God doesn't make us do anything because we have a choice.
We've already been over how it's a logical fallacy that it happened in the first place (you can't know something is wrong before you have the knowledge that is wrong). In any event, why should we have to be punished for something our ancestors did? That's not fair. We know it's silly for say, African Americans today to demand to be paid reparations for their ancestors who were slaves. You can't refer to something in the past when it comes to things like that.
You also have the problem of why did he need to have the tree in the garden in the first place? He KNEW we would fail, unless he is not omniscient. Why did he allow the serpent in there? And once the fruit has hit the fan, why does the extent of evil have to be SO bad? If god is all-powerful, certainly he could be in control of things to the point that we'd still see sin's effects without needing such a large degree of suffering. And again, this whole sin bit does not account for natural disasters.
Also the whole "sacrificing himself to himself because of the sh*tty creation and rules he made" is just weird. It wasn't really a "sacrifice" because he was god; he knew he would be okay once he kicked it.
All of this doesn't make sense until you realize there is no god.
God isn't how you are making him out to be. Just because you don't worship him and believe in him, doesn't mean you get a free ticket into heaven or make God cease to exist.
Read your whole Bible and you'll see god is the worst tyrannical monster man has ever known. And no, I'm not going to heaven, nor is anyone else. Some "god" may exist, but it is certainly not the one that is defined so laughably well like in the Bible or Koran. And thank the FSM for that!