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Topic: Proof that God exists  (Read 54068 times)


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #45 on: December 21, 2009, 11:42:44 am »
I dont really believe in God!! People have their own opinion!!


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #46 on: December 21, 2009, 12:12:35 pm »
My head hurts from reading all this, yet its making me laugh also!  :D
"Pain is mearly weakness leaving the body."


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #47 on: December 21, 2009, 01:19:15 pm »
I'd rather live on my feet :angry7: than die on my knees. :notworthy:


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #48 on: December 21, 2009, 02:34:59 pm »
My daughter is a miracle that has been given too us! She was born in november and I am just plain thrilled that she is here!!!


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #49 on: December 21, 2009, 02:40:58 pm »


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #50 on: December 21, 2009, 03:07:15 pm »
For one, what the heck is MORBIDRACOON's problem? Why is everyone getting so crazy about someone's thoery on something. We all have our own opinions and shouldn't be ridiculed for it. Geez she was just saying what she was taught. Find another topic to talk about. none of us have any way of knowing if God is real or not til we die and see for ourself. So stop worrying about it and just live ur life...oh and MERRY CHRISTMAS..


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #51 on: December 21, 2009, 05:16:32 pm »
Guess what? I don't doubt there of an existence of a higher being, but the way you guys impose it is ridiculous. Generally all religions now have beentainted. None the less the average religious person isn't even religious, they break their own ways and feel bad for stupid reasons and think something bad is going to happen when reality the sun will rise the next day. I mean as I said, I could go on! But like you said, we all have our views, if you are going to blind yourself into believing in such things then go right ahead.


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #52 on: December 21, 2009, 05:23:26 pm »
If all the hateful self righteous people who follow these religions are actually going to heaven, I'll be happy to go to hell. I just want to work the door . :thumbsup:


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #53 on: December 21, 2009, 05:39:38 pm »
I don't doubt there of an existence of a higher being, but the way you guys impose it is ridiculous. Generally all religions now have been tainted

Well put.


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #54 on: December 21, 2009, 07:22:49 pm »
Let god take care of it? So you're saying we are going to go to hell again? Very offensive, even if it is because you are blinded by your religion. To subject that as a possibility to anyone is wrong. Not that I believe in hell, but you are implying that if there is one, we are going there. :P You know what is funny? I know atheists who donate, are all around good people, have rich loyal families with lots of love, and so fourth. Are they going to hell because they don't believe in god? Even though they are as close to 'pure' as anyone can get nowadays, but just because they believe in god they're going to hell? ARROGANCE I TELL YOU!  >:(

i never said anyone is going to hell not the judge of that god is ..i dont judge people  athesiets are  human beings like anybody else obviously you didint read my post right..your macking it seem like i said  god is so evil and he just sends everyone to hell ..and christians are down right stupied for beliveing in him ..what i was sayyyyinngg was once again god decides  that because there his people not mine.. and im not bout to argue with anybody about there belief believe what you want..and i belive what i want  ..honestly i dont give a crap... you do you  and live the life you want to because in the end god cares about everyone ..even the ones who dont believe
If there is a god then everybody is his people, not just Christians, hence the whole 'he created everything', so that doesn't make sense. Unless you are saying that there are other gods for the 'other' people that aren't Christian? or do you believe they are all recepients of Satan?

The people on this site that don't believe in God are the meanest most hateful and rude bunch I have ever come in contact with.

I hope you get what you want. I hope there is no God for you. I just wonder how you can live another day. When someone dies or if your child dies I just wonder how you are able to make it another day, knowing that was it and you never will see them again.

I am Schizophrenic, it is a lot easier for me to believe in God than a normal person.

Everybody dies eventually; and for your information I was diagnosed with a schitzoid personality at a very young age, which is often the onset of schizophrenia...I still don't believe in god.

Just once wouldn't you love for someone to simply show you the evidence for God's existence? No arm-twisting. No statements of, "You just have to believe." Well, here is an attempt to candidly offer some of the reasons which suggest that God exists.

But first consider this. If a person opposes even the possibility of there being a God, then any evidence can be rationalized or explained away. It is like if someone refuses to believe that people have walked on the moon, then no amount of information is going to change their thinking. Photographs of astronauts walking on the moon, interviews with the astronauts, moon rocks...all the evidence would be worthless, because the person has already concluded that people cannot go to the moon.

