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Topic: I do NOT believe in god  (Read 175437 times)


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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #240 on: March 03, 2010, 03:01:30 pm »
You wouldn't like it if I were to say "You're going to hell and you need Jesus." now would you?

I could care less if someone says that to me because neither statement is true.
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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #241 on: March 03, 2010, 03:13:03 pm »
What I got out of that was everyone is affected by gravity wheather they want to be or not. Just like everyone will be affected by God in the end.

No, you cannot make that correlation...because gravity is provable and god is not.
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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #242 on: March 03, 2010, 03:21:16 pm »
Funny thing is even the Darwin worshiping cult leaders admitted they dejected the truth because they did not want to accept the moral oppositions to their life!

You do know you're part of a cult, right? By definition? And people don't worship Charles Darwin. They study his findings and hyptheses. Like how one could study Newton and gravity.

They dejected the truth because they did not want to accept the moral oppositions to their life! BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO FORNICATE!

So I assume you suffer from an ISD disorder then? Lol jk...seriously though, I just watched your myspace video of you shouting in the streets at night. I'm not trying to make you feel bad but this is far from normal behavior-- definately on the negative side of the fence. I know you probably won't listen to me because "I'm a wolf and not a sheep", but you have a major issue that needs tending to and I would highly suggest you seek a doctor for this type of behavior. I apologize for ever making fun of you as I am truly sorry for the obvious social disorder you have. Please get better.


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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #243 on: March 03, 2010, 03:34:40 pm »

No he didn't.

"The word god is for me nothing more than the expression and product of human weaknesses, the Bible a collection of honourable, but still primitive legends which are nevertheless pretty childish. No interpretation no matter how subtle can (for me) change this. "
Letter to philosopher Eric Gutkind, January 3, 1954

who is man to think that he could totally comprehend such an intelligent and awesome being?? It is impossible with our little bitty finite minds to comprehend the infinite.

We see eye-to-eye on this atleast. Cool.

I am not losing one minute of sleep worrying about wheather you believe or not. it is entirely up to you. You are responsiable for you and your children. Do your own research and praying. Have you ever thought about this "WHAT IF I AM WRONG??"

What if you're wrong? You've wasted your life carrying a needless burden then. I hate to point it out but you're being a bit hypocritcal knowing we are incapable of grasping the concept of god and yet you believe the standard stories in Christian doctrines on what he'll do. You've defined the undefinable.

God is provable and I can prove there is one 

Shyuddup, troll.


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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #244 on: March 03, 2010, 03:53:41 pm »
I perused each of those links carefully and found not one shred of this "proof" you speak of.

And Queen of Nines, you're a pretty awesome person to converse with on this matter. I think we're on the same level on a lot of issues, we just approach and execute in different ways. I've yet to respond to your last post, but I'm trying to locate any evidence to support your claim that Christ told his followers to save us all from hell.

Heh, I remember being faithful to those sites when I was a Christian!  Allow me to add to the mix for Christian "proof": and

Thank you, angel, that means a lot.  May I ask how/why you believe in god, when you seem to have your head on straight about some of the things that are wrong with religion?  

I've been thinking for a few days now that you sound like a person that could have the courage to really investigate if god exists or not.  In order to be successful in getting away from a religious lifestyle, one has to WANT to know why atheists are convinced there's not a god and yearn for decisive truth once and for all.  You have to realize it's not a decision that most non-theists made lightly or at the drop of a hat (contrary to Christians thinking it's just the devil who has us or something).  I was actually quite shocked the day I found out there wasn't a god, because I truly did believe just as much as many of the Christians on this forum.  It's a weird feeling to suddenly know that there isn't a deity looking out for you, prayer is useless in life, and death is the end.  But you can get over it.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
- Matt. 28:19-20 (NIV)

It may not say specifically "convince people to believe in god because of hell", but Christians *are* supposed to witness, and the hell card is part of their best arsenal for scaring people into believing.
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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #245 on: March 03, 2010, 04:08:31 pm »
Funny thing is even the Darwin worshiping cult leaders admitted they dejected the truth because they did not want to accept the moral oppositions to their life! BECAUSE THEY WANTED TO FORNICATE! I am not always on if anyone wants to see more of what the bible says they can check out those sites or open up their KJV bible and pray to God and he will speak directly to them within them! These haters are just wicked wolfs no sheep's clothing just wolves they love the genocide America has going on killing off all these bibles. They love the wicked immorality and animal like sex and drunkardness reviling and all other wicked things they are partaking in. They love it!

