It is very important to have a solid cyber security policy in this modern age. Since technology is advancing pretty rapidly, we need to have strong security implementations and protection against threats that could affect it.
A good portion of the people in the world depend on technology to gain information/knowledge, express themselves, live, make there lives easier, travel, etc. If we don't have a good or strong policy regarding cybersecurity, black hat hackers will be able to control, ruin, and steal without any repressions.
I don't agree with the government having a backdoor to everything and also monitoring our activities online, but security regarding public and private sectors could improve. I read an IT article and they state that the systems that use Windows XP are vulnerable to exploits and such. And at the time, nearly all the private sector computers still use a version of XP in the system. Companies don't want to implement a new OS system in their computers because mainly.. it is costly. Work production will suffer because people are used to using a XP system and also because they are familiar with the OS (compared to others) and also they have to upgrade their old systems (which could cost millions or billions of dollars). I hope there is a good policy that bridges the cost and implementation of new secure systems