I was told a number of years ago that I had gallstones, but that as long as they weren't bothering me I should just leave them alone. Back in early September I had a gallbladder attack that sent me for a loop. It went away after a number of hours, but I had ongoing intermittent discomfort. The crazy thing was that some foods would bother it one day, but not have any effect the next!
It took a month before I was able to consult with the surgeon after my family doctor confirmed it was my gallbladder through some blood tests. It was another month after the visit with the surgeon that a date for surgery was free. Thankfully, I was not in any severe pain, but just off and on general discomfort! (I even managed to ride the rollercoasters with my kids a number of times over September and October on the weekends when I was feeling stable).
I was supposed to have a laparoscopic outpatient procedure on November 4th, with four small incisions; but when I woke up from recovery and was wheeled up to a room, my wife told me that they had to open me all the way up and I would be staying in the hospital for a few days. It turned out that I had a very large stone right at the bile duct and it blocked the surgeon's ability to safely do the laparoscopy.
Our health insurance is not all that great generally speaking, but thankfully due to earlier unrelated issues over the summer, I had already met my yearly deductible and the surgery was 100% covered. (Sleep studies testing for apnea are quite expensive and two of those put me way over the top of my deductible).
Since I primarily work a desk job, I was able to get back to work after 12 days and worked 1/2 days for a week and am now able to work normal hours -- only taking ibuprofen for pain which is mostly gone (except when I sneeze).
Appropriately for this week: I am thankful for my doctors and my (wife's) medical insurance.