I don't do it, but there is nothing wrong with fornicating, as long as it is between consenting parties.  Abortion should remain legal; it is more concerning that so many women are irresponsible when it comes to birth control (obviously I don't mean the ones that got raped, mind you).  There is nothing wrong with "animal-like sex"...again, as long as it's between consenting parties.  As for alcohol, it is only wrong when it leads to violence or the risk of violence (driving).
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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #246 on: March 03, 2010, 04:21:56 pm »


I am not losing one minute of sleep worrying about wheather you believe or not. it is entirely up to you...Do your own research and praying. Have you ever thought about this "WHAT IF I AM WRONG??"     

Hmm, here we have another person who acts like they are better than church and religious teachers.  But then you quote claims from the Bible and what most of your fellow Christians believe.  I'm confused.

And I did think "What if I am wrong?" a Christian.  Ha!  I have done my own research, the difference being I was brave and open-minded about it and did not rely on sh*tty, Christian-based website "sources" in attempt to confirm my religious security blanket.
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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #247 on: March 03, 2010, 04:36:39 pm »
It may not say specifically "convince people to believe in god because of hell", but Christians *are* supposed to witness, and the hell card is part of their best arsenal for scaring people into believing.

Yes, this is what I find most abhorrent about the way some Christians witness, but what many of them don't realize is that this belief is actually more ammunition against god than it is for, as I've known quite a few people, myself included, that turned away from Christianity because of the hideousness in which some portray God-- this fatherly being who is supposedly OF love and yet is capable of such extreme and unforgiving cruelty. This can be likened to the prophet Mohamed using fear of the sword as a means to convert dissidents to Islam. Both methods are equally disgusting and primitive, so we're in agreement on that.

May I ask how/why you believe in god, when you seem to have your head on straight about some of the things that are wrong with religion?

My belief is not that we have some personal deity sheltering and tending to our spiritual well-beings, just to be clear. My spirituality revolves around this certainty that we all need something to believe in-- yes, even atheists. We're all struggling to understand and, since we're all different, we all interpret what we feel our hearts and minds are trying to tell us in many different ways.

My beliefs are difficult to explain because they're constantly "evolving", as I like to consider it. This is why I can't so easily dismiss other people's beliefs, because we're all reaching for the same thing, though we take our separate paths to reach it.

Once more, it's been a pleasure. Hopefully we'll disagree again some time.

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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #248 on: March 03, 2010, 08:48:23 pm »
1.) It was said earlier that Christians *are* supposed to be witnessing, but many give up way too easily or don't try at all.  They don't want to ruffle feathers or be put in an uncomfortable situation, but that's exactly what god says they are supposed to be doing.  Back "in the day", that was said because times were different and the only way people would hear of Jesus was if his disciples & followers "spread the word"/witnessed.  In this day and age with missionaries, radios, tv's, & now computers  going into corners of the earth "where no man has heard the Word before"...most everyone has heard.  Witnessing doesn't mean constantly shoving religion in someone elses face "when they already KNOW".  Most Christians SHOULD be able to have others look at their lives, the example they set and have their life's example be their best witness.    2.) Not to single anyone out because it was mentioned more than once, things like "being a Christian is living a burden", "what if Christians find out they ARE WRONG" and  "also, many people deprive or hold themselves back in life in the name of god, believing that a hard life today is okay because they'll get a heaven for eternity."   I haven't found living a Christian life to be burden-some at all.  There isn't one thing in the Bible that God said to do or not do that will KILL a person if they obey.  There isn't one thing in the Bible that God said to do or not do that is IMPOSSIBLE.  I have found that by obeying God, it has made my life even better as I have avoided alot of heartache, grief and bitterness that typically comes with making life's tempting wrong choices.  (If anyone thinks that the outcomes of life's wrong choices is "just life"...then choosing God's way DOES make ones life better because you avoid alot of the bad and what is so bad about that?)   3.) Churches & religious teachers---there's no such thing as a perfect church or a perfect religious teacher.  There are false teachings and false prophets and every religion can have them, that's why it's important to know what and why you believe what you do and ALWAYS check to make sure you have the BEST sources for believing what you do.  :thumbsup:

Yep, I agree with everything you say except the heaven part but that's for another debate ;D. As for religious organizations not being perfect of course how can they they're human are they? However a tree that produces good fruit is better then a tree that produces bad fruit. So judge the organizations actions and not the people.