When it comes to the possibility of God's existence, the Bible says that there are people who have seen sufficient evidence, but they have suppressed the truth about God.1 On the other hand, for those who want to know God if he is there, he says, "You will seek me and find me; when you seek me with all your heart, I will be found by you."2 Before you look at the facts surrounding God's existence, ask yourself, If God does exist, would I want to know him? Here then, are some reasons to consider...

1.) Does God exist? The complexity of our planet points to a deliberate Designer who not only created our universe, but sustains it today.
Many examples showing God's design could be given, possibly with no end. But here are a few:

The Earth...its size is perfect. The Earth's size and corresponding gravity holds a thin layer of mostly nitrogen and oxygen gases, only extending about 50 miles above the Earth's surface. If Earth were smaller, an atmosphere would be impossible, like the planet Mercury. If Earth were larger, its atmosphere would contain free hydrogen, like Jupiter.3 Earth is the only known planet equipped with an atmosphere of the right mixture of gases to sustain plant, animal and human life.

The Earth is located the right distance from the sun. Consider the temperature swings we encounter, roughly -30 degrees to +120 degrees. If the Earth were any further away from the sun, we would all freeze. Any closer and we would burn up. Even a fractional variance in the Earth's position to the sun would make life on Earth impossible. The Earth remains this perfect distance from the sun while it rotates around the sun at a speed of nearly 67,000 mph. It is also rotating on its axis, allowing the entire surface of the Earth to be properly warmed and cooled every day.

And our moon is the perfect size and distance from the Earth for its gravitational pull. The moon creates important ocean tides and movement so ocean waters do not stagnate, and yet our massive oceans are restrained from spilling over across the continents.4

Water...colorless, odorless and without taste, and yet no living thing can survive without it. Plants, animals and human beings consist mostly of water (about two-thirds of the human body is water). You'll see why the characteristics of water are uniquely suited to life:

It has an unusually high boiling point and freezing point. Water allows us to live in an environment of fluctuating temperature changes, while keeping our bodies a steady 98.6 degrees.

Water is a universal solvent. This property of water means that thousands of chemicals, minerals and nutrients can be carried throughout our bodies and into the smallest blood vessels.5

Water is also chemically neutral. Without affecting the makeup of the substances it carries, water enables food, medicines and minerals to be absorbed and used by the body.

Water has a unique surface tension. Water in plants can therefore flow upward against gravity, bringing life-giving water and nutrients to the top of even the tallest trees.

Water freezes from the top down and floats, so fish can live in the winter.

Ninety-seven percent of the Earth's water is in the oceans. But on our Earth, there is a system designed which removes salt from the water and then distributes that water throughout the globe. Evaporation takes the ocean waters, leaving the salt, and forms clouds which are easily moved by the wind to disperse water over the land, for vegetation, animals and people. It is a system of purification and supply that sustains life on this planet, a system of recycled and reused water.6

The human brain...simultaneously processes an amazing amount of information. Your brain takes in all the colors and objects you see, the temperature around you, the pressure of your feet against the floor, the sounds around you, the dryness of your mouth, even the texture of your keyboard. Your brain holds and processes all your emotions, thoughts and memories. At the same time your brain keeps track of the ongoing functions of your body like your breathing pattern, eyelid movement, hunger and movement of the muscles in your hands.

The human brain processes more than a million messages a second.7 Your brain weighs the importance of all this data, filtering out the relatively unimportant. This screening function is what allows you to focus and operate effectively in your world. The brain functions differently than other organs. There is an intelligence to it, the ability to reason, to produce feelings, to dream and plan, to take action, and relate to other people.

The eye...can distinguish among seven million colors. It has automatic focusing and handles an astounding 1.5 million messages -- simultaneously.8 Evolution focuses on mutations and changes from and within existing organisms. Yet evolution alone does not fully explain the initial source of the eye or the brain -- the start of living organisms from nonliving matter.

