the fact that he gave Adam and Eve and everyone else a choice to serve him proves his loving kindness.
Oh factual is it? Ahh...nostalgia...that's when I remember the good ol' days when I believed the evil talking snake demon and magical happy paradise places and a man made from dirt and a woman made from a rib. As mean as it sounds, I'll say if this is how you're going to start your debates arguing the logic of the bible, I highly recommend rethinking your strategy for convincing every day people. I'm just trying to help you not get as many of those doors shutting infront of you every saturday morning.
2. Myths? Do you want me to show you some prophecies that came true in bible times and are being fulfilled today?
No. I vaguely remember and they were all like the writings of Nostradamus. That mathematical solution to get 1914 had me scratching my head when it was explained to me. Where the variables were taken didn't make any sense. Unless it was written down and explained perfectly and realistically with undeniable precision and not through vague animal-representation or hilariously broad reasonings, you will not convice many.
Many historians outside the JW's will tell you how the JW's zealously preached the good news during the wars, remain politically neutral and stood firm to their faith even under imprisonment for 1260 days. The rest of the christians supported the wars and the ones that did not support the war did not preach.
So you're saying you'd rather have the Third Reich trample over the world rather than have people fight it including those that are christian? Oh, but it's all in the grand plan of things, isn't it? This is all supposed to happen. How convenient.
This is one of the JW's crippling problems in their beliefs. Rather than take part in the world, they simply do nothing besides preach. They are encouraged to not vote, not join any military, not educate themselves and instead "Go Pioneer!" (holy hell I have some horror stories of people), not take part in any other community but their own, not involve themselves in holidays or birthdays...etc. etc. Every single one of these things is ridiculously fallible and hypocritical seeing it from outside the box of JW's. It's an excuse not to do anything and then sit around and play the blame game to make themselves look most holy. Every single one of the people I grew up with-- now 20 year olds to 60 year olds-- who left that church will tell you the same thing because they were smart enough to figure it out. And, fortunately, the majority of the church-goers did.
Sorry to sound pessimistic above, but I just saw a lot of negative things at that church.
Edit: Erg...yes, Walksalone. Me too.
@Queenofnines: Your right there is no hellfire that's a lie made by the churches and it comes from babylonish teachings and not the bible. Also your right choosing to disobey God was choosing death but it was still a choice. They choose to live a finite and hard life instead of living forever and being around for countless billions of years. The command was not unreasonable, all Adam and Eve had to do was not eat from 1 tree out of a garden that had many trees!!!!! One TREE, that's all they had to do but no, they choose to disobey god by listening to satan's lie and believing that they will be like god, knowing good and bad. I think your reasoning is telling you eaten from one tree did all of that? Quite a severe punishment for one tree? But your wrong see they were perfect, they knew that they were disobeying God, Eve even paraphrased the what God told her!!!! in Genesis 3:4. It sucks but through one man sin got passed down to all of us(Romans 6:23). However through one man God's sovereignty will be vinicated(1 Corinthians 15:20-28) and then we will be free from sin because God's kingdom through Jesus will make us all perfect even if it does take one day in God's eyes which is 1,000 years (Revelation 20:5-6).
1. Satan started out as a snake now he's a full-fledged 7-headed 10-horned dragon who is ruling through the earthly "powers" right now(Revelation 12:3,9)(Revelation 13:2). As for all life being made from dirt seriously what do all living creation on Earth decompose to?? Oh yeah that's right DIRT. Oh and I will always rely on the bible instead of man-made philosophy, it's a snare that's easy for anyone to fall in it's probably Satan's greatest trap. Oh and please Don't worry about being to mean or anything, I need all the practice I can get before I go door-to-door i'm in theocratic ministry school and not unbaptized publisher yet.
2. Vague animal representation are you serious? It seems like you didn't do a lot of personal studying on your own, correct me if i'm wrong. Ok, i'll show you scriptural proof why the beasts are meant to be taken as political powers. Consider this scripture that talks about the political powers of Media, Persia and Greece before it happen!!!
Daniel 8:20-22 reads 20 “The ram that you saw possessing the two horns [stands for] the kings of Me´di·a and Persia. 21 And the hairy he-goat [stands for] the king of Greece; and as for the great horn that was between its eyes, it [stands for] the first king. 22 And that one having been broken, so that there were four that finally stood up instead of it, there are four kingdoms from [his] nation that will stand up, but not with his power.
I think conspiracy theorists would agree with this scripture as it tells you that a "two-horned" wild beast or dual power is in charge of the "first" wild beast who got destroyed and then came back or death-stroke got healed as the bible puts it and it should even make "fire" come out of heaven!!!! Weather manipulation??!!! maybe??!!?!!!!! There's plenty of symbols that refer to the U.N. I mean images of the wild beast 0_0. How many times have people been assasinated who didn't agree with the U.S.? Ok, I think you can understand the code now so read please.
(Revelation 13:11-15) 11 And I saw another wild beast ascending out of the earth, and it had two horns like a lamb, but it began speaking as a dragon. 12 And it exercises all the authority of the first wild beast in its sight. And it makes the earth and those who dwell in it worship the first wild beast, whose death-stroke got healed. 13 And it performs great signs, so that it should even make fire come down out of heaven to the earth in the sight of mankind.
14 And it misleads those who dwell on the earth, because of the signs that were granted it to perform in the sight of the wild beast, while it tells those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the wild beast that had the sword-stroke and yet revived. 15 And there was granted it to give breath to the image of the wild beast, so that the image of the wild beast should both speak and cause to be killed all those who would not in any way worship the image of the wild beast.
3. Lol, all the stuff your complaining about are from the bible. The kingdoms are Satan's how else could he give Jesus all of these kingdom's if Satan didn't own them. Why should we help the governments I mean kingdoms with the voting. If anything seeing how Bush cheated his way into office should prove this!!!!!! Also I found out that Bush Sr. Financed hitler's war!!!!!! By joining an army to fight in a war christians will be supporting a war that Satan authorized for christians and not God. Obviously not following Jesus' stance on neutrality.
Matthew 4:8 Reads 8 Again the Devil took him along to an unusually high mountain, and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their glory, 9 and he said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” Go back up and read Revelation 13:11-15 again!!!!
There's nothing wrong with education, however too much time away learning in Satan's world could get you mixed up in philosophy.
not take part in any other community but their own. Ok now your slandering. The JW's have supported many disaster reliefs such as the false flag 9/11 attack.
All birthdays and holidays venerate a world ruler or venerate spiritistic teachings, the hallmarks of babylon the great!!! My dear fallen star revelation reference 0_0 do some research on the holidays as they are nothing but modern-day spiritistic revelries.
Wow I guess your saying the apostles didn't do anything either because they didn't vote, practice spiritistic revelries, didn't get a lot of secular education, didn't join the army ETC... Heck Jesus did a little blame game himself when it came to upholding his father sovereignty even calling some of them the pharisees(who thought Jesus was a trinity btw) and Sadducees hypocrites! As for preaching all the time that's a lie, when they're not preaching they're inviting people to gatherings, eating at restaurants, going to movies etc.
Hey, everyone has to make the decision whether to be a friend of the world or not. Also everyone must choose who to slave for cause you can't slave for 2 masters(Matthew 6:24). As for majority of Church-goers who are you referring to the JW's or christendom?