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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #249 on: March 03, 2010, 10:55:23 pm »
Wow Queen. Why are you tryiong to convince angel to not be a Christian? ( Which is exactly what you are doing)
That is just wrong. Let him/her believe in what they wish. I mean seriously it's almost pathetic how you are shoving your opinions/beliefs down their throat.
Anyway I'm curious now exactly why are you so sure Christianity is completely false? I mean seriously I've heard everything and nothing has made me give up my faith.


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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #250 on: March 04, 2010, 06:21:33 am »
 :peace: :heart: :wave: 2 every 1 Good or Bad God loves us all :heart: I t is our choice :thumbsup: Heaven or Hell ???


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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #251 on: March 04, 2010, 08:24:48 am »
Wow Queen. Why are you tryiong to convince angel to not be a Christian?

Come again?

Falconer am I really a Troll? Or you just don't know what to say to me? Why have you singled me out? Why won't you quit? I am just typing in the same manner I have been typed to. If you look back I didn't do it first. I was called stupid and ignorant and an idiot and more long before I started calling others that.
I don't know how many times I have reported you for calling me a Troll or if anything will be done about it but I would appreciate it if you would stop  :peace:

You posted so much nonsense in the past concerning your extreme views on God and Christianity only to come in later and say "Haha, I can't believe you people actually thought I believe in God. I just say that to mess with you". Yet you still come in here chunkin holy water and screaming for us to repent. You've repeated gibberish such as "Go FUGG yourself" at least ten times in different topics but then erase them so the admin team won't find out. You delete all the negative bullcrap you type when arguing just so you can say "Look back, I did nothing wrong!". You are by very definition a troll, and not even a good one.
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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #252 on: March 04, 2010, 11:00:01 am »

Thank you, angel, that means a lot.  May I ask how/why you believe in god, when you seem to have your head on straight about some of the things that are wrong with religion?  

I've been thinking for a few days now that you sound like a person that could have the courage to really investigate if god exists or not.  In order to be successful in getting away from a religious lifestyle, one has to WANT to know why atheists are convinced there's not a god and yearn for decisive truth once and for all.  You have to realize it's not a decision that most non-theists made lightly or at the drop of a hat (contrary to Christians thinking it's just the devil who has us or something).  I was actually quite shocked the day I found out there wasn't a god, because I truly did believe just as much as many of the Christians on this forum.  It's a weird feeling to suddenly know that there isn't a deity looking out for you, prayer is useless in life, and death is the end.  But you can get over it.

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."
- Matt. 28:19-20 (NIV)

It may not say specifically "convince people to believe in god because of hell", but Christians *are* supposed to witness, and the hell card is part of their best arsenal for scaring people into believing.
Yeah that definitely sounds like  she is trying to convince you to not be Christian.


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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #253 on: March 04, 2010, 11:02:48 am »
No, I say look back and you will see that I never started it with people. I was just defending myself. I almost thought if I took the side of atheist then it wouldn't happen anymore but that didn't work. I really would appreciate it if you would stop also because you are another one.

Because, as I stated previously, you will promptly erase every offensive posts you make so that the administration will be under the impression that you are just some sweet innocent bystander being picked on by bullies. You may fool them but I know better. If you want to be treated with respect then you should consider first conducting yourself in a manner which warrants it.
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Re: I do NOT believe in god
« Reply #254 on: March 04, 2010, 11:07:08 am »
Yeah that definitely sounds like  she is trying to convince you to not be Christian.

I'm a defender of Christianity, though likely not in the way you interpret it, but I am most certainly not a Christian. Thanks for your concern though.  :)
Abash'd the Devil stood, and he felt how awful goodness is

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