I believe in the possibility of god, I just see all the given options as inpropable and total crock. How does our universe and everything about it have to do with gods design? EVERYTHING is complex, we know nothing, we create theories that become truths over time when accepted by the majority; we know little about anything. Just how we interpet it in our humanly ways, which most likely has a lot to do with our over-active emotions. If you knew anything about planets, you'd know that the possibilities of the other planets having an atmosphere at one point is very high, as they found much evidence in rocks they collected which contained evidence of oxygen and water at one point, which is all we really need since every creature on our planet has salty blood, and breathes oxygen; further saying that it is just a phase of the planet where organisms could possibly develop. Not to mention it has been proven that our planet is getting closer to the sun by time, and will eventually be engulped by the sun itself; a process caused by gravity. ALSO, Titan, a moon, has clouds, which is another thing you're saying is a specialty for our planet..explain that? Not to mention; just because we are an uber-smart species, that doesn't mean we were designed by some higher being. It has been proven time over that animals have emotions too; for example elephants mourn when their young dies and even have a somewhat ritual good-bye, which occurs with all elephants everywhere. Everything has emotions, we just have a wider variety. Keep in mind evolution is still technically a theory and does not in any way reveal how we came to be in the first place.

Also, just because we can't explain the big bang THEORY, that doesn't mean that it was placed by god, or put into action by any special being, that could infact just be a freak coincidence, could be something else. Not to mention every idea about how the universe came to be is also THEORY. How would they know it filled with light? Also, we have gravity and all of our other weird laws of the world because our matter on this planet consists of something unlike spaces matter, which is completaly logical. Just because we discovered the code of everything(DNA) as well doesn't mean that we are created by god. We just identified the structures of life. The world has its perfections and inperfections. I am not in any way bothered by peoples beliefs either; just people thinking their religion is the only one; or people will go to 'hell' because they don't believe sounds unreasonably crude to me. If you ask me, religion was created by someone very smart once upon a time, kind of like a regulator for mankind, to keep us in check and give us something to look forward to in the morning. HONESTLY I think religion is a good thing, I don't believe it, but without it the world would be a lot worse off; peoplewise at least. You are a smart person and I respect what you are saying, but even after all of that; I still have come to the conclusion that he doesn't exist. As you know, being as crazy as me, you'd have to realize that I have been considering this since I was barely able to read; I have thought of every possibility, and have created my own answers. They could be wrong, but to me they are correct, so I will choose to believe them. Just like you choose to believe in your god because it makes perfect sense to you.

and your last post is just nonsense..
your getting totaly off the subject witch is confusing but ok ...yeh athiests are god children to ,everybody is gods children just because they dont believe dosint mean that he dosint love thme anymore


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #55 on: December 22, 2009, 01:11:23 am »
What I found most offensive about this topic is the person who claimed that schizophrenia is a demon possession! What is up with that crap? You know how offensive that is? Not to mention everybody seems to have this stupid idea now where you can magically break your religion off at a small period of your life to find yourself, but then when you're doing you need to get right back to god to be 'saved', for example everybody’s younger party years. That sounds like the idea of an illiterate moron who knows nothing. If god made rules they are always suppose to apply to you, you don't get breaks, and that is what people don't realize. So by everybody’s standards of how obedient you should be to god, and how much you should follow the bible or the torah or whatever, then everybody is going to hell because practically nobody is pure anymore. Everybody has done something, something they need saving for, or whatever bullcrap. Then you got the fakes who think they need a break from their 'god', and either end up being atheists or the half-assed follower that the majority of the world is today. Nobody is purely obedient to their faith anymore, like your book claims you should be, yet the world still goes on, the same *bleep* still happens...I mean I could go on. Your religions are obviously flawed . If something that is suppose to connect me to a higher being that is supposed to be COMPLETALY perfect is something that is flawed or questioned then it was obviously not created by him/her/it or else it wouldn't have been flawed in the first place since the being is omnipotent, it can't mess up; therefore it is obvious that religion was created by the interpretation of man. If not that, then it must have been tainted with time and hand off from generation to generation.  It is a fool’s way, especially if followed to the full extent, which mostly everybody isn’t even willing to do anymore. It is obvious how much people doubt deep down inside, even if some just doubt the religion, which is how atheists usually start.

You’d be surprised how much of a political influence something could have on the majority of people over time if it is accepted, especially if it is claimed to be by a higher being. A lot of people’s morals have been constructed on these very things. You could almost control society, if following these rules the right way, because it has already been instilled over time as one of our natural ways; to follow commandments or words of god; which if you notice change from culture to culture?

I choose to not be a fool and buy into that brainwashing device created by someone who was very smart and understood the human psyche very well, and concluded certain things that have resulted in these religions. I call it the dummy effect; the need to believe in a higher existence. We always need a higher being; parents, boss, wife, whatever it may be. It could just be natural by our emotions to always look for the next person up the line, but I don’t think societies morals would be the same if they realized that we are last up on the line, so religion is also kind of good for the smart people who realize really dumb people probably couldn’t cope with reality in the same way without it.
If people were to consider the fact that there isn’t a god though, and we weren’t to go into chaos or anything like that, I believe society could advance beyond belief. No more moral boundaries.  :)

I guess we’ll see, 2012 right? LOL


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #56 on: December 22, 2009, 02:01:03 am »
 :sad1:God will get you for that...


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #57 on: December 22, 2009, 08:17:44 am »
What I found most offensive about this topic is the person who claimed that schizophrenia is a demon possession! What is up with that crap? You know how offensive that is? Not to mention everybody seems to have this stupid idea now where you can magically break your religion off at a small period of your life to find yourself, but then when you're doing you need to get right back to god to be 'saved', for example everybody’s younger party years. That sounds like the idea of an illiterate moron who knows nothing. If god made rules they are always suppose to apply to you, you don't get breaks, and that is what people don't realize. So by everybody’s standards of how obedient you should be to god, and how much you should follow the bible or the torah or whatever, then everybody is going to hell because practically nobody is pure anymore. Everybody has done something, something they need saving for, or whatever bullcrap. Then you got the fakes who think they need a break from their 'god', and either end up being atheists or the half-assed follower that the majority of the world is today. Nobody is purely obedient to their faith anymore, like your book claims you should be, yet the world still goes on, the same *bleep* still happens...I mean I could go on. Your religions are obviously flawed . If something that is suppose to connect me to a higher being that is supposed to be COMPLETALY perfect is something that is flawed or questioned then it was obviously not created by him/her/it or else it wouldn't have been flawed in the first place since the being is omnipotent, it can't mess up; therefore it is obvious that religion was created by the interpretation of man. If not that, then it must have been tainted with time and hand off from generation to generation.  It is a fool’s way, especially if followed to the full extent, which mostly everybody isn’t even willing to do anymore. It is obvious how much people doubt deep down inside, even if some just doubt the religion, which is how atheists usually start.

You’d be surprised how much of a political influence something could have on the majority of people over time if it is accepted, especially if it is claimed to be by a higher being. A lot of people’s morals have been constructed on these very things. You could almost control society, if following these rules the right way, because it has already been instilled over time as one of our natural ways; to follow commandments or words of god; which if you notice change from culture to culture?

I choose to not be a fool and buy into that brainwashing device created by someone who was very smart and understood the human psyche very well, and concluded certain things that have resulted in these religions. I call it the dummy effect; the need to believe in a higher existence. We always need a higher being; parents, boss, wife, whatever it may be. It could just be natural by our emotions to always look for the next person up the line, but I don’t think societies morals would be the same if they realized that we are last up on the line, so religion is also kind of good for the smart people who realize really dumb people probably couldn’t cope with reality in the same way without it.
If people were to consider the fact that there isn’t a god though, and we weren’t to go into chaos or anything like that, I believe society could advance beyond belief. No more moral boundaries.  :)

I guess we’ll see, 2012 right? LOL

you keep posting stuff that makes you sound so ignorent and you know nothing about the bible obviously the bible says he who is without sin cast the first stone jesus said he came to earth to save ..... "he is sick need not a physician" so thatgoes for you saying that everybody is going to hell because everyone is not true to there faith we all make mistakes and thats what repentence is for 


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #58 on: December 22, 2009, 08:33:14 am »
marieelissa>:You know for someone who claims to be smart you really make yourself sound more dumb everytime you post. I don't even think you are schitzophrenic, I think you are just some dumb person who made an offensive post and had to make up darastic things on the internet to sound like you had a lot of backbone for the stupid crap you say. Then you post about a disorder and claim it as your reason. That is pathetic. You are pathetic.

I honestly wonder if it is even worth my 20 seconds to type up a long post complaining about the new dumb *bleep* things you guys replied with.

But I got better things to do like make coffee and smoke a cigarette, in this oh so godless world.  :icon_rr: hahahaha


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Re: Proof that God exists
« Reply #59 on: December 22, 2009, 01:52:52 pm »
So for all you people that believe in God and believe there are Ghosts or whatever, this is what Science does to people that have this ability.

This doesn't make sense.

Since it was a Big Bang and Evolution then Schizophrenics are nuts and there is no God.

This doesn't make sense.

oooo I seen a Ghost, Nope just Hallucinating.


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