FC report for last week earnings: 12 Cents. No survey qualified.
Yesterday or the day before (forget which), I tried so hard to get my PTC amount. Had 4 cents and was short by 1 cent. So now I have to start over today and try for 5 cents once again. Don't know if I want to bother. Only on "video" on the page. Can't do most anyway because of Trojan warning. Didn't check surveys for today but yesterday there were none. What's the sense of trying anymore?
UPDATE: Just checked survey page. SERVICE UNAVAILABLE. Like I said, what's the sense of trying anymore? So sad. Never thought I'd see the day where FC doesn't pay Forum Bonus or have enough to keep us going so we can cash out. Next month I'm going to be dinged for not being able to cashout for 6 months and it's not because I didn't try. They might as well take my whole $18 made for those 6 months. Even with paid Forum Bonus, I'd still fall short by $3 by the end of this month at this rate.
If you are so unhappy with this site WHY do you keep wasting time you will never get back trying to earn a few pennies a week? QUIT. Find a real job or something else to do with your time.
Find a real job?
Where? I've tried for 6 years after I became disabled. I've given up. My age also had something to do with not being able to get a real job. So I've got all the time in the world to waste if I want but on some site that will at least let me earn a few pennies.
Today, I tried a couple "videos." As usual, most were Trojan warnings and those that didn't have warnings never credited. I made a whole 4 cents last week because I spent more time on other sites where I made over $50, but I keep trying here because I keep thinking things will change and this was my #1 for years.
You are not trying. There are jobs every where. Most people seem to think they are too good to work the jobs that are available. If you are really disabled then you are drawing disability or social security. My point is if you are in the forums crying about wasting your time then find something else to do. This site has become a total dud and everyone knows it.
Really? Not for someone who can't walk very far without a cane or sit too long without leg swelling. Tell me where I can find a job like that? I worked at home for 25 years as a medical transcriptionist and had my own clients too, but when the sarcoma hit, I lost everything because it took almost a year to even walk. Even with working at home, I couldn't sit in the office chair because my leg was wrapped up to the hip and had to keep my leg elevated. Kinda impossible to get under the desk with an elevated leg.
As for the 4 cents made one day and rolls over to the next day, NO It Doesn't. Never did for me. Just like others said. Theirs roll over, mine doesn't. There are other things on here that work for others but not for me. Don't know why. Is it because of where I live or did they change the rules before I signed up and those that were signed up long before me still got the roll overs? Like I said, I checked on the PTC because of the 4 cents you said would roll over and it didn't. I had to start from scratch the next day. I had ZERO PTC cents.