DOWN, FOR I AM THE HIGHEST EMBODIMENT OF HUMAN LIFE!"*
Such arrogance, lulz.
*All of these quotes were taken directly from parts I have underlined in my copy of
The Satanic Bible, so I hope someone appreciates the effort put into this, hehe