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Topic: Angry seagull  (Read 649 times)


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Angry seagull
« on: June 20, 2019, 06:59:10 am »
I work in an office a few blocks away from Lake Erie - so we have a lot of seagulls in town.

The office building is an old converted funeral home with many rooms and corner fireplaces with shared chimneys. Over the past few years several seagulls have taken to roosting on the chimney tops. I don't know if there is an actual nest up there or not - but the damn things will sit up there and cackle-call for hours on end some days! Sometimes they actually sound more like chimpanzees than seagulls! The sound bellows down the chimney and out through the fireplace. It can be pretty annoying when I'm trying to work on something requiring a lot of focus, but most days I am able to just let it blend into the typical background noise.

Over the last couple months, one of the gulls that hangs out up there has started dive-bombing any and all humans who have the nerve to walk along the sidewalk/driveway alongside my office and he has a few loud choice words for you as he flaps by five feet over your head!

I can see no evidence of nests anywhere on the ground in that vicinity. But I gotta believe that's what it's about. Any other ideas?


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Re: Angry seagull
« Reply #1 on: June 20, 2019, 08:24:19 am »
I've heard that gulls can be a huge problem many cities deal with. I've never heard of a long-term solution to it, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with it so personally.

I can remember several years ago when we were on the Florida coast and they would come down and eat things right out of your hand. I thought it was cute at the time. How naive. Maybe your gulls want someone to hand-feed them.

Have you attempted to contact any animal control people for suggestions?


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Re: Angry seagull
« Reply #2 on: June 20, 2019, 08:50:10 am »
I've heard that gulls can be a huge problem many cities deal with. I've never heard of a long-term solution to it, and I'm sorry that you have to deal with it so personally.

I can remember several years ago when we were on the Florida coast and they would come down and eat things right out of your hand. I thought it was cute at the time. How naive. Maybe your gulls want someone to hand-feed them.

Have you attempted to contact any animal control people for suggestions?

No I haven't contacted anyone. It's not really a danger or overly bothersome as much as just an annoyance. I figure if it is a nest - at some point it will stop.  The seagulls here have learned to become outright scavengers. It IS kind of funny when you see them trying to fly off with an awkwardly large food item or fast food bag/container in their beak. They are very aggressive when it comes to food and other birds. And the definitely do not like to share, not even with their own kind.

The thing is = we have Cedar Point here and they love that place - especially the french fries. Mainly because there are thousands of people willing to feed them just like you described. Even for me, knowing that it sets a bad precedent - it still is interesting to watch the lengths they will go to for a fix. I don't feed them any of my own food, but I've sat and watched while other park guests do it.


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Re: Angry seagull
« Reply #3 on: June 20, 2019, 12:59:05 pm »

      I love seagulls! Seagulls are trying to tell you something.
Look at us in the skies...Born free, like the song, because we are free.
I like to watch the baby seagulls gliding thru the sky, learning how to fly.


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Re: Angry seagull
« Reply #4 on: June 20, 2019, 01:15:34 pm »
I work in an office a few blocks away from Lake Erie - so we have a lot of seagulls in town.

The office building is an old converted funeral home with many rooms and corner fireplaces with shared chimneys. Over the past few years several seagulls have taken to roosting on the chimney tops. I don't know if there is an actual nest up there or not - but the damn things will sit up there and cackle-call for hours on end some days! Sometimes they actually sound more like chimpanzees than seagulls! The sound bellows down the chimney and out through the fireplace. It can be pretty annoying when I'm trying to work on something requiring a lot of focus, but most days I am able to just let it blend into the typical background noise.

Over the last couple months, one of the gulls that hangs out up there has started dive-bombing any and all humans who have the nerve to walk along the sidewalk/driveway alongside my office and he has a few loud choice words for you as he flaps by five feet over your head!

I can see no evidence of nests anywhere on the ground in that vicinity. But I gotta believe that's what it's about. Any other ideas?

Can you build a fire in the chimney? lol 

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