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Topic: Free advice  (Read 300 times)


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Free advice
« on: September 18, 2016, 11:49:46 am »
This post is MY OWN OPINION and it may or may not even be true, but I promise if you read it with an open mind and and truly understand for yourself that I am only giving you FREE ADVICE!

You know it's hard to get or give free advice to people especially in a public forum like here in the forums where your "credibility" and "respect" is on the line. I have been online for years making money and I have even hosted and ran my own blog so I know a thing or too about helping people. Free advice that I give is like a lake of wisdom where you can drink from.

I am not perfect by any means but what I try to do is help people who are wanting to know how to make money online especially here on Fusion Cash. Here on Fusion Cash there is alot of great opportunities to make money for any novice or experienced user. What most people forget when they comment is what it truly takes to put a post together that people see.

I make a living helping people and showing people there are many way's to make money and I am not trying to offend or belittle any seasoned veteren out here on Fusion Cash privately or publicly. All I am trying to do is pass on my experience to help other's see the light and see that there is a way to make a fortune. Yes are there people out there able to cash out faster than others sure but those same people need to post helpful tips and provide video's where others can learn from.

Fusion Cash is easy to use and easy to make money online but you will not get rich by any means. The only way you will see your earnings increase is by getting referrals. I am not doubting or saying anyone else's hard work is to be questioned but I am not much into social media or sharing my link to other's because some people are right when they say they too have experience and wisdom and if it means they have done this for nine years it's easier to accept there free advice more than your own sometimes. Free advice is where I feel my best advice is. Yes do I help people sure but those people i help I am not sure why they don't email or contact me since I have no idea or clue how (oldbuddy) even got my personal email.

My belief is if your a veteran than you should be on Fusion Cash posting in the FORUMS each day sharing that wisdom to other's. Topic's are easy to choose from and follow those posts up with video's and other places where people can see and drink from your tree of wisdom. I am only trying to give FREE ADVICE and help other's online.

I have seen (oldbuddy's) website and it has alot of information and is well put together and I don't doubt nine years experience and over 800 plus referrals carries alot of weight but chances are even seasoned veterans can and will "wait" and by there time to make posts. I am not saying his wisdom is wrong or advice was wrong I am just saying that if your going to pass on FREE ADVICE then you need to follow it up with a link or video where those people can and will drink. The old saying is "you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink". What that means is I can pass along free advice but I can't force or get someone to accept my point of view.

With all that said, chances are there are some people who may or may not agree with my posts but I have to keep trying each and every day. If you are one of those who do like my advice than I appreciate your feelings and if your one of those who find my advice to not work then feel free to comment and share it with me. With that said I do apologize to anyone who was offended by my post but I am only giving everyone FREE ADVICE.

I know this was a very long post to, but providing FREE ADVICE and  encouraging others is enough for me to pass it on.

For What It's Worth!

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