So I see some on this thread were asking how he lied. All you have to do is research a variety of sources. But let me take you through a few.
According to FACTCHECK.ORG:
Trump boasted about the U.S. being the top oil and natural gas producer in the world. Those achievements, however, occurred years ago or have been expected for a long time.
2. Trump inflated the reduction in food stamp recipients on his watch by including the last several months under president Obama.
3. He exaggerated the number of jobs created under his presidency by starting the clock at his election, and he inflated the manufacturing gain even more.
4. He twice referred to human trafficking to make the case for ending illegal immigration. However, experts have stated that legal ports are the typical mode of entry in the bulk of cases they deal with foreign nationals.
5. Trump boasted that "more people are working now than at any other time in history-157 million." That's roughly accurate, but due to population growth, the country has almost continually hit historic employment highs. Since recovery from the Great recession, the U.S. has been setting new records virtually every month since 2014.
Then, using our governments BUREAU of LABOR STATS:
Trump claims that the economy has grown more under him than any other time. However, if you go to this site, you can find more economic growth under Jimmy Carter, Kennedy, Johnson, and Clinton.
There is even slower job growth than under Obama. Compare first 35 months under trump to last 35 months under Obama and it is 227,000 jobs per month under Obama versus 191,000 jobs under Trump.
Real wages, which means they are inflation adjusted is 1.1% under Obama; 0.6% under Trump.
GDP growth measures how everyone is doing and not just the rich. This is 2.4% under both Trump and Obama.
Job creation is actually just slightly weaker than under Obama.
And we are always measuring from a recession onward as well as 3+ years of Trump as well as 8 years under Obama.
Why does constant exaggeration, lack of transparency, sometimes outright lies, and constant bad-mouthing characterize this administration? Why can't he act like a mature, grown adult who tries to some degree to bring this country together? Why can't he listen to experts when it is obvious he knows not nearly as much as he always claims? Enough!