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Topic: Fusion Cash Basic's  (Read 241 times)


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Fusion Cash Basic's
« on: September 18, 2016, 12:22:22 pm »
This post is MY OWN OPINION and it may or may not even be true, but I promise if you read it with an open mind and and truly understand for yourself that I am only giving you FREE ADVICE!

Today's topic is on thing's you can do to make money online with Fusion Cash. This post applies to newbies, veterans, seasoned people on Fusion cash and even people helping share information with other's online. Signing up for Fusion cash is easy right! You put in your information click a few thing's and botta boom botta bing your account is created and you have a zero balance (except) for the five dollar bonus you get.

But where do you go from there if your new, or how can you help explain to someone how they can get started too. Each of us has our own way of sharing the "how too's" but where can you help someone new get going. The first step is to help them understand Fusion Cash is a GPT or (Get paid too) website where you perform actions and your paid. Second thing is they need to sign-up for the "daily email" this will help generate them at least $0.02 to get started. The third thing is to show them how they can watch video's and make between ($0.01 - $0.11) a video just for spending 30 seconds or less. The forth thing is to get them to do the daily "paid to click" this is where they can gain ($0.15) a day just for seeing 4 pages and clicking one advertisement.

With that said there are offers, radio, mobile apps and much much more. The area I like the most is the SURVEY'S. This area can add alot to your balance if you work hard and are HONEST and OPEN with your answers because little does everyone know companies that work with Fusion Cash track your answers to see if your qualified or disqualified for a particular survey or not. We will get more into survey's in another post to come.

Fusion Cash offer's mobile apps for those who own a cell phone or tablet which can make or break you too. Where you as a newbie can make most of your money is just being patient and by drinking from the knowledge of other's and me. Many people will tell you there is one sure fire way to get money built up quickly and that is what I am about to get into.

Awww referrals, the answer to everyone's problems. Fusion Cash pay's you for every newbie you recruit you get $1.00 from them confirming there email, $2.00 when they complete there first offer and $5.00 FOR LIFE every time they cash out. Sounds good don't it! Just for referring people you too can make money online. Your provided a link to share, and if your one of those who has a website or blog there are website banners provided where you can add it to your blog or website to get others who visit your website or blog a chance to sign up.

I for one have zero referrals that is no LIE! But if you contact a nice guy by the name of (oldbuddy) (you can google him) he will be more than happy to share his wisdom of how he reached 800 plus people and brought them as a new person to Fusion Cash.

With that said it is time to bring this post to a close, I know it was long and maybe boring to some but I am here providing FREE ADVICE to each person everyday!

For What It's Worth!
« Last Edit: September 18, 2016, 02:09:52 pm by Dvessella1983 »

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