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Topic: Madden NFL players was cool but it's only useful  (Read 589 times)


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Madden NFL players was cool but it's only useful
« on: June 09, 2020, 09:55:02 pm »
They should do each of these: All foundation cards should become the Madden NFL participant's power up. You pay to upgrade to their next card the identical way you do. This way we never have to wait for a Madden NFL player to acquire up a power, each Mut 20 coins player gets all staff chems, and you'd still just use great Madden NFL players. Every card has some value this way. Stamina should affect defenders. If a LB (who should all have their speed lowered greatly) runs round the area twice and 25 yards backward on a play, he ought to be worthless another play. It ought to matter, play by play, the way it does on offense for fumbling.

There should be upgrading and downgrading. If you wan power down a Madden NFL player, you just click to perform it and it does the whole thing, not 80 clicks to do every step. You pick a spot to up or downgrade to and that is completed. I like the notion of mass downgrading, that should be a one step thing. Volume upgrading would be an issue because how would you handle PUP's vs. cards on your binder vs. cards you need to purchase.

The power up idea would not be required if they kept physical chems like they did last year where any card may get them.Physical chem certainly needs to go away.

It's better if the two were gone. The idea of powerups being a way to get a underpowered version of the greatest Madden NFL players was cool but it's only useful early on in the year. How powerups are now it is just a rich get richer type situation, powering up buy Madden nfl 20 coins players is very expensive and it compels a commitment into particular Madden NFL players losing the flexibility of altering your team up at will.

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