I too am a man and would just like to say.....A baby is a human being. Even if the baby is not fully formed, it is still a human being or at least one soon too be.
A baby is the label given to an individual from birth to one year of age.
A baby
is a human being. An embryo/fetus
IS NOT -- say it with me,
IS NOT -- a baby by any legal or biological definition. It really is that simple. You simply cannot have a "baby" prior to birth, there is no getting around this. You cannot have a baby that isn't "fully formed;" it remains an embryo/fetus if it is not "fully formed." Stop muddling up the terminology to fit your view on the subject, it's dishonest.
The very last thing you said hits the heart of the potential person argument, which says that a fetus is potentially a person, so it should be given the same rights as a person like you and I. This is plain irrational.
You don't base your treatment of things on what they could potentially become. You and I are both potential corpses (might I add, much more so than a fetus is potentially an individual person). Should we walk around treating each other like we're dead? No, that doesn't make any sense. Your house could potentially burn down in the future. Should you treat it like so in the present? No, again it makes no sense.
Furthermore, where does the potential person argument end? That fetus could be carried to term, be born, and grow up to be a serial rapist. Should we treat it like a serial rapist from the second it's born? No, again that makes no sense. That fetus could be carried to term, be born, and grow up to be the next Ghandi. Should we treat it like it's the next Ghandi from the second it's born? No, not at all.
Going even further in questioning how far the potential person argument extends, are you aware of what happens every month if a woman isn't pregnant? Are you aware of what happens when a male masturbates? Why aren't people who are pro-life up in a roar over this? Hey, that sperm and egg that go "unused" are also a potential person. Shouldn't they be treated like that? But wait, what happens if a male doesn't *bleep*? Oh right, the sperm are reabsorbed by the body (aka they're killed). Is every man and every woman responsible for the killing of people? I assume you'll answer no. Why not, it's a potential person after all, correct?
The point is this: You treat things for what they are, not what they could potentially be. Treating things for what they could potentially become is illogical, contradicts itself at almost every turn, and pretty much makes every person in the world who has working sex organs a propagator of genocide.
By getting an abortion you destroy that human's goals and dreams they would ever get, stop them from finding love in the world or making someone else happy, and finally just killing off a poor innocent baby!
Show me that a fetus has goals and dreams and I will immediately begin to rethink my position in this debate.
Again, it's not a baby. There is no logical basis for labeling it a baby. Label it what it is -- an embryo or fetus.
My View on this is instead of having an abortion although it may be tough to carry the pregnancy just give the baby up for adoption so it has a wonderful caring family and life of its own. You are basically playing G-d with this choice so well yeah I think you get it.
As of 2008, there were 510,000 individuals in foster care. No where close to that amount get adopted. Only a fraction of kids in foster care get adopted. Please don't pretend it is some great solution to stick a kid into a foster home.