First, can I just say that I find it absolutely hillarious that many people who have posted here have also posted on the threads that have to do with defending Christianity...I just got a new bible from the Grandmother who is trying to convert me so let me quote.....
Matthew, New Testament........
""Judge not, that you be not judged""
So, if I choose to have one, two, ten abortions every single person with a "christian" heart should and would forgive me and not judge me in the least, not think ill of me, or condemn me for my actions. So, why are they posting here saying woman choosing to have an abortion are wrong? Trying to convert them? Woman who believe in abortions are wrong? Who are you to judge?!
I think woman should be able to have abortions. It is their body, their life. Because they got pregnant, that fetus is the ruling factor over the womans life? Because she is pregnant she has no say over how the next nine months should go?
As many have said, a fetus is a fetus. There have been scientific studies to determine when a fetus can feel pain, when a fetus has enough brain development to experience fear, etc. I personally do not believe in later term abortions, half birth abortions, etc. I would whole heartedly campaign against anyone who could willingly give birth to a child only to have its skull caved in half way through the birthing process.
When the FETUS is nothing more than a bunch of cells, that is fear, no pain, no nothing. Not even a baby.
That sounds awful, I know. I'm a woman and a mother but woman need to have a choice.
Also, all those emails you see about these teeny tiny little babies that have been aborted who are no bigger than a quarter and 'oh poor baby'....those are miscarriages, still births, or preemies. My aunt is a OB/GYN. Abortions do not result in 'babies' they are blood and gore, tissue. You wouldn't be able to look at it and think 'oh thats a baby'
We, as a country, cannot be ruled by religious fanatics. We need to think about the people and what is best for them.
BTW to the person who wants people to go to jail if they have sex outside of marriage....A. How do you propose to make this work? A cop in every home? Big brother and his cameras in every home?
B. Do you have any idea of the amount of people who have children while married that the said child was an accident???
My husband and I being one of them....I am prego with number four...are we happy? YES! but did we want or expect another child? Hell no!