I keep getting people asking me how I get so many referrals, so here's my best method disclosed free.
First you need to realize that if you only promote the links, banners or pages Fusioncash gives us, you are not only going to get very few referrals, the few you do get are most likely not going to do much without any guidance, so you are not going to get many bonuses. You want to FIND people that are ready to make money and give them the whole plan, then they will go to work if they want it bad enough.
Then understand people don't join programs, links or banners as much as they join PEOPLE. If you want more people to join you, become a LEADER, that's what they are looking for. Anyone can shove a link in your face, it takes a leader to create a strong desire to take action. Yes YOU, if you can teach someone online ONE THING that brings them closer to their goals, you are a leader in their eyes. If you're not the lead dog, the view is always the same!
One way I do that is with VIDEOS and posting them on YouTube. Then I don't need to beat my head on the brick wall of free advertising, I just wait for them to find me. If you say you can't make a video yourself, get a life! You can make money online or you can make excuses, but it's hard to do both.
If you have Windows, you can make videos FREE. Search online for some free music that's legal to use, then free images or your own photos and combine them with titles in Windows Movie Maker (comes with Windows) and share it with people you meet online. It's the same old breadcrumb analogy I use all the time. If you want to catch birds (remember it's an analogy), do you run around waving a blanket in the air trying to knock one down, or spread some breadcrumbs around and wait for them to show up? I spread breadcrumbs online every day!
For an example of what you can do look at my Movie Maker video here:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oG4x_4AAWugNotice I don't just promote one thing, I package ideas together for greater impact, then lead them from site to site so they can learn more about me and what I do. If they get curious enough to spend some time clicking around, they are a LOT closer to a serious prospect I can help. He who helps the most people wins, it's that simple. Knowing all this stuff gets you NOWHERE, you need to teach it!
There you go, now what are you going to do next?