I was at Weiss Grocery yesterday and was checking out. The cashier was probably in her 50's. I wasn't paying attention to her until my groceries were on the belt. I looked at her after watching her coughing like crazy into her hand, and her eyes were watering bad. I looked at her and she just said it's so dry in here. Yeah my butt! I would have never gone to her line if I noticed before but it was too late. I put hand sanitizer on immediately and washed my hands when I got home. So nice she coughs into her hand then hands you money back.
See I can see this from both sides. No I would not go thru her line because no it isn't DRY in there - she is sick.
Money is nasty no matter if she coughs on her hands then touches it or not. But at the same time - I have not only worked retail but fast food as well. And I went to work sick because I had no other choice. When you have to have a job and are told you either come to work or you need a doctor excuse you go to work sick.
I personally with NO insurance can not afford to run to the doctor because I have a cold. And usually a cold can last 10-14 days. You are not going to get a doc excuse for 2 weeks for a cold and you most likely cannot afford to take off work that long. Then you go back to most retail jobs and fast food jobs are part time so the people working them need every hour they can get.
But then I go back to the thoughts of where does this come from? The weather does not make you sick. So if the people who are sick would stay home and not get it out spreading it every where it would not get so bad I recently worked on a seasonal job, which thankfully has ended, and I was sick for 7 weeks. Everyone there was sick and basically you could not get rid of it. A lot of people missed a few days here and there but mostly people went in to work sick.
Like I said, I have "heard" chatter that the flu is suppose to be really bad in my area right now but I don't really know first hand or anyone who